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Ho Hum no sleep again..

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    Ho Hum no sleep again..

    well here we go again..
    sleepless in seatle zone again..
    was taking anti-histamine tabs, seemed to work fne but made me drowsy in the morn..and was hoping I could get to do it alone
    melatonin is very expensive,
    a kind member sent me sleep theropy mp3's they worked, but after a while I knew what was being said and couldn't get into it anymore..
    so here I am wide awake..
    I have even taken to stupid farmville..
    something I poo poo'd off as being a time waster and a con, when it wants you to pay in cash for some things.

    I am now playing spelling out words in the crops I am soo bored..

    golly must be boring anybody that is reading this..

    is any body else going thru this at the mo??
    I know it's a price we must pay for getting clean or on the road to be..
    but lifes a bitch when we try and do it right we get bit up the bum for doing it......

    Ho Hum no sleep again..

    This too shall pass, hon. I've had times I didn't sleep a wink at night, but mostly I sleep well. I listen to hypno CD's to help, or read. Good luck, sweetie.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Ho Hum no sleep again..

      LJ, have you tried Melatonin time released - m3 mg?

      If I can send you some, I will. Just let me know if you can't receive them there, etc. pm me
      Enlightened by MWO


        Ho Hum no sleep again..

        thanks rubes..
        it's a strange sleepless.. not sad or bad.. just can't sleep..
        had such great time with ollie at easter and was hard for him to go back last night..
        s'pose that has a lot to do with it..
        bed is cold again with out my little man in it to cuddle.


          Ho Hum no sleep again..

          SKendall;833619 wrote: LJ, have you tried Melatonin time released - m3 mg?

          If I can send you some, I will. Just let me know if you can't receive them there, etc. pm me
          hi skendall,
          yes I can get melatonin here, but it's quite expensive, thats why I tried with the anti-histamine stuff
          I never knew that worked for sleep..
          I thought it was for colds and alergies.?????
          just I don't wanna take anything that may become addictive if I can
          thankyou for the offer, very kind of you..:h


            Ho Hum no sleep again..

            Try taking a nice relaxing bath before bed with about 2 cups of epsom salt added into it, have the water as hot as you can stand it, and stay in for at least 20 minutes...the minerals from the salt will replenish what alcohol has taken from your body, and also give you a sense of relaxation.

            I also use the guided relaxation MP3's...even when I know what they're going to say, I still drift off into sleep night after night. Can you download different ones? There are a lot to choose from, and then you would be able to rotate which ones you were listening to.

            Get into a good will keep you occupied until you just can't keep your eyes open one more second....

            If all else fails, just remember "this too shall pass" Ruby said.

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Ho Hum no sleep again..

              i can't sleep either LJ,
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Ho Hum no sleep again..

                hi K9 lover..I would love to able to have a bath..
                I don't mean I am dirty..
                just that I have a bath tub but my water heater will only fill enough to cover your feet..!!!
                oh the joys of living in a civilised country..:H
                when I bath ollie I have to run 3 times the heater just enough for him to sit and cover his bum...

                bring back the gas water heaters..
                endless hot water.. pure bliss...

                Hi JC..
                you at it as well kiddo..?
                are you cooking tho ??
                or just vegging in front of the pc..??


                  Ho Hum no sleep again..

                  Just surfing the boards,LJ and writing a few PMs
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009

