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A certain Roo.....

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    A certain Roo.....

    All right where is the Roo? Is he standing us up after all of this hard work. Damn you Kanga, show your face. Macks where are you? I need your help to field off all of this media. I will be right back as I do not think my sunglasses are classy enough for this soire'!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      A certain Roo.....


      Another plane load of international guests has just landed. I'll meet and greet. My new "do" looks good.

      Lush - hurry back - the media throng is throbbing.

      In 2 hours time, a specially commissioned hot-air balloon will arrive to raise old Mrs. K and her comfy chair to the top of the Rock (she's too frail to make the climb on her own).

      Any problems anywhere? OK, standby all.


        A certain Roo.....

        Damn, I tripped on the way up the stairs to the castle, or whatever you call this place, and broke my new sunglasses. I am about to lose control of my bodily functions I am so nervous about pulling this off. Where the hell is everyone else? You can't start planning a party and then bail at the last minute people. I will be right back........again
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          A certain Roo.....


          The Muffin bus has just arrived!!!!

          YAY!!! And let me tell you, they are all drop-dead gorgeous! Mike looks a bit - um - exhausted.

          Lush - there are 22 porta-loos just to the left - you'll make it ...


            A certain Roo.....

            Press Release...

            Powerful but unknown forces are at work in a small companion galaxy of the Milky Way Out, knows as MWO as reported in this day's issue of the journal Science.

            Something is keeping the structure and magnetic field of this galaxy—the Large Magellanic Cloud—strong and ordered, even while the Milky Way’s gravity works to tear them apart.

            A team led by RJ of the Magellanic Astrophysics Centre in central Australia study the galaxy’s magnetic field.

            “This is the most detailed map ever made of another galaxy’s magnetism,” says RJ.

            Amazingly, the LMC, is the Milky Way’s closest neighbour and is being clawed apart by the Milky Way’s gravity. The researchers were surprised that the LMC's magnetic field is so smooth and ordered, given the internal turmoil the galaxy must experience.

            “It’s like having a birthday party all afternoon for a bunch of 4-year-olds, and then finding the house still neat and tidy when they leave,” RJ says. “Some powerful forces must be at work to keep the magnetic field from being messed up.”

            There must be something special about this day, RJ says.. It just blows my mind. The forces of the universe are AWESOME.

            So what keeps the LMC’s magnetic field in order? There are several possibilities, the researchers say, but the process they favour is one driven by extremely energetic particles called ‘attitude’. This would take effect more quickly than the conventional dynamo mechanism. It also requires vigorous star formation to operate, so “stars bursting out at random all over would strengthen the magnetic field, not mess it up,” says RJ. “You could say this galaxy is thriving on chaos.”


              A certain Roo.....

              tawnyfrog wrote: The first lot of international guests has arrived!

              Neil - as you are the owner of the Scottish broadsword - would you please secure the perimeter and handle all security? Thanks.

              Heh-heh. Just saw this. Okey-dokey.

              Historical note: Scottish Broadsword is also know as a "Claymore". This also happens to be the name of a particularly nasty device used now days to secure perimeters, so have no fear.

              Oh, and just one more thing. My real last name is Scottish, and we have our own family tartan plaid and coat-of-arms. We'll be sure to keep the riff-raff out!


                A certain Roo.....

                Neil - Kate's right. Lose the kilt.

                Brigid - you're already excelling yourself. Knew you'd pull off a ripper!

                The balloon should arrive shortly.

                God, those muffins are gorgeous.

                Stand by - everyone -

                Kate ..... (whispers) got a bit of lippy on your teeth, love


                  A certain Roo.....

                  That Darn Rosemary!

                  Argh - I got all the way here and FORGOT the Rosemary.

                  I'll be right back. I'm sure there's a flight soon.........



                    A certain Roo.....

                    Har-har. Never owned a kilt....BUT!!

                    I asked a fellow who was doing some work for us, who was from Ireland, if he knew of a place over in Scotland to get a kilt. He said they cost about $1000 US. I forgot about that real quick. You don't want to know how much a set of bagpipes costs at ALL.

                    How about a pair of Levi's for the outback??


                      A certain Roo.....

                      Yup Neil - Levi's are fine. Especially if you've got some muscles. You'll need a hat. Wear it at a rakish angle. And secure that perimeter. We trust you.

                      Theyr'e all starting to eat the canapes. A good sign. Gosh, they're dancing beautifully.

                      I'm beginning to feel that this might work. Helen - hurry with that rosemary.


                        A certain Roo.....


                        Just over Hawaii now.

                        No worries, I'll come back with a fat one.



                          A certain Roo.....

                          Thanks Helen. See you shortly.

                          Right everybody. Brigid - you'll cover?

                          Old Mrs. K and her comfy chair have just been strapped into the hot air balloon. The plan is to elevate her to the top of Ayres Rock where the rest of us will join her and her boy. (Pssst - he is still totally unaware of the surprise party)

                          The balloon is being inflated as we speak ....

                          I can see tension mounting ... good to see the camels doing that synchronised eating thing.

                          Caterers are on the ball. The salmon vol-au-vents were wonderful ...

                          I'm starting to relax ... a little ...


                            A certain Roo.....

                            Boy, are you lucky I'm around.

                            That bus load of media and papparazzi would have had anyone with less ego floored.

                            They took a lovely shot of Mrs K above the rock... sun glistening behind her behind... It should be on the front pages tomorrow.. no worries...

                            Please make sure that when the birthday guest arrives that the secret passageways are used so that the best photo shots can be taken by the media.. we KNOW how important IMAGE is, now dont we.

                            And will someone take care of those pesky frill necked lizards... I think they are trying to drink the camels spit.


                              A certain Roo.....

                              HOUSTON ... WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!

                              BLOODY HELL - old Mrs. K's balloon has failed to stop at the top of the Rock. She's still drifting ... upwards ... threatening the flight-path of small aircraft. ---- OMG - she's appearing on the radar of flight controllers. The Qantas flight to Darwin .... gosh - she's gonna blank out VSAT.

                              Brigid - cover the story. Take lots of photos.

                              Neil - please keep the tourists at bay

                              Muffins ... dance louder

                              - we're losing it a bit here ... the camels are humping - gosh maybe we've inadvertently booked dromedaries ....

                              someone help me to focus ... geez how are we going to explain to TheK that we've lost his mother????? ...

                              i am getting a migraine ...


                                A certain Roo.....

                                Brigid - you are crucial to this gig.

                                But please note - the lizards are Stumpy-tails, not Frilled-necks.

                                And ... can you arrange the photos of Mrs. K's behind to be Photoshopped? I just have a bit of an issue about her VPL ...

                                Wow - the music's getting louder - this is good ...

