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Say Thank You

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    Say Thank You

    Mama Bear,

    I posted this earlier on a different thread so if you didn't see it, here it is again...:-)

    I am here to thank you, KatieB, Spam, DoggyGirl, Nora, MamaBear, ODAT, Anotherday, IAD, Hippie, Gold, Mario, Overit2007, Eight Days a Week, Happy Chick, Mollyka, Spuddleduck, Bellinator and Stirly, Lavande for the support you all continue to give me...through your intelligent and inspirational insights, your experiences, your tools, I am thankful and extremely grateful. For those of you at MWO, please forgive me if I've left you off this wasn't intentional ;-(

    Doggy....loved your post this morning! Mama Bear, you goofball, Doggy is not a drug dealer, she must be an award winning saleswoman for Mary Kay ;-)...they used to give those ladies pink Cadillacs but now they've moved up to Escalades...hahahaha!!! Good Job, Doggy Girl! MamaBear, I love your Avatar! You always make me laugh. I have a question for you....are those strawberries on your hat?! TEE HEE! I love it!!!

    I am in SUCH a good mood this morning! The reason is, I was feeling so down about myself and all the hurt and pain I caused my family and friends by the stupid and DANGEROUS things I have done whilst, I wrote a letter to everyone I could think of whom I might have hurt and apologized, asked their forgiveness and gave them my sobriety plan. I cried while doing it but it was so cathartic. This was about 4 months ago. Well, you wouldn't believe what happened? It is the Easter holiday coming up, and I got home last night from traveling for work all last week and this week to find my mailbox stuffed with letters back, from people saying that they could tell a positive change in me and have noticed it for many months, and how proud they were. They all told me they loved me and forgave me, and man, I just bawled and bawled and bawled!!!!

    Doggy, you have said in the early stages of sobriety, a person is in Deprivation Mode because they HAVE to give up alcohol like they were being punished, well I am here to tell you that I am fully in GRATITUDE Mode! Now when I cry, it's because I'm overjoyed and not depressed because of all the alcohol.

    Everyone here at MWO, you must know that the positive change in me is because of this website and the people I've "met" and I can't thank you enough.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!

    With heartfelt thanks, and now bawling again,



      Say Thank You

      You are so sweet and I am sending you hugs and kisses!!!
      (and a hat!!)
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Say Thank You

        Rusty, what a wonderful gift you've been given, or should I say, gifts!! Your quiet grace has been a gift to me.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Say Thank You

          I have a lot to be thankful for -- stumbling upon MWO nearly two years ago and who would've thought that making friends in cyberspace is just so REAL!
          I am grateful to many here, you all know who you are:bigwink:
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Say Thank You

            LT;830825 wrote: Ruby Thank You! I've already read several of your helpful posts.

            I have just "reentered" the MWO community after two years away. I had a good stint of AF free under my belt but became too comfortable... so here I go again.

            The interesting thing about MWO is that many folks here are perhaps dealing with a HUGE change and MWO becomes a form of release, a form of therapy and an extended family. I remember Betty Boop and Starlight Impress must have posted in their sleep! BUT they became sober!!!!! I am certain that as long as we all have each others best interest in mind we'll all reach our goals!

            As for chat, it gives me a headache -- I can't multi-task or type that fast. I stick to the boards! LOL
            LT welcome back!!! I'm still here occasionally but yes still sober, be strong love, you can do it too ............

            Ruby, as ever you are an inspiration, and thanks to many many people that helped me along the way ........... Catch22 is one on this thread that I have actually met in person ............ thanks so much everyone xxx


              Say Thank You


              I certainly could not have even gotten started without you and teh wonderful folks here, Ruby -- alot of us new folks are fragile and hurting -- and you helped me with that!


                Say Thank You

                DeeBee;831169 wrote: I have a lot to be thankful for -- stumbling upon MWO nearly two years ago and who would've thought that making friends in cyberspace is just so REAL!
                I am grateful to many here, you all know who you are:bigwink:
                Deebs, you have been such a wonderful inspiration. I LOVE your posts, and your sweet nature. I can't even begin to name all the people who have influenced me here, b/c every time I look backm I find more names of those who were here for me. I hope and pray those I'm not in contact with now are thriving!
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Say Thank You

                  Ruby, THANK-YOU, and all the others who post on a regular basis. Who share from the heart. Who keep us newbies going. MWO isn't about "going it alone", most of us have tried that route.............we need friends, especially friends like you who know the ups and downs. Please keep all your messages coming.


                    Say Thank You


                    You are a doll! I needed that today because I am really sad. I would go to the Chat Room right now but I don't know how.



                      Say Thank You

                      rusty we should meet I am in the chat room now!!!
                      :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                        Say Thank You

                        I am thankful for MWO.
                        I became so lonely in my alcohol problems.
                        I try to mostly lurk and read, seems best for me now.
                        I am AF for 8 days now. Struggling with life, husband and family. So thankful you all are here and I don't feel so alone.
                        Thank you.


                          Say Thank You

                          Cool thread: only saw it now.

                          I too, am grateful to so many people here. Some have moved on, others are sadly lost to us for a while, others are have become "mainstays" in my life.

                          There are two people I would like to make an exception for and name: Oney & Starts. When I first joined MWO, these two ladies took me by the hand and encouraged me all the way :l:l:l

                          Finally, I have to mention everyone who have participated on Tigger World Tour thread: whether it be giving a home to the furry orange one for a week or two, or following and commenting on his exploits. It never crossed my mind that it would turn into the adventure we're experiencing!

                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Say Thank You

                            I'm relatively new here...and remembering names is not one of my strengths. I just felt so welcome here when I first stumbled upon the site. So many people encouraging me. So many stories that sounded just like mine that it literally brought tears to my eyes!! I didn't think there was anyone out there who could relate.
                            Thanks to RJ for writing the book, starting the website, the moderators who oversee it, the members who are so active and encouraging. I am on day six and really am in shock! Though last night was a tough one. Thank you all for your feedback and guidance on this exciting, scary, happy journey!! I hope I can do the same for someone else in the future. You are a blessing!!


                              Say Thank You

                              Rubes. I have my book that you gave me and use it lots and read the daily one daily!. I always look at your message on the front at the end, and thank you.
                              So thank you Rubes. We dont speak much these days, but I for one know that your concern and kindness towards others is 100% genuine.
                              All my love from rainy Wales
                              Cy xx
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                Say Thank You

                                RUBY "YOU GO GIRL !" IAD
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

