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Online Topomax - UK

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    Online Topomax - UK


    I hope that everyone is having a good day, its only 10.30 in the morning here in not so sunny England, and I'm hoping that I'll have a good day.

    Could someone tell me whether it is safe to order Topomax online, and if so where would you order it from?? There is an awful ad on the TV about what harmful things they put in to these drugs that arent from the doc, I really do think that I need them, but I'm so scared in case I get something dodgy?? I really do not want to go to my doc, I dont want that on my medical record, plus as stupid as it sounds, I have children, what would the doc do if I went and said that I have a big problem with drink, would they flag me with social services as a danger to my kids??? It scares me to death.


    Online Topomax - UK

    As far as I know here in the UK GPs do not have contact with Social Services unless questions are asked of the them, or you tell them your children are in danger. That sort of whispering doesn't go on.

    My Dr is aware of my problems and has been very supportive as well as referring me to various agencies who can assist. If you can avoid this and sort it out yourself that's great, however if later on you have problems or are ill through it then they will need to know. By the way employers don't get to know either unless it's pointed out to them - once again they have to ask specifics and can't go digging around willy-nilly.

    I bought Topa online but just didn't like the sides at all. Many years ago I bought some Antabuse online and had a bad reaction to it after 1 week of taking it - and no I certainly didn't drink on it. The GP I saw at the time was very dismissive and told me off for buying stuff online.

    So there is genuine stuff out there and others here will be able to point you in the right direction.


      Online Topomax - UK

      north girl
      Buy Prescription & Generic Drugs Online - International Pharmacy is where I got my topa. Quick and reasonably priced (get generic)
      :h getting better every day

