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what a difference 152 days has made!

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    what a difference 152 days has made!

    I can't express how happy I am to be AF after nearly 6 months. It has made a HUGE difference on my life:
    My kids can depend on me
    My job can depend on me
    I am FREE. I can go anywhere, anytime, without worry.
    I'm still a poor bachelor but I have at least two nickles to rub together!!
    I don't miss regret, and missing chunks of time of my life, and trying to piece together what happened during a blackout. I feel like I allowed alcohol to steal precious moments that I will never get back.
    Life still has ups and downs and days that suck but I no longer choose to numb the pain away. I have almost completely lost the desire to drink. It simply does not appeal to me anymore. I don't judge friends and family whom do, but I see no benefit to me personally from drinking.
    I have lost a whopping 14# of body fat and put on 10# of muscle!!! I ran 7 miles last night no problem at all and my weight training is getting back up to speed. I highly recommend 100% abstenance to anyone struggling to moderate-- a failure to recognize I could not moderate stalled my progress by months... anyway, thanks to all for the support, and happy St. Patricks day!

    what a difference 152 days has made!

    Man - that sounds absolutely fantastic Gearhead! I think that's just great. I hope I'm posting that in about 5 months. I'm sitting at 23 days now - tomorrow is 24 . . . .surprised at even this length of time and how different I feel, so if it gets even better that's great!


      what a difference 152 days has made!

      Gearhead - That is such a great post! And inspiring, as some days are tough but it is soo worth not waking up feeling like crap and barely remembering what happened the night before. Just think how you will feel in another 152 days! I'm on Day 19 and shooting for the triple digit days AF!


        what a difference 152 days has made!

        You sound so good. I related particularly to the part "don't miss regret, and missing chunks of time of my life, and trying to piece together what happened during a blackout. I feel like I allowed alcohol to steal precious moments that I will never get back. "

        At every minute of the day you are your real self, and your real self is so much better than your drinking self. Me too. Making good choices, relishing every part of the day. What a gift you are giving yourself. Thanks for posting, you are a positive force.


          what a difference 152 days has made!

          yo friend

          Gearhead;824044 wrote: I can't express how happy I am to be AF after nearly 6 months. It has made a HUGE difference on my life:
          My kids can depend on me
          My job can depend on me
          I am FREE. I can go anywhere, anytime, without worry.
          I'm still a poor bachelor but I have at least two nickles to rub together!!
          I don't miss regret, and missing chunks of time of my life, and trying to piece together what happened during a blackout. I feel like I allowed alcohol to steal precious moments that I will never get back.
          Life still has ups and downs and days that suck but I no longer choose to numb the pain away. I have almost completely lost the desire to drink. It simply does not appeal to me anymore. I don't judge friends and family whom do, but I see no benefit to me personally from drinking.
          I have lost a whopping 14# of body fat and put on 10# of muscle!!! I ran 7 miles last night no problem at all and my weight training is getting back up to speed. I highly recommend 100% abstenance to anyone struggling to moderate-- a failure to recognize I could not moderate stalled my progress by months... anyway, thanks to all for the support, and happy St. Patricks day!
          :goodjob:keep those
          thots gyco:l


            what a difference 152 days has made!

            Gearhead, Thank you for your post !!

            You have truly INSPIRED me !! You sound absolutely great, and I am very happy for you !! Best of luck on your continued journey to FREEDOM :thumbsup
            Miss October :blinkylove:


              what a difference 152 days has made!

              Congrats Gearhead! It's sounds like you're doing beyond great!

              Thanks for your's so positive and inspirational for me!



                what a difference 152 days has made!


                Day 5
                "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                  what a difference 152 days has made!

                  What an awesome inspiration!!!!!
                  ROCK ON!!!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    what a difference 152 days has made!

                    Gearhead, it's amazing how your words, reflect every alcoholic's life story. You are a inspiration to me. I have said it before, I want to be like you when I grow up. Thank-you for sharing! Wishing you continued success.
                    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                      what a difference 152 days has made!

                      Congratulations, Gearhead on 152 days AF! I've noticed on your posts, how you just sound more and positive as the AF time gets longer. I am glad it is working for you - keep it up! Life is so much better AF, isn't it? :goodjob:
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009


                        what a difference 152 days has made!

                        Thanks Gearhead,

                        I really needed to read your story tonight. I am at almost 30 days AF. For the first two weeks, I was SO HIGH on LIFE! I thought I would never come down off that incredible feeling!

                        Now, its tapering off, and Im starting to wonder. I guess just reality is setting in. I dont want to drink and I am pretty sure I will not. Guess Im just feeling a little discouraged, but your story motivates me to keep going.

                        Im really happy for you!

                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          what a difference 152 days has made!

                          :thumbs: Way to go Gearhead!


                            what a difference 152 days has made!

                            inspiriring story gearhead.
                            thank-you so much for sharing..

                            overit2007 i am on day 29 and at the stage you descibed,reality and feeling not as confident as the first two weeks,,,,
                            still not going to drink but praying that, like gearhead, i lose my desire to do so...

                            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                            Bring it on!


                              what a difference 152 days has made!

                              Thanks so much Gearhead. I so appreciate when people who have this down or sure seem to post in this forum. It gives me hope that there is a way out.

                              I am so impressed you could run seven miles! Wow! Maybe I can get back into shape too someday! :goodjob:

