My momma called it a 'burr'! :H Grandmother was born in OK territory, befor it was a state, then lived in Upshur County till she married my Grandaddy and came to Georgia, which she so loved. BTW, TIT, look at all these problems in another way. Have you noticed how many hits this thread has gotten? People are learning, being helped, by what you're going through. Not the way you'd like for it to happen, but maybe this is what is meant to be, especially since you're not going to live the rest of your life with the guilt of hurting someone. You're gonna be fine, baby girl, and you've helped a lot of people realize what their drinking and driving can lead to.
No announcement yet.
Really messed up....need advice asap
Really messed up....need advice asap
My momma called it a 'burr'! :H Grandmother was born in OK territory, befor it was a state, then lived in Upshur County till she married my Grandaddy and came to Georgia, which she so loved. BTW, TIT, look at all these problems in another way. Have you noticed how many hits this thread has gotten? People are learning, being helped, by what you're going through. Not the way you'd like for it to happen, but maybe this is what is meant to be, especially since you're not going to live the rest of your life with the guilt of hurting someone. You're gonna be fine, baby girl, and you've helped a lot of people realize what their drinking and driving can lead to.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Really messed up....need advice asap
If this helped, then I will be glad....just keep praying this turns out ok in the long run...I have turned it over to God, and I know he's in the drivers seat now.... Love you all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
Just an update, didn't get to see the atty. on Friday, but will tomorrow. I have worried and fretted as you know all week about the calling in and having to go in and do the breath test, NOT because I've been drinking, because they purposefully, as told by my atty., are mean and demeaning, and treat you just like they did at the jail, worse than an animal, like a are innocent until proven guilty, so he says this is unconstitutional to make you be on "parole, or probation" before you are even found guilty....anyway, yesterday I just had to give it totally to God, I'd made myself sick all week...went out with our neighbors last night for a burger and some company, and I hadn't had my "color" called since this happened, and the atty said it would happen 3 times a week, so I told God last night, that I was sure today would be my day, since 4 dys had passed without me having to go, that He knew I was doing what He wanted me to do, that I was here alone, with my precious pets, and that I'd have to have Faith and Trust that he'd let it go well, and I'd be back home quickly and without too much strife....I'm so feeling scared, that I didn't even take my supplements or use mouthwash for fear something would go wrong...I slept really well, I got up this morning, and called in to the number....AND I STILL DIDN'T HAVE TO GO....I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! Tomorrow the judge is supposed to sign off on me going to TX and not having to call in anymore, so maybe I'll be spared that part of the process. I'm day 5 AF, and feeling awesome, and it hasn't even been hard...when the Beast or the Devil starts talking in my it did as SOON as I heard I didn't have to go today...the Beast said..."oh, well good, you can have a glass of wine today"....I told him to get the hell outta my mind....actually I believe its Satan...God is helping me, I'm trusting Him, and Satan wants to pull me back...NOT....This is no less than a miracle that I haven't had to go thru anymore humiliation...I know there's plenty more to come anyway, which is fine, I'll be able to handle hubby was like..."I've told you all week to not worry, it may never happen this week"....I got TOLD YA SO, this morning....Its a lesson AGAIN not to worry about things that may not happen, and you CAN'T do anything about ANYWAY!!! Just an update....pray I get the OK to go home for awhile, then hubby will be here with me for over 2 wks when we get back...WHEW....going thru this alone without your partner, alone most of the time, makes things soooo much worse! It's a good thing I've made such good friends here and neighbors I can just walk across the street to, or go to the Athletic club and know so many folks, so I don't have to be alone all the time! I'm going to take the dogs to Old Town and let them get some exercise and tons of pats, 2 English bulldogs get alot of then take a long walk outside, its beautiful here in Northern Colorado today...gonna be upper 60's with tons of sun, then tonight...I'm going to our cool church...The Vineyard Church of the Rookies...and thank God in person for the help He's given me this week, and the help I know he'll give me from now on...he brought me too it, He'll get me thru it. Love you all....."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
BOY WAS THAT A FRAUDIAN SLIP OR WHAT....LOL....THE VINEYARD CHURCH OF THE ROOKIES....LOL..LOL...BOY THAT'S THE TRUTH...LOL....ITS REALLY THE VINEYARD CHURCH OF THE ROCKIES.... Maybe one day I graduate from Rookie!!!! LOL"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
Tough, sounds like you've been sent a lot of blessings through this. I understand how you're treated, and it's so demeaning. Hold your head up, pay your dues, and continue on your path. You have a lot of us pulling for you.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Really messed up....need advice asap
I caught that! Knew what you meant, so just had a little laugh!!!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Really messed up....need advice asap
toughintexas;829420 wrote: ...Its a lesson AGAIN not to worry about things that may not happen, and you CAN'T do anything about ANYWAY!!!
Don't fret the color testing it's a good thing it was the push I needed to sober up! Keep up the good work. I truly believe this will away, the police work sounds shoddy, the unfortunate fact is that DUIs are a cash cow for the state and they know many DONT have a case and will pay up without a fight.
Really messed up....need advice asap
I mean that was a'm truly a Thanks Ruby, I know all our ya'll prayers and thoughts have played a huge part too....lets keep them up for each other....thanks to each and everyone of ya'll that have called and been so supportive and offered advice...Love to you all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
Gear, so you had to do the color call in too?? What part of Colorado were you in? I tried to call you put got a fast busy signal, the weather was the pits that day tho, so it was probably my cell...I can't do the call in from Texas, so I think that will go away, they don't even do that in Texas! Tell me about what happened to you again???? Thanks for everything!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Really messed up....need advice asap
Im in Arizona.But it sounds very smiilar. I was assigne a color and then show up fo testing if my number came up. This went on for 6 weeks when my ex tried to take away my joint custoday several months back. She filed a pettion to modify to sole custody and went and tried to convivnce judege that I was completely unfit as a parent. She was granted "emergency sole custrdy" I was granted a hearing and was ready with my attorney. After 6 weeks of negative testing the judge dismissied her petiition, rightly so as her ground were not "substantial and continuing". At any rate, it was a wakeup call for me-- not the way I was to be a parrent. 100% sober and stanying that way> Next time she attacks I will be ready to countersue for sole myself. Approaching the 6 month milestone quickly!
Really messed up....need advice asap
TIT, just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and wishing you the best. This is a very tough time but you will make it through stronger than ever."Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."