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Party Survival

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    Party Survival

    Just wanted to share this
    Iwent to a big 50th Party yesterday - started at 4pm - finished late.
    Live band - lots of people and well stocked free bar.
    I went till 7pm without a single drink (just water/tea etc)
    I was thinking of everyone here - all the support
    everyone around me was tucking in like they were expecting a drought (especially my husband)
    I had just 3 glasses of champagne during a long evening.
    I was SO PLEASED with myself.
    About 11 just before leaving I got in a conversation with a woman who was so pissed - she could barely communicate.
    She was staggering - repeating herself - interupting - swearing - and finally fell of her chair.
    I was so pleased - that wasn't me......... (this time)
    Take heart - we can do it
    Regards Changeling xx

    Party Survival

    Wow, Changling well done and thats for sharing with us.
    It is quite an eye open to be sober at a party and see people do what we normally do isn't it?
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      Party Survival

      Reading my post back - I might sound a bit smug.
      But thats not the case.
      I have been that other woman - so many times - I've lost count
      So many mornings of waking up with terrible feelings of regret
      what did i do -
      did anyone notice how drunk I was (of course they did)
      cant remember the end of the evening
      full of such self loathing
      BUT I got into bed last night - clear headed - knowing all was well in my little world
      and woke up happy to be me.
      What a difference....


        Party Survival

        You've got every reason to feel smug...I WOULD...I'd be pointing and tutting and shaking my head...LOL...well done.

        I went to a 50th recently, with lots of people drinking round me and i had to leave...You should be proud of yourself.
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          Party Survival

          Well done, Changeling. My problem is that even if I'd managed to have only 3 at the party, I'd pick something up on the way home and finish the job in private.....


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Party Survival

            I didn't think you seemed smug. Rightly pleased with yourself. We all know that what you managed was a great acheivement.
            Once again well done.
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.

