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Note to Self?

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    Note to Self?

    What's your name Spam?

    And how old are you?

    You know I am David, I turned 40 on December first ..Not happy but not buying an Austin Martin either...(Bollocks, I can't afford one)
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


      Note to Self?

      OK, I have never chatted before, I might go all shy!
      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


        Note to Self?

        Waving_not_drowning;831552 wrote: OK, I have never chatted before, I might go all shy!
        Give it a go...


          Note to Self?

          Spam, I can't believe they don't teach that stuff in Brissy. In NZ, nowadays every summer they have an ad about swimming between the flags, and they show you what a rip looks like.
          However, when you're having fun and there are currents you can drift off course. I got out of my rip by doing the right thing after a bit of panicking, but I had no idea it was the right thing.
          Wave, you're right. You could write a book about addiction using surfing analogies.


            Note to Self?

            Thinking of you D.
            Love Pan.

