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alcoholic blackouts

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    alcoholic blackouts

    i was reading on the internet yesterday about alcoholic blackouts. scary stuff, stories of people who had done terrible things whilst blacked out. in the last year i always had huge blanks after drinking. i could have gone out to the pub and not even remembered leaving the house, no idea who i had seen, what i had done etc etc. this became the norm for me. the articles said that most people realise that if they are blacking out that they have a huge problem with alcohol. why the hell did i still carry on. every morning i would wake up, check my surroundings, was i at home, was i in bed, what did i do. my brain should have told me this was really bad, but no.. i carried on. has anyone else had this level of black out and carried on regardless.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    alcoholic blackouts

    Hi spuddleduck, yes I have had black outs like you. What I was also finding was that I was having almost functional evenings, drinking a lot, and not remembering much. So not the wake up in anothe town black out, but Christmas party blackouts. Like you say, this is a sign for sure. I kept drinking no matter how stupid I got. Not any more. Happy Easter,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      alcoholic blackouts

      Oh yes, I was playing with fire... I was on meds and would drink. The "episodes" were few but enough to rattle me. I also have a tendency not to eat when drinking because of calories -- how DUMB was I???? I think I can one up everyone here in the poor choices, embarassing situations category. Pathetic! But no more!

      Today I am a responsible adult who cares about me and my well-being! :h

      Have a wonderful day!
      LT formerly known as stillcrawling


        alcoholic blackouts


        I drank to the point of blackout 7 days a week, for years on end. I carried on regardless.

        Most night I just passed out in bed, but there have been times that I couldn't remember how I got home, or even when I decided to go home. I have recollections of the 1st half of dinner parties at our house, everything after the main course a black hole. I am told that I've had telephone conversations, have sent texts, held (probably slurred) conversations etc etc. - all a mystery to me.

        Thank dog that is all behind me now. I still talk nonsense sometimes (some would say incessantly) , but at least I can remember it
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          alcoholic blackouts

          In 30+ years of drinking....

          I was more of a pass out drinker than a black out drinker, but given the LONG drinking career, had plenty of scary blackouts in addition to the usual passouts.

          Sheri - I can relate to the REALLY bad early experiences of 1) drinking something (for me, Southern Comfort) until I was SO sick and blacked out. Then rather than thinking "maybe I shouldn't drink..." I just thought "maybe I just shouldn't drink Southern Comfort..." Duh. 2) waking up one day in the bathroom at the dorms with my head in one stall, my feet in anther, and my belly in another. I had puke / pee all over me and no recollection of how I got home or got there. But again, I didn't see any reason or warning to not drink.

          Oh yes...the insanity of it all.

          :H Tip, I still forget stuff. Now I just know that I come by my forgetting righteously instead of through the bottle! :H

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            alcoholic blackouts

            it really is crazy what the demon AL brain talks us into thinking is ok. when i was younger i would forget bits of conversation but remember them when prompted but the later stuff was completly GONE. im very lucky nothing really bad happened. i hope never to be in that place again.
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              alcoholic blackouts

              Isn't it amazing how the shame of it all keeps us so isolated with our "secrets" and here we find out how much insanity we all have in common.....

              Cunning, baffling, powerful indeed. But together we can kick it.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                alcoholic blackouts

                Doggygirl;833010 wrote: Isn't it amazing how the shame of it all keeps us so isolated with our "secrets" and here we find out how much insanity we all have in common.....

                Cunning, baffling, powerful indeed. But together we can kick it.

                yes indeed doggygirl,thats why its so great to be here,we can all relate,we all know what its really like and yes together we can kick it :goodjob:

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  alcoholic blackouts

                  Tip meet your twin, well almost, prob drank to black out 3-4 times a week and couldnt remember huge parts of the night.
                  Crazy, scary, self destructive behaviour :no:
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    alcoholic blackouts

                    I had blackout since I was 14 years old and carried on for 30+ years. It always scares me and I drink to blackout anyways. It is insanity. I wonder what I have done to my brain, let alone my liver. It is part of the illness and is cunning, baffling, and powerful.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      alcoholic blackouts

                      I don't think I ever drank with the intention of blacking out or passing out, but it happened a few times and each time it would scare me sober for a few days, until my body recovered. I've only passed out twice, but I've had a few blackouts or partial blackouts, where you only remember pieces of what happened. The worst of that is when I'd had conversations with people where important info had been relayed and yet I couldn't even remember the conversation. I managed to bluff my way through a few of those, but always felt dark afterwards. Didn't stop me though did it?
                      I just had a thought when someone said they used to not eat while drinking. I had to eat before drinking, or I'd be in the loo vomiting my guts up before the night was half over. Like Sheri, I really can't handle alcohol, but didn't listen. The bizarre thing is that the vomiting would've probably been better for me and I would've drunk less, but I always thought if people saw me vomiting they'd assume I'd had way too much. So I'd eat and keep it down and drink more. ull


                        alcoholic blackouts

                        I never really use to black out because I would stay up doing drugs all night after drinking, and then lie in bed and wonder why I did this time my self while I couldn't sleep.

                        but I have noticed in the last couple months when I havn't been doing drugs and drinking that I am starting to black out a lot more often, thats part of the reason I have joined this site and decided to go AF.

                        Its a wonder I never killed my self or someone else with my drinking and driving, or over dosed...I just really hope I can come to terms with my past and let go of the party..and move on.

                        lol this is a little off topic, but what is everyones thoughts and feelings about peeing the bed drunk/blacked out?


                          alcoholic blackouts

                          When I drink, I black out.

                          A fifth of Vodka will do that to you.
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            alcoholic blackouts

                            Yep, by far the thing I hate the most about my fairly brief binging career. My daughter saying something about something I said or did, and having zero recollection of. Having people mention shit I did. DRIVING, going to store, doing things as a zombie. Aweful, aweful, aweful. If I never get blackout drunk again it will be too soon.


                              alcoholic blackouts

                              Hi Spuddleduck
                              God, blackouts! So scarey. Having to pretend the next day that you remember what happened to the friends you were with at the time. I have done some pretty awful things and not remembered,but would have a vague realisation that more went on the night before, than my brain could recollect! I sometimes think if someone videod you while you were in a drunken state, you probably wouldnt do it again, who knows. The amount of places I avoid because ive blacked out and cant remember what ive done is unreal. The anxiety and shame that goes with it all is bottomless, but never enough to stop me from doing the same thing again, thats the definition of madness, im sure.
                              Anyway, thank God for places like this, it seems we all understand each other as we have all been there x:thanks:

