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Feeling good.....

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    Feeling good..... more addicting than AL ever was.

    Still at the beginning but feeling better than ever. I keep wondering what is different cause I have quit before (not for long enough ) and not felt very good at all.

    I attribute it to two things, the Alan Carr book and my diet. The book helped me realize I wasn't depriving myself of anything....except poison. And my diet has me feeling great. I am working with a friend and doing a detox diet right now. I've been making a wonderful vege slaw with hemp hearts (check those out, they are great) sprinkled in and a rasberry vinegrette. Add some dried fruit or salmon...yummo.

    Anyways, just wanted to thank MWO and everyone for all your support. I will be gone for a while but wish you all the best. Good luck and stay strong!!!

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    Feeling good.....

    akgirl - Im so glad you are feeling so good!

    I share your sentiments exactly, I have tried to stop before but only to try and prove it wasnt a problem and spent the whole time absolutely miserable counting the days till my next drink.

    This time was different and I absolutely knew it had to be for good. I spent about 6 weeks literally saying goodbye to AL and to my previous life before having that last drink. It was like letting go of a bad relationship which despite being bad I was completely dependant on. I had already quit smoking using Allen Carr's method and therefore had total faith in him if i made sure I followed the rules.

    As I step out of bed now hangover free I hit the play button on my ipod and James Brown reminds me every morning "I feel good, like I know that i should.....:notes:" as I dance my way to the bathroom :banana:
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Feeling good.....

      Thanks Chill,

      The book really made all the difference. I just don't think of my good ol friend AL the same way at all. Not much of a friend was he?

      Its weird cause I've been noticing this past week all the stuff on tv. I mean its EVERYWHERE! And so totally acceptable. Even just heard again on the radio how "some" Al is GOOD for you......what, okay, maybe very small amounts but....I don't know.

      I just think people are not given the right or enough information about AL. It is the norm and I wish they would speak more of some the the disclaimers they read at the end of a prescription commercial.......may cause drowsiness, decreased motor skills, depression.....or even death.

      To anyone still struggling....never give up the fight!!!!

      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Feeling good.....

        Hey ak and chill, I enjoyed reading your entries above. I am intrigued about the book you mentioned. What was the best thing from the book? Any catch phrases? Points you could share?

        It's funny, because just yesterday I was thinking that I am starting to like the af me. That is different, I have never thought that before. Take care,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          Feeling good.....

          Hi Hill,

          I highlighted so are just a couple.

          Our senses are the instruments on which we are completely dependent. To consume chemicals that affect the accurate functioning of any of our senses is foolish.

          Inebriation is the process of gradually deadening your senses until you are rendered insensible.

          Its a powerful detergent and can be burt as fuel.

          You would love the book

          Good luck to you
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Feeling good.....

            Great to see you back on this site. I remember your posts and enjoyed them in the past. I too have been struggling to remain AF totally. I have made changes, huge changes, but the two to three drunken episodes per month, rather than five times a week, are just not good enough.

            I too read the Alan Carr book and will have to check it out again. Sending you strength and peace.


              Feeling good.....

              Thanks ak, those are some very interesting ideas. I had never honestly thought in terms of my senses before. I have been drunk, and made no sense of course. It is funny how we put that poison in our bodies day after day. It's even weird how often I am serving beer to my guests, or guys are drinking after hockey etc, (I am not drinking), how much booze is a part of our lives.
              Take care,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Feeling good.....

                akgirl - ive also noticed that AL is all around, on tv so much. some great comedy shows i cant laugh at now as im laughing as people being drunken idiots... its too close to home at the moment.

                chill- i kinda regret not having had a saying goodbye to AL period. kinda like saying bye to a friend (although i know it sure as hell isnt) . i had been thinking about it a lot, but have been for years. it was actually the day i started reading on here that i stopped so yet again thank you MWO. determined not to have that goodbye to AL party as iknow it would turn into a welcome back party
                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                Keep passing the open windows


                  Feeling good.....

                  all--what is the alan carr book?? sounds like it's working wonders for you! please let me know!
                  :h getting better every day


                    Feeling good.....

                    hi bell,

                    Click on the thread below. It'll give you some ideas about it.


                    and yoo hoo AK, nice to see you.

                    J x
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Feeling good.....

                      Does that mean little Tiggs can't come to Alaska anymore? :upset::upset::upset:
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Feeling good.....

                        AK, I have been reading through old pages and pages this weekend to gain strength and this caught my eye. I too, have learned alot from Carr's book. I get something new every time I open it (several times a week).

                        I like how he compares alcohol to heroin. It's really no different (imagine having "heroin bars" that were legal that you could go to and shoot up in with fancy needles, etc), we're just brainwashed to think alcohol is pleasurable, a crutch and a reliever of stress, and it's legal.
                        I like to imagine that in my head when I'm in a restaurant with a bar.

                        He also talks about what brainwashing is.... With heroin, most people think it's really bad, so the general consensus is that it's not a good thing. The opposite is true with AL.
                        It's group mentality.... If 11 people out of a jury of 12 have one opinion and the 12th person has the opposite opinion, the tendency is for the 12th person to be persuaded to change his mind to agree with the group.(it doesn't matter what's right or wrong) .... Now imagine multiplying that by thousands. 100, 000 people think alcohol is great, a wonderful stress reliever, great ice breaker etc, and 500 don't agree. The 500 may think there's something wrong with them and that the group is correct since there are so many with the opposite opinion.

                        My hope for the future is that drinking eventually follows the way of smoking. Starting to be seen as the poison it really is ans staring to be very frowned upon (I doubt that will happen.... but one can dream)


                          Feeling good.....

                          Looking FP - Your post mentioning a jury reminded me of the movie "12 Angry Men" where one opposed the verdict and eventually turned round the whole jury. Maybe its not so crazy to think we can make the world see how destructive and devastating this poison is.

                          As Ghandi said "be the change you want to see in the world". I have already had amazing feed back from friends who have noticed how happy and full of life I am now im AF. What I notice is how huge the alcohol epidemic is now in our society but I also notice how much quicker many people seem to be waking up to its dangers. Perhaps its necessary to reach a certain critical mass before we can all wake up and see how good life is without it.....
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Feeling good.....

                            Im glad that your feeling good, it a good feeling, just like to wish you all the best and please pop in now and again and keep us posted on how you are doing.

                            I have read Alan Carr book, good read and good information, the only think is i did not understand was when he said dont stop drinking or give up yet, until you finishing reading the book. It took me a long time to finish that book, nothing against Alan carr, because my sister knows him.

                            This is the longest I've been AF, cant say that anything clickd inside my head or its different this time round, except that i have been putting in a lot of work into it this time round,( but also trying to keep it simple at the same time) but doing a bit different like going to meetings talking more about it face to face. But i dont think i could ever say i will never drink again, we just dont know whats round the corner, I am just enjoying the moment in time feeling !
                            Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                            sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                            my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

