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    Don't mind at all Cindi and you are more than welcome to keep up posted. I'm having a lot of sucess with Topamax at the moment, at a very low dosage. It's amazing when you get to a point where you're just not bothered by AL. I have half a bottle of white wine in the fridge and I keep forgetting it's there.

    I'm glad your husband it with you on this. That must make the battle much easier.

    I can't offer any wise words as this journey is new to me too but you have my support.

    Spam xx



      Cindi - I see on another thread that you've spoken with Dr Levin and that he's prescribing the correct Bac dosage for you. Great news. We'll be here, cheering you on. And how about, in the meantime, you lose the negative "I am a drunk' affirmation that I've seen in a lot of your posts recently? That might have been the case once but it doesn't have to continue. Because you won't let it. Go, Cindi!



        Knocked off about an hour ago because light rain stopped play. Successful morning was had. I used four of my longest extension chords to get power out to a gum tree limb which had fallen during the last storm and cut it up with the trusty electric chainsaw. Absolutely surprised that I could get power out that far.

        Since then, I've finished reading "Listen", a first novel by Aussie Kate Veitch (released in the US as "Without a Backward Glance") - a good read if you need something for a wet Saturday arvo. Support our local writers.

        Bridge - it's time for a bushy update.



          Had to go and do the bloody shopping....
          HATE shopping......
          I reckon Tawny's right Cindi. Don't label yourself. You're a very able person, one aspect of whom is a negative relationship with a certain simple sugar.
          At least we can do something about it (unlike some poor little kids that I nursed a long time ago who never made it to adulthood)
          Anyway I'll spare you. I know how it feels. I still go through the old 'why can't I have just a glass or two of Vasser Felix with my cheese like normal adults'
          Erm bushy blue is OK and still hasn't tried to shoot through or lose me in the bush. Yet.
          The poor soul is labouring under the misaprehension that I hve my shit together. I shan't disabuse him of this notion.:H
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19



            Cindi, echoing what Froggy and Bridge said. Someone I am very dear to, when I talked to them about being an alcoholic, said to me "you might be that, but you are also far more than that" It is only one thing about who and how we are. For me, I know I need to understand and accept it (and deal with it!) but when I let it be the total story of how I define myself I sink into despondency. I cant let it be my only defining label, if I am to have the hope and faith that I can behave differently and be the best person that I can be.

            Likewise Bridge, you do have your shit together! At least as much as the rest of us do!!

            Tawny - isn't it dangerous to use that many xtension cords?

            Spam - glad is all is going well for you!! You have taken such huge strides!!

            We picked up three of the kittens that we had dropped off at the SPCA last week tonight. One picked up an infection almost as soon as he got there (but has pretty much recovered) but two that were the littlest ones picked up the infection very quickly themselves, and have become very ill. Despite anti-biotics etc they now have lost a third of the weight they left here with. I am doing my best to imitate a mother cat!! :H

            I am upping the pace of my "get my shit together" aka recovery programme as from next week. I've been gradually been getting myself back into normal routine, but today sorted the last few things out all of which will kick in next week. Paying off the credit card (all those trips to Ak) plus am paying for a personal trainer for 2 hours a week for 6 weeks to kick my bum and get me back into pushing myself a bit (as opposed to going to the gym and reading a magazine while I turn the pedals of a stationery bike!)
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe



              Good Morning, my beauties. The sleep fairy has deserted me, at least until I need to be up and productive. Ya'll are very quiet this am. Is it a holiday or sumpin'? Today the push is on to finish (go back - WORK ON!) the housekeeping disaster that IS my home. Going in to rooms I never use yesterday I found strange and mysterious things, all of which were smelly and needed industrial gloves and barn shovels to remove. Martha Stewart would weep; it is NOT a good thing. Does anyone know of a use for leftover Easter candy eggs? They make GREAT weapons, I've discovered upon throwing them. Must have caffeineMust have caffeineMust have caffeine...........

              Oh, and Peeps can be used as lawn ornaments if left this long un-opened.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                Sorry you can't sleep Rubes....even better for having a super acheiving day though...
                I love your master plan Missy..... I certainly hope those kittens are OK....obviously better off with you Miss ?
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                  Thanks friends,

                  Yes. I am an alcoholic who dones an incredible amount of work for her company and it has seldom gotten in the way.

                  I choose to find a plan that will allow me to be all the other things I am in my life without alcohol definiing what I can and cannot do.

                  Erm, Brushy? Is that a who? I also hate shopping. Least favorite activity.

                  Rubes, hope you got some sleep. I slept like a log. So did Poulan.

                  Speaking of Poulan, Tawny, perhaps you should consider a two-cycle chain saw? Hubby has three. He keeps cannabilizing parts to keep them running and then gets the others fixed. He also bought a chain saw sharpener which saves huge bucks in the long run. Of course, we have many, many trees. Our last storm has brought him a lot of work to do.

                  Miss B, lots of work those sick little kitties. But, boy are they so helpless. We just can't do anything else, can we? My vet always laughs at me when I complain about the bills I get from the strays I find.

                  Good morning to all,
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                    Going horizontal now. Been a good TV night. Reminder: I must go to Cambodia before I expire.

                    I see the Tight Tucker's back. Noice.


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                      Well Miss Cindi,
                      You know the dedication and loyalty you've had to your company ? NOW you're going to give it to yourself.....

                      Cambodia sounds good to me Froglet. Can I come ??
                      I must be hori Dorry as well....night all......
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL


                        Spandau Ballet...Wonderful, Awesome, They just ROCKED Brisbane.

                        And I still love Tony Hadley.

                        When I was 14, I just wanted to snog him. Now I am older, I just want to do things to him that no 14 year old girl should know about.

                        So, here I am at 12.20 am, ears ringing and wide awake.

                        But I am sober.

                        Spam xx


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                          Morning Possums.
                          Slept like the dead last night. Lovely cool weather here.
                          So old Tony's still rocking is he ? You can't kill a new romantic with an axe.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                            Remind me to continue this AF life...

                            Very little sleep and up already, singing Tears for Fears songs. (They were playing last night too.)


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                              Remember not to drink alcohol.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - APRIL

                                Morning all,

                                Concert sounds great Spam. I just spent 6mins on YouTube watching Tony do "Walking in Memphis". Great way to start the day.

                                I went to a concert a couple of weeks ago which had an open bar. I didn't go there. Before I "got my shit together" I would have tanked up beforehand, continued during the performance and then not remembered a thing about the gig. Ho hum.

                                Missy - paying off the credit card is a wonderous thing. I'm surprised the National Bank hasn't chucked me out. I haven't paid them a bee's dick of interest in over three years.

                                Sleeping like a log down here too. It's nice to really get under the doona good and proper... says she, bouncing off into the day.

