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Really messed up....need advice asap

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    Really messed up....need advice asap

    You have mine as well. I see a lot of people around this area drinking and driving, and not just a glass or two. We all take a chance with anything which alters your frame of mind and judgement, for ourselves and those on the road with us.


      Really messed up....need advice asap

      I know, that's what my atty said, that everyone in town that is a judge or DA, are driving around having had lots more to drink than I did, and just being totally hypocritical and having no sympathy for anyone else, he said 2 of them just got DUI's and they are screaming about how unfair the SYSTEM IS...OMG...well, maybe they need to take a look at that. It is my wake-up call for sure. I got thru the DMV in 20mins. and the lady was really nice and even wished me luck, so that part is over, and she told me if I were in Texas when the hearing was, or at Johns Hopkins, that I could call a number and reschedule, so that will give me even more time. Keep the prayers coming, and I'll pray for all of you too!!!!
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        Really messed up....need advice asap

        Hey there-

        Glad everything went OK at the DMV. When is the hearing? Surely they can't keep your license until the hearing.

        Good job on going AF yesterday. Its hard, but I KNOW you can do it. You can always contact PP for information on the place she went to if you don't feel like you can do it on your own. The last I heard PP was doing really well.

        GG- So glad you checked in. Will you give us a little update on whats going on with you and sweet baby Gia?


          Really messed up....need advice asap

          Tough, I know more crap on jurists than anyone would want to hear. I was stopped once, because of an accident, with a child who had a 103F temp, and the officer at the block was a total ass. Turns out, the Chief of Police in our town had crossed the center line, hit someone, while he was drunk. Never a public word, and my child had to go to ER that night. The guy who arrested me, while I sat on the side of the road and had someone else who testified they were driving, has since been arrested for beating his wife. I don't know where we find the justice. We are DUE to pay for our transgressions, but it should be across the board, and fair. There should not be people, of any stature, driving drunk.
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Really messed up....need advice asap

            TIT, I can't even imagine how scary this must be. And I'm sure it's easy to be drawn into the resentment of "why me when other people have done worse than I did without consequence? If they didn't get in trouble, then I don't deserve to be in trouble."

            If I "got what I deserved" from my drinking & driving behavior, I would be spending the rest of my life in prison from killing others on the road, or I would already be in my grave from killing myself. But for some unknown reason, I never got what I deserved. I could have 10 DUI's and that would still not be "what I deserved" based on my actions.

            So I'm sort of glad that however this grand system works, we don't all get what we really deserve. Because if we did, I bet things would be far, far worse than they actually are for most of us.

            Just some other food for thought...

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Really messed up....need advice asap

              I don't feel like it shouldn't have been me, its just that like Ruby said, it should be straight across the board for everyone. I accept totally that I shouldn't have had even nearly the 2 and driven, and take my punishment, but I just don't want to be treated unfairly cuz I'm a I'm done with this behavior, never again, I know God shook me and I am listening..... Please just say a prayer that it works out and I can still help out our business, by calling on docs and vets, and getting around to survive. Love you all tons.... Anyone heard from Cindy???
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                Really messed up....need advice asap

                Tough, you know what they say about Texan's, don't you. "Dont ask someone where they're from. If they're from Texas, they'll tell you. If they're not, you don't want to embarress them." :H
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Really messed up....need advice asap

                  Don't I know it...I promise you, I've been all over the US and abroad, and I've NEVER been asked where I'm from more than in Colorado, I got here thinking Texas and Colorado were kissing cousins, and they probably talked like us....I've started saying I'm from Boston and just is, now when I go back to Texas and I've picked up some phrases and dialect from "Thannk Yew"....I get WHHHHAAAATTTTTT....from my friends in Texas....I'm getting my ass made fun of in 2 states now....oh well....that was why the atty thought it was so funny that the trooper put one of the biggest field evaluations for sobriety was that I talked with rapid speech and a thick tongue....omg....that's NORMAL DUDE....I could talk on the stand cold hard sober in such a twang they'd never understand me
                  "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                    Really messed up....need advice asap

                    I'm with Doggygirl - Things can always get worse, much worse then what we expect or deserve. Sometimes the simplest actions can produce horrible results..
                    Texas love, we are all praying for you. No one got hurt and that's the important thing. It could have been worse, but it wasn't and that's the hard fact.
                    M2L - If you want to to talk about Little Gia, I would be more then happy to give you an update. Just send me a PM.


                      Really messed up....need advice asap

                      Hey TIT, Gosh, I don't know what to say, I am happy that you are OK and no one was hurt. You are a very strong and smart will get through this no matter what! Something like this is really a warning from God or the Universe! If we pay attention, it never has to be this way again, or worse.

                      I am sending you love and comfort, my friend!

                      XXX Kate
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        Really messed up....need advice asap

                        Hey Kate, I know, boy have I had it lately....loosing so many friends to cancer, I'm up to 4 since Dec. 13th, and now a best friend with stage 3 breast cancer....its hard to catch my breath, and I have to go back to Hopkins in May, so yep, my butt is puckered up... I'm thankful nothing else happened, but seriously, I hadn't even finished that second glass of wine, I tried to blow the thing cuz I knew I wasn't impaired, didn't work, and that's how I got taken excuses, shouldn't have done it, won't do it again, it is a message, and I got the message!
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          Really messed up....need advice asap

                 SC they go back 10 years. Your officer may make a deal to make it first offense though. Depends how nice you were to him and how nice he is. Ya know so many of us here have been arrested for DUI. SOMEONE please learn something from our mistakes. A typical DUI coasts at minimum 10,000 to avoid jail. That doesn't count the classes and getting your DL taken.
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            Really messed up....need advice asap

                            brittzak;828040 wrote: A typical DUI coasts at minimum 10,000 to avoid jail. That doesn't count the classes and getting your DL taken.
                            yeah and don't forget paying a SHITLOAD of money for car insurance


                              Really messed up....need advice asap

                              I know the TX slur all to well, spent so much time in TX. Y'all start out OK but by the end of the sentence is sshhsahaahhaas hon! LOL! I am so happy the lady at the DMV was gracious towards you. Yes what we all did was wrong but thank God we are all still here to tell the tale and if we can keep one person from doing it by sharing our stories. Mission accomplished!
                              I do expect to meet you my friend when you go to John Hopkins. I buy you a nice AF lunch


                                Really messed up....need advice asap

                                Can't wait Mare! I just posted a long post on the March without the madness thread, ya'll go read it, my fingers are about to get carpal you all!
                                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

