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Gentic Depression !

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    Gentic Depression !

    I ask this question at my group session the other day if depression runs in the family i was surprise, when my counsellor said yes. I ask because im on medication at the moment for it. But my dad suffered with a breakdown and i dont think he ever recovered from it,(maybe that explains the way he was with us when we were growing up) my brother at the age of 21yrs old suffered chronic depression and also schizophrenia. I know that bipolar disorder is in the gene but didn't realize that depression can be also. I would like to know if anyone that suffer's with depression and if any of there parents and brothers or sisters have and also themselves. Just out of interest dont want to feel like im on my own.......

    I Look forward to your replies and Thank you for reading.x
    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

    Gentic Depression !

    Both my mum and dad had depression, not sure about grandparents though as they were the generation of .....pull yourself together type thinking.
    My dad had a nervous breakdown at work. Pretty scary stuff at the time. With the help of AA and anti-depressants he had 27 years sober before he died of something completely unrelated to alcohol or depression.
    I've suffered depression on and off for years, but it seems to be all but gone since I gave up drinking. Still have the odd down days but nowhere near as the horrible black days.
    My doctor is totally behind the theory that it does run in families.
    Hope that helps.
    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Gentic Depression !


      Yep, in my family too. My dad had a breakdown when I was 8 (but it was all hidden from me.) My mum was very aware that it could be inherited and looked out for it in all of us. She was particularly concerned about my next brother. She missed that it was me as I always had a reputation for being confident and not scared of anything.

      Even now, I have not admitted it to my family. I am not sure if any of my brothers and sisters suffer from depression - I rarely see them. I suspect one of my nephews suffers. He is 30 and has never had a relationship, never had a job, claims to be an agraphobic genius. (There's more to it than that and I am not sure if he is lazy or depressed.)

      When my son gets old enough, we will have to have a chat about this but I am hoping he has got his father's genes on this one.

      Spam xx


        Gentic Depression !

        Depression runs in my family. Granmother, father and a brother. Father and brother are helped with antidepressants. Oh, my son also has it and has since he was around 13 years old. Medicine helped a little, but therapy helped more. My Dad is doing great, my brother is a mess, my son is good most days.

        My 20 year old nephew has been depressed since a teen too. He is also a mess, but struggling. Medication helped for a time, but currently he is in counseling and starting a new round of meds.

        Depression is a brain disorder and is definitely genetic. Medication and counseling have the best outcome, but each person is individual. Drinking makes everything worse. But I bet we all knew that, right?
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Gentic Depression !

          Hi Catch, I don't suffer from depression but my father and wife do. In addition I see a lot of people through work who battle with this issue. Like you said, I believe there to be a family connection - I would say it increases the odds but does not make a causal like of certainty. Have you and your counsellor talked about exercise and fish oils as a way to help with depression? I hope that you have a nice weekend,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Gentic Depression !

            Stargazerlily;831463 wrote: Depression runs in my family. Granmother, father and a brother. Father and brother are helped with antidepressants. Oh, my son also has it and has since he was around 13 years old. Medicine helped a little, but therapy helped more. My Dad is doing great, my brother is a mess, my son is good most days.

            My 20 year old nephew has been depressed since a teen too. He is also a mess, but struggling. Medication helped for a time, but currently he is in counseling and starting a new round of meds.

            Depression is a brain disorder and is definitely genetic. Medication and counseling have the best outcome, but each person is individual. Drinking makes everything worse. But I bet we all knew that, right?

            I think I've suffered since I was a child. Even when I look back now I think it was more than teen angst. I took 15 paracetamol when I was about 14 to get out of an art exam. I still didn't get found out - I was just ill the next day.

            Depression was explained to me as a chemical imbalance in the brain. I'm on citalpram(sp?) and it works for me.

            Good luck with keeping your son on track.

            Spam xx


              Gentic Depression !

              Depression and anxiety definitely run in both mine and my husband's families. I read a study once that said chronic stress can cause genetic mutation in that particular individual. The study didn't address whether this can be passed along to future generations, but that could explain a lot of what we see in society. We are a depressed and stressed out bunch. Unfortunately, it seems that the same things that lead to depression and anxiety also lead to alcohol abuse. Just a really bad combination of tendencies...
              "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                Gentic Depression !

                I was a young adult before I discovered my maternal g'father had committed suicide when Momma was 8. It was not something people talked about, only saying he was 'high-strung'. I've seen depression in so many of my family, including myself. Daddy's brother, a real achiever, suffered from it recently, and wasn't able to function at all for a while. With my family's work ethic, several said he just 'suck it up', and get over it. Doesn't work that way. I've been on an antidepressant for 6 years, and just got Hubs to start what he calls his 'sit-down-and-shutup' meds last year. It was so hard for him to admit he had a problem, but WOW! what a difference in him today. There is still a lot of stigma, especially for men, attached to it.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Gentic Depression !

                  Thanks everyone for posting.
                  Hillsidetime.... my counsellor did say there is a way of training the brain, he said because of my upbring and being in a unhappy environment as a child the brain is use to that way so it imbalance, but i will be talking to him soon!
                  spam..... im on the same med as you and they are working for me.
                  Star... im glad you mention about your son i think i need to keep an eye on my daughter because at the age of 10 she started getting panic attacks i inform her teacher and she has notice it as well but the doctor thought it was all in her head, but she has all the signs there of a panic attack. Her last one was last year she 14 now, im hoping she does not get no more it is scary seeing her get them, i do not fuss to much, she knows now how to handle it by keeping calm.
                  Thanks again everyone you have really helped and put my mind at rest.....x
                  Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                  sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                  my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                    Gentic Depression !

                    dual diagnosis?

                    Depression runs in my family also but so does HYPOTHYROIDISM. When your thyroid goes awry your whole system is whacked. I know that so much has been posted about the condition... DoggieGirl has provided some very useful posts. I am on anti-depressants and thyroid meds. I had a Dr. that kept leaning towrds a Bi-Polar diagnosis andhad me on Abilify, Remeron, Seroquel (at various) Finally I said ENOUGH-- let's get back to basics. I saw an
                    endocrinologist and I'm still a work in progress (aren't we all?)

                    I'm on Day 7 (again) but this time I feel like the kid that is back at college after messing up his first two years and NOW is back to graduate. I FEEL GREAT! PM me if you want to chat further...

                    LT formerly known as stillcrawling

