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Anyone with severe sleep issues

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    Anyone with severe sleep issues

    I am sure there has to be someone out there with this-- I had a bad brain injury several years ago (not Al-- a level 3 concussion) and am not able to sleep-- benzos, sleep meds etc all do not work-- because I am not going to take them long term as there is an addicitve property. The naturals I have tried (melatonin, valerian, sleep1), have not helped and it would help to hear from others who have a hard time and have tried other things like I haveand then have found somehting. Benadryl is out because it really neevr made me tired and I also have slightly elevated bp so antihistimines are not indicated. Any info is appreciated-- it is better with less to no drinking but still not there-- adn those LONG hours are dangerous to me!

    Anyone with severe sleep issues

    Thrash, I've struggled with this for years. At one time, I would wake about 2 or 3, and not be sleepy again until I had to get up to go to work. I've been sleeping (most of the time) well, lately, but recently didn't sleep at all one night. I read and adopted some sleep inducing plans, and it has really help. Keep your bedroom cool. I sleep with a window open almost year round. Make your bedroom almost entirely dark. Even the light from a digital clock can mess you up. Don't have a TV in your bedroom, or at least don't leave it on all night. Don't exercise, eat, or drink (AL!) for 3 hours before bedtime. I found using the CD's, especially the self hynosis ones, work like a charm!! Don't take or ingest in anyway a stimulant for at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. I sometimes use Benadryl, but as you said it doesn't work for you. Put on a soothing sound (like a fan, or CD's of rain, waterfalls, etc.). Sleep deprivation has been recently proven to be a serious problem, and detriment to health. If nothing else works, talk again to your doctor, or go for a sleelp study. Good luck with this!!
    BTW: Sleeping less than 7 hours a night is a serious problem if it goes on too long. It causes, among other things, weight gain!
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Anyone with severe sleep issues

      Problem is


      I have done a sleep study recently-- they found that I just do not sleep andwhen I do chance to fall asleep I will go into deeper sleep quickly then get out after 45 mins and be up which is not what the body is expecting so it screws it up. Since I had no apnea they coudl only recommend drugs which should not be taken long term anyway. After my concusion they made me sleep for 16 hours a day to heal the brain-- fine except it is liek Michael Jackson going into the anasthtic sleep-- it totally screws up regular sleep. Any of the benzos really do not work aftert this-- I was on ahigh dose of restril trying to recover from my head and it was way too long for my body. Had to come off of it and it was liek withdrawl. So I sort of said-- forget that-- I do not want to feel like a junky! Lately it has been a littel better but I am still concerned as 2 hours a night with a 4 year old is pretty low!


        Anyone with severe sleep issues

        Oh ATL, as someone who's always struggled with sleep issues I do so sympathise...

        As well as the excellent tips already given, have you considered 5-HTP?

        And the self-hypnosis CDs, have you tried them?
        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


          Anyone with severe sleep issues

          Thrash, I'm sorry. I know what its like to have an action machine running around when you're crashing! Try the CD's. I've learned now to do it without using them. Plus, it's very peaceful. My problem is I have vivid dreams every night, and hubs says I flail around in the bed. I have restless leg syndrome, too, and Hubs says it's like sleeping with a washing machine!
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Anyone with severe sleep issues


            5_HTP? never heard of it-- I will research. A washing machine, Ruby-- that is hillrious!


              Anyone with severe sleep issues

              I sympathize as well.
              I had menopause related insomnia for 3 years, was so exhausted I ending up falling down a full flight of steps. Fractured my skull, required surgery, etc. After all that I still couldn't sleep.
              I am now taking an herbal preparation called Mellodyn & am finally sleeping well

              Tak a look: MELLODYN | Natural Sleep Remedy | Herbal Insomnia Cure
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Anyone with severe sleep issues

                ATL have you tried Zolpidem/Ambien. You can only take this if you really don't drink, because it can have nasty interactions if you do. It's different from most sleeping pills. A lot of physicians will prescribe it longer term. However, I personally feel it does indeed rebound after a few weeks and suggest the minimum dose and only part time.

                I recommend a lot of research, books and online. Through research I find my own problem is sleep maintenance (I fall asleep fine, just don't stay there), and have found some techniques to deal with it. Alcohol was a nice crutch but I'm over that now (I hope). Exercise, breathing, imagery. Herbals work good for me although they have differing affects. My favorite is liquid melatonin in the eyedropper bottle. 1mg puts me to sleep in 15 minutes, and I can take it as late as 1am and still wake up fine at 5am. Pill forms of melatonin don't seem to work for me as quickly, and make me groggy in the morning. Valerian makes me groggy for 24 hours. Calms Forte "Insomnia" is nice but also lasts well into morning. Keep trying though. I've seen a lot of variation in herbals between brands, and even the same brand year by year.


                  Anyone with severe sleep issues

                  Tried alot!

                  Ambien,Lunesta, sonata, rozerem, restoril, BZs like klonopin, some mild antidepressants that sometimes cause sleep for others--valerian, melatonia, sleep one,-- all of them-- I am just flummoxed. I will look up what you suggested Lav. I just do not fall asleep-- I will go days at a time without one minute of sleep then if I fall asleel after it wil last about 3 hours max with vivid nightmares abotu Russia and Germany taking over the world--, visions of what hell might be like-- crazy stuff!

