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I just want to tell you.................

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    I just want to tell you.................

    Hi all,
    I am not sure if anybody will remember me but I am back, well not just back cos I have been a lurking for some time. I want to do abs and that?s the best place for me but I am not good at that and then I do stressed coz I shouldn?t be there anyway coz I have been still drinking but that?s where I want to be! I don?t do it right but the intention is still there so does that count?
    You know what stresses me the most!! Everybody I admire, everyone on this website and they are all so clever and articulate in their style! Me I struggle, and can?t spell for quids or express myself but do really want you all to know me!!!
    I simply don?t know how to ask for help and THEN accept it! I read the fears theories on another thread and all of it is so much like me !
    So my thoughts are that it makes us sisters or brothers?
    Duh!! I know what binds us, sorry I just answered my own question.
    Love you all
    Take Care
    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

    I just want to tell you.................

    Hi Sharon, Love ya and have missed ya. Good to see you!
    Gabby :flower:


      I just want to tell you.................

      Hiya Shas, of coarse i remember were on abs when i first started here...I wondered where you had gone actually or if you were trying mods or something else..
      As for the spelling and punctuation.....Join the club.
      A lot of people on abs or in Absville slip...including me....Its not something i'm proud of but its a fact and something we all have to deal with....And the ones that dont slip are great to have around for advice and encouragment.
      I and i'm sure everyone else would love to see you back in Absville....some new people there now aswell....We'd all love to get to know you for the first time or again...

      Take care Shas...hope to see you there soon...Macks...or i might have been wayneuk2006 back then....God i'm confusing myself now.
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        I just want to tell you.................

        Hi Shas!

        Hey Shas,

        Well, some people in Absville deserve an awful lot of credit, but truth be told, there are a lot of us who struggle too, myself being one of them.

        I have been loved through my struggles, and it has helped me keep gettin up and back on ABS. Yeah, I can be articulate, but being articulate hasn't saved me from being an alcoholic. I don't give a rat's *ss if you can spell. I care about YOU.

        Just start a day at a time, Shas. Don't think about tomorrow. Just think about today. Do you have the supps you need? The CD's? Tell us more about where you are, and we will do our best to help. It's scary to start, I know. When I get ready to start ABS, in my mind, you'd think someone was asking me to saw off a limb instead of just not drink! Pretty silly, huh?

        I'm just on Day 4 yet AGAIN, Shas, come on and join us!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          I just want to tell you.................

          Remember you?... how could I forget you sister?

          Dont beat yourself up my friend. Change starts in the mind with the thought that it might be possible. Sure its hard.. but some of the best things in life are worth fighting for.

          Hope to see you around the traps.


            I just want to tell you.................

            So good to see you posting again, Shaz. Hang on in there, you can do this.



              I just want to tell you.................


              Hi Shas.

              I certainly do remember you.

              I'm just crawling back up from falling FLAT on my face too.

              Yes, the shame is back. Damn.

              But I figure as long as we are still here, we still have hope.

              Hang in and keep posting.

              AND - SPELLING SCHMELLING!!!!



                I just want to tell you.................


                Hi Shas and everyone.
                Like you Shas iv'e been lurking around for months.(don't think anyone remembers me) joined in June and did very well for the month only to slip and slip.quite a gradual process as i slowly ended back where i started.I think the last time i spoke to you was in July.I often think of you and thought about sending you a private MSG but hadn't seen you around.I suppose the both of us have been lurking around at the same time.I too find it difficult to express myself and am awful at spelling.dyslexia runs in my family and I'm sure i suffer from a mild case myself.I always feel embarrassed and even had to ask my son not to ask me how to spell words if someone else could hear.My middle son attended a special program for dyslexia for a year. it cost $13 thousand but i would pay that again and again just to see him the way he is now. he felt a failure and nothing i could say made any difference.he now attends regular school and is happy to go.

                Any way i have read and read all thats been going on on the boards, especially on abs. the good news is that have 7 days sober under my belt and am hopeful.Shas send me a private MSG if you don't mind that is.I could almost hear the the stress through your post. Been there for a while too. hope you feel better soon.
                lluf x
                Yes i ran the spell check,its great.


                  I just want to tell you.................

                  HI Shas,

                  I am coming back for another try too. Sounds like a new group on our hands. Don't know what to expect the second time around especially from myself. I have started back on the topa and am slowly limping in.

                  Try, try, try again.



                    I just want to tell you.................

                    Hi Guys

                    Hi Guys,
                    And thanks for the welcome and support I have still been reading the posts for months but was not ready to start posting again.
                    Why can I understand other peoples faults but not accept my own! I have come to realise I have too high expectations of myself and an attitude of "if I can't do it well...why bother!" I am working on that part of me, but forgiving myself comes hard.
                    Some posts have really hit home especially a few from Neil & Mike about the fears and not liking feeling normal. By the way it's great to have such insightful and caring men on this site (That means you too Mack!).
                    Things are improving in my life, the supps and therapy are helping.
                    My husband is now addressing his gambling issues which have taken the pressure off somewhat but he will always drink so I feel its always in my face. That will get better as I change my ways.
                    I would love to be able to get the topa but its not possible so I have to accept that but maybe a small part of me doesn't believe enough in myself to do it alone? Sorry just rambling now but thanks again.
                    To Helen I have always loved your posts! Kathy I know you can do it, you just keep on swimming! To Nina glad you are back too! lluf I have thought of you, let me know how you are.
                    Anyway I better go back to work. It either a feast or a famine from me!
                    Thanks to Gabby Brigid & Tawny you are all inspirational !
                    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                      I just want to tell you.................


                      I doubt that anyone beginning this thinks they can actually do it. I think it all just starts with hope and determination to try THIS minute.. over time, that perspective doesent sound so shakey.

                      Nina, welcome back... missed you.

                      Iluf, I also remember you.

                      Gosh, I"m like the corporate memory bank here!!!!! Maybe I should get some new friends (joke).


                        I just want to tell you.................

                        Getting new friends.....

                        Hey Bridgid, corporate memory bank or're stuck with us and everyone who looks like us.

                        But, joking or not, we are all quite lucky indeed - eh?



                          I just want to tell you.................

                          Welcome back, Shas!
                          I SWORE I had posted under this thread the other day and I just looked now and to my horror, my original "welcome back, Shas" is not there... What the heck? Maybe I put it elsewhere or didn't hit the reply button....who knows! Talk about YOUR spelling! GEEZ!
                          Anyhow, I've missed you and missed chatting with you and missed your sense of humor! You always put an excellent effort forward and can do it this time!
                          We're here and support you tons.
                          We can even make pot roast
                          Love ya!

