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Computer Problems

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    Computer Problems

    Has anybody had this problem?

    I cannot log onto this site from my home computer.

    It just says that the link to the site has been broken.

    I have been in touch with the IT guys here but all they could recommend was to delete all my cookies and browsing history and start again. That didn't work.

    In internet options I have added this site in privacy so it should work. '

    I am at a total loss as it is risky to log on at work so I haven't been here much.

    It's not like I can go to my IT guy and say "Hey can you help me, I can't get onto a support website for Alcoholics!"

    Any help would be appreciated.


    And hello to my old friends.... if this problem can be fixed I can catch up more.

    Shas xxxx
    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

    Computer Problems


    A place to start is tracert at a command prompt.

    You can tell which ip it is hanging up on.

    That might give you an idea where you problem is. It could be your IP provider.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Computer Problems


      Thanks Cindi for replying.

      I am not real that great with computers so am not sure how to go about what you suggested.

      We have a static ip address that hasn't changed and as I have been able to get onto this site from home it just simply stopped allowing to log in saying that the link is broken.

      Any other information you can supply would be great.

      Take Care

      Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


        Computer Problems

        Shas - are you accessing the site via Bookmarks or the Toolbar? Try starting again by doing a Google search for the site and logging on from there.

        Hope you get it sorted soon - we miss ya.


          Computer Problems

          Hi Tawns,

          So good to hear from you!

          Nah have tried that and it didn't work.

          Hoping Cindi might enlighten me.

          I really miss the place!

          Take Care

          Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


            Computer Problems

            No idea if this has anything to do with it. But you say you added it in "privacy"? What if you change that setting?
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Computer Problems


              Try this. At a command prompt type in:


              It will trace the route you are navigating in order to get to

              You will be able to see where the link is broken. It doesn't always help but I know sometimes in hotels I am in, I get stopped at the internet provider's IP. I am not sure exactly why, except perhaps they are unable to reach the servers that service

              ps, DO NOT post the results here.

              pm it to me, if you can.

              To save it, after it is done, go to the upper left hand corner, click, and choose Edit, then choose Mark. Then highlight the area of the output and hit Enter.

              You can then save the output to a Notepad or some other word processing application.

              While this will not fix the problem, it will give us an idea where the problem lies.

              We'll figure this one out. :-) I miss you, too.


              ps If you use a Mac, I am not sure of the steps but there will be the same functionality. Perhaps Tawns can help? I recall she is an Apple user? (I have no idea why I recall that, I may be way off base, but any Apple user can help if they understand what you are trying to do.)
              AF April 9, 2016


                Computer Problems

                Shas - have you got it sorted yet?

                Yes Cindy, I have a Mac but can't suggest anything ...


                  Computer Problems


                  Hi Cindi,

                  This is part I don't know how to do.

                  At a command prompt type in:


                  Can you please be more explicate?

                  Frustrating thing is I have to come to work to see what has been posted then go home try that and when I come to work if I can or have time look up to see what else I can try. grrr.

                  And I haven't time to read anything else!!!! double grrr....

                  Ta Shas
                  Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                    Computer Problems


                    Hi Cindi,

                    I have just sent you a pm so if you send your reply via email I will get it on my blackberry to try at home.

                    Thanks Shas xxx
                    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

