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A certain Roo.....

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    A certain Roo.....

    Mr. Bryton - could you please elaborate. What can we do to assist?

    Miss Arie will be sadly missed. Guess that's the Nature of things.

    PS - thank you for the CD.


      A certain Roo.....


      Thank you to everyone for such a bloody bonza birthday............this was all such a surprise! Nobody said a word to! Bloody beaut mates :l :h :l

      By the way.... has anyone seen me mother?
      :k TheKanga


        A certain Roo.....


        Struth! What a do! How the bloody hell did I end up in this cupboard with me kilt round me ears?? Never mind..... it was a bloody beaut do.

        Fan..... me grandparents were Scottish .....:upset:

        And where's
        me bloody mother?
        :k TheKanga


          A certain Roo.....

          Kanga.. read the posts.. your mum is in the portaloo...

          perhaps she needs her son's help to get her out of there.. cant be nice.

          dont eat too much cake

          And if anyone should require the editorial and media services of Marketing Waffling Officialdom(MWO) please dont hesitate to contact me.



            A certain Roo.....

            Brigid - I'm exhausted. Been cleaning up for hours and mustn't be thinking straight. I've just had all the portaloos towed away - didn't check them. So, I s'pose the old biddy's still in there, on her way to who-knows where.

            Everyone's gone. Think I might stay up here for a couple of days and watch the sunset.

            PS. Thanks for your excellent work


              A certain Roo.....

              Group hug.. Tawny it was a blast.. Kate.. what can I say... everyone.. what a hoot.

              Kanga, I havent met you before.. i'm brigid and I hope you dont mind me gatecrashing your 'do'... anyway, hoppy birthday!!!!

              [mental note: must remember to make sure Tawn thinks I like her.. after all, if she thinks I dont, who knows how she will dispose of ME]

              ooo roo


                A certain Roo.....

                Spot on Brigid

                I'd also like to say thanks to everyone who contributed to a lovely thread about a great party for a fantastic bloke.



                  A certain Roo.....

                  i sure enjoyed the kanga's thingy! worth the international trip!


                    A certain Roo.....

                    Ms. Arie

                    Ms. Arie recognizes that the birthday boy must be a very special gentleman to have had friends go to such great lengths for him. This makes her regret missing the festivities even more.
                    I would like you to know that your party ideas and events have inspired Ms. Arie to write a song about it all. She can hear the music in her head, but is having trouble with the lyrics...Would it be possible to impose upon your group to help her out with opening lines, or the chorus?

                    Thank you for any contributions-

                    Mr. Bryton
                    Publicist/India Arie


                      A certain Roo.....

                      Dear Mr. Bryton,

                      Although members of our group are still extremely tired and emotional following the party at Ayres Rock, we have at short notice written some lyrics for Ms. Arie's consideration. The lyrics have a Country/Soul feel to represent the vastness and beauty of the Australian Outback.


                      "It's lonesome in the saddle when your horse dies,
                      It's hard to cry when there's flies in your eyes.
                      You can't really hum when the sun's burnt your bum
                      (yeee-ha ... yeee-ha, mon)
                      Where we'll go, baby I don't know
                      Maybe we should just let nature run the show."

                      Yours sincerely.


                        A certain Roo.....

                        It's Simple to say
                        It was a great paaarty
                        And the folks involved were just swell
                        All will be enshrined
                        At the back of my mind
                        and always remember as well....

                        In my head,you?re always in my head
                        In my fears,you?re always in my head
                        In my joy,you?re always in my head
                        In my tears, you?re always in my head

                        (Fade to Yeeee-ha, Yeeee-ha.......................)


                          A certain Roo.....

                          Just bump



                            A certain Roo.....

                            yip yip yip eeeeoooooooowww

                            I'm sittin' at my computer
                            wishin' it was a horse.
                            I would ride away to yesterday and start a brand new course.
                            I would stop the world - hell yes I would
                            and MAKE it stop this time.
                            I would make it not do Kanga's death
                            It has no reason nor no rhyme.

                            Yes - I would make it not kill our Kanga Man
                            It has no reason
                            Nor no rhyme......


                              A certain Roo.....

                              Well, I'm coming clean as Mr. Bryton, India Arie's publicist. I was new to MWO, and immediately confounded, bemused, fascinated & enthralled by the people here. I couldn't stop laughing and reading.
                              You all must realize, it wasn't just Kanga. It was you-every single one of you poem writers, party arrangers, dancing muffin, crazy loving friends that make this place what it is...
                              Sorry I dropped the ball when supplied with lyrics...I was so intimidated by all your witty repartee, I felt I couldn't possibly measure up...
                              But you know what? The lyrics the thread ended with now seem just right...:h
                              Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                                A certain Roo.....

                                Would anyone mind if we kept these at the top for this week? Bump
                                :h :h :h :h

