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Really messed up....need advice asap
Really messed up....need advice asap
Ok, I'm totally humiliated. A friend and I went out Sunday night, had a few glasses of wine, and she was telling me to get off on an exit I was unfamiliar with, and I crossed two lanes, and we got pulled over, and he knew we'd been drinking, they drove her home, and took me to jail. Seriously, I'd had lots less to drink than years ago, and was trying to mod to stop period. The problem is, 7 years ago, the same thing happened, but all I had to do was pay a fine, and walk thru the jail, and out, had my license, etc...they never sent me an SR 22, or made me do anything wasn't supposed to be on my record, ins. co. never saw it, but it came up Sunday night on their computer. That was in Texas, this is in Colorado. They gave me permission to return to Texas, I'm going back the 2nd, friends have told me to say my permanent residence is in Texas and I am only here some of the time, to check on vacation home and do a lil work for equine compounding. That why maybe the atty can get me outta the Colorado deal for calling in to a computer each day to see if your "color" is called, if so, you have to go in for a breathlyzer test...they don't do that in Texas, and I can't call in from Texas and get it done....but here, they will do house arrest in lieu of jail, and they don't do that in Texsas....I'm meeting with my atty. here at 3:30 so I'm sure he'll tell me what to do, but I'm just freaked out completely. No more drinking for me, this is insane to do to ourselves, getting in sooo much trouble, this is my rock bottom for sure. Anyway, all advice is appreciated, does anyone know how long they can go back to count this as a second DUI, I googled, and they say they can only usually go back 5 yrs. I'm scared, shaking, crying and throwing up. House arrest here would beat jail in Texas for sure, I have to come back here for court anyway. Sorry to be such an awful example, I'm humiliated to death."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"Tags: None
Really messed up....need advice asap
All I can do is to offer you my encouragement to not drink and be grateful no one was hurt. I have no idea as to the legalities of your situation. Maybe someone else will be able to help in that regard. What matters is that no one was hurt and the humiliation will fade over time. :l
Really messed up....need advice asap
TIT, been there. Georgia is one of the TOUGHEST DUI states, and in some county you do a mandatory 3 days in jail. In all counties you lose license for 3 months, 12 months probation, 40 hours community service, period. Yes, it is sheer lunacy! Never, EVER, again. Here, if they get you, you DON'T get out of it! Good luck. I understand how you feel, and will NEVER forget it. Take deep breaths, try to calm down. It could have been worse; you or someone else could have been hurt or killed, and then you would be facing prison time. This was God sending you a warning, or that's how I felt about it. And I wasn't even driving, just on the side of the road (long story!). Drunk driving is a big push now with law enforcement, and they don't like to have someone get out of the charges. Just hope for the best, do what your lawyer suggests, and keep us informed. :hug:sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Really messed up....need advice asap
Don't be humiliated, tough. We have all been there. Your attorney will help you. Try to calm down and remember that you do not drink any more and these are the consequences of your drinking. I hope you will stay close to the site, even after this is over, because I know you don't want to end up here again, facing jailtime. I'm sorry I don't know anything to tell you. I got a DUI, had to pay a $1500 fine, go to some driving school and pay a huge insurance bill. Don't know what to do about state lines, but I'm sure your atty will help you. Good luck and remember we are always here to help you get and stay sober! Good luck!I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
Really messed up....need advice asap
If you are done drinking, why do you want to avoid the going in for the breathalyzer?
You can do that. Not a big deal.
My son got 2 DUIs in Loveland, just down the road from you there. He had to take Antabuse. Ordered by the judge. He had take the Antabuse in front of a police officer.
Which meant someone had to drive him to the police station and watch him take it every day. He had to open his mouth and show he was not "hiding it."
Be done drinking, TIT. You did something very scary.
Been there done that. NOT judging.
I have woken up in bed with a new bottle of vodka under my arm and no memory of how I got it. I truly am not judging. I have apparently driven blacked out down the mountain, on the highway, to the liquor store, back up the highway, back up the mountain and into my house. The best scenario if something happened would be I killed myself, I could have killed someone else. The thought haunts me. Every day.
Be willing to take the breathalyzer. It is well better than taking the chance doing what I did.
You are not that bad?
Love you so much,
ps Even if you get angry as hell at me, I am speaking the truth.AF April 9, 2016
Really messed up....need advice asap
TIT, unfortunately the laws are getting tougher and tougher most everywhere it seems. I am in IL and it's tough here these days. Bottom line is that driving under the influence gets people killed.
I encourage you to call an attorney for help with the legal issues, and please do whatever it takes to stop the madness and stop drinking. I know it's hard - if it were easy we wouldn't all need MWO, AA, etc. etc. We HAVE to stop before something horrible happens....
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Really messed up....need advice asap
I know, I am grateful nothing else happened. I'm not trying to avoid the breathlyzer, they just don't do that in Tx., and when I'm there, I can't call in here to Colorado and go in if my "color" is callled that day, and there's no where to report to in Tx. They think they can get that part of this overturned since I don't live here all the time. I will see the atty at 3:30, my friends that own the athletic club, who's employee was the girl with me, got me in with the best atty for DUI in town, so maybe he'll be able to calm me down a bit, right now it just seems soooo awful and scary, and I haven't sleep and can barely eat. I'm not drinking, period, I know God was giving me a wake-up call. I'll let you know what they say. Love you all."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
I know it seems very difficult, but this could be so very, very much worse. Be thankful that all you have to deal with is some administrative and legal hassles. I know it's not easy but it might be easier if you try to keep a perspective of gratitude....
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Really messed up....need advice asap
Tough, you WILL get through this. It will haunt you, though, and for good reason. The humiliation of the treatment by the law enforcement officials, the trip to jail, all things that still are the stuff of my nightmares. We realize what true helplessness is when in that situation; they are the LAW, and they don't even have to pretend to be nice. (In my case, the officer was horrible, demeaning, threatening. He has since been arrested himself for domestic abuse. I tried to explain to people then what he was like, and even proved I wasn't driving, but he made it stick.) At any rate, I HAD driven drunk many times before, so did not feel guiltless. Again, try to calm down. This will work out, and best of all, no one was hurt. If I were to ever do it again, I told Hubs to leave me there. There comes a time we have to learn from our mistakes. Remember the sickness you feel right now, and don't get behind the wheel if you've had ANYTHING to drink. One thing I don't understand - were you tested in any way at the scene or while in custody? If not, I don't see how they can charge you with anything. I'm praying for you, girl.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Really messed up....need advice asap
:lOh Toughie - I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get out of the mess soon and I pray that alcohol will be banned of the face of the earth forever. Here is a hug.make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.
Really messed up....need advice asap
I'm really trying to calm down, and I am very very grateful nobody was hurt. They did a short field test, they said I had watery eyes, we were in the convertale, had been sitting outside, they just wrote this in the report, that I was unsteady, rapid speech with a thick tongue, which I get accused of being from Texas anyway.....I tried to do the breath test, and couldn't make it work, hours and hours later, I tried another one, took 3 times, and it was .9.....they didn't write that on any of the paperwork I was given to take to the atty tho, so I'm not sure how that counts. They say if you can't make the breath test hit the mark, when I tried in the field, like I said about 4 times, its the same as a refusal, but I didn't refuse. I'm so confused and upset. I guess the atty will clear somethings up. I don't mind doing whatever I have to do, I deserve it, but I just can't go to jail or not be able to drive, when I'm here in CO. I'm usually alone, and have to make sales calls, and can't not be able to get around."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
They didn't do a blood test. I looked in Colorado dui laws, and a second dui is only if you've had the 2 within 5 yrs., so maybe I won't be as bad off as it could have been. I'm about to throw up I'm so freaked out tho, I have to find a way to get a grip."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
This WILL be ok, ok? I've deserved so many DUIs and have never gotten one. I often think I would have been blessed to get one, if that makes any sense at all. This WILL pass. The biggest thing is NO ONE was hurt. I once sat in an AA meeting and the speaker killed someone driving drunk. Now, THAT, is something that is NOT easy to get past. This will be - in time.