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Advice concerning a family matter...

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    Advice concerning a family matter...

    Hi folks...
    I hope this is in the right place...if not, mods, please feel free to move it.

    As many of you may know, Mrs. Fennel and I are lesbians. We have been together eleven years. My mother is invited to any of Mrs. Fennel's family events- our families are pretty accepting.

    Something has recently happened that has shaken us, a bit.

    Mrs. Fennel's sister and brother-in-law adopted a little boy ten years ago...let's refer to him as "N". N is now twelve (in june) and he and I have been very tight ever since he was a tiny nipper. Whenever we go to stay with them, I spend tons of time with N, playing games, taking him on walks, and generally listening to him. Mrs. Fennel has become more engaged with N in recent years as he has grown older. N has always cried at our departures and as recently as three weeks ago implored us to stay longer when we visit.

    This inspired Mrs. Fennel to ask her sister if we could take N for a weekend in early July. Our families usually meet for "June" birthdays on a specific weekend. The idea here is that N's folks would drop him off on the way to their parent's place, and Mrs. Fennel and I would bring him along on the day we'd be celebrating all of our birthdays. After all, N's mom is always trying to unload him on the grandparents for extended periods of time- we figured this would be a great way for us to have some fun with him, plus give his folks a break.

    After a week of waiting for a reply, Mrs. Fennel became uneasy. She said it was very unlike her sister to not give an immediate answer, and suspected there was an issue with us being gay. She called her sis again, and prodded her for an answer. Her sister said she had to ask her husband, and she'd get back to us...., after a couple of days, she left a message on our answering machine. She said that unfortunately, "the thing" we were planning wouldn't happen this year, and that it's a long, complicated reason.

    I plan on asking her the reason. Any ideas how I should go about it?

    Thanks in advance...

    Advice concerning a family matter...


    Gently and caringly.

    Do not let hurt and anger muddy your minds or destroy your relationships with the family. It is not worth it.

    Somethings we just have to take on the chin.

    Oh, and the reason may all be in your mind. It may well be something else.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Advice concerning a family matter...

      Cinders;837815 wrote: Fennel,

      Gently and caringly.

      Do not let hurt and anger muddy your minds or destroy your relationships with the family. It is not worth it.

      Somethings we just have to take on the chin.

      Oh, and the reason may all be in your mind. It may well be something else.

      Right you are. It may be something else, entirely. I would like to know, as Mrs. Fennel is threatening to blow off the June birthdays altogether, and I feel that would only serve to punish poor N. Whatever the issue is, it lies with brother-in-law...


        Advice concerning a family matter...

        Yes, find out the reason first. It might well be about something else.

        I'm gay too and I'm sometimes guilty of assuming that I might be discriminated against in a particular situation and it turns out not to be the case at all.

        I hope it works out for you.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Advice concerning a family matter...

          I would just ask her too be honest with her answer but would not engage in any hostile remarks (if something is said that you don't like)... That way, your own intergrity will shine through and your relationship will be intact. Good-luck fennel

          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


            Advice concerning a family matter...

            Hi Fennel. I hope the reasons you suspect are not the REAL reasons for canceling out of the regular family plans. Whether the real reasons are, or are not what you suspect, I suggest thinking long and hard before any sort of "retaliation." Taking a possible divide and making it wider and deeper probably won't serve any positive purpose.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Advice concerning a family matter...

              Oh Fennel
              I hurt for you and mrs Fennel....some of my best friends are gay and they are so compassionate and caring........ditto what everyone else said and keep us posted and don't let them hurt you and make you want to drink.......
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Advice concerning a family matter...

                Doggygirl;837852 wrote: Hi Fennel. I hope the reasons you suspect are not the REAL reasons for canceling out of the regular family plans. Whether the real reasons are, or are not what you suspect, I suggest thinking long and hard before any sort of "retaliation." Taking a possible divide and making it wider and deeper probably won't serve any positive purpose.

                Thanks for your reply, DG...the "regular" plans haven't been's just that Mrs. Fennel and I wanted to have our nephew for the weekend before engaging in the regular event. It's our having him that's been ix-nayed. Mrs. Fennel, however, is now threatening to forgo the annual event, because of our being denied a weekend with our nephew, as she is convinced it's because we are gay. Needless to say, I will reason with her. There's no reason our nephew should be punished for this slight.


                  Advice concerning a family matter...

                  I'm just going to go ahead and email Mrs. Fennel's sister and get back to you all with the real reason behind this matter.

                  When Mrs. Fennel first told me she thought we were being turned down because we were gay, I pooh-poohed the idea. Her family has always been so good with us. However, the more I think about it, the more it seems likely. Her sister is usually eager for the grands to take N, and in fact seems hurt when they are too busy to want to take him on. She usually does respond to inquiries immediately. For her to just leave a vague message on our machine stating that the reason we couldn't have N for the weekend was "long and complicated" is also unlike her. Finally, bro-in-law is more conservative and a bit backwards in his thinking, occasionally.

                  At any rate, I'd like to know. If it isn't because we're gay, Mrs. Fennel definitely
                  needs to know, because she's being unreasonable right now. If it is because we're gay, I'll do my best to get Mrs. Fennel to buck up and take a hit for the family team. N shouldn't be punished because his dad is being a pin-head, if indeed this is the case.

         I go. Wish me luck, people.


                    Advice concerning a family matter...

                    runningwind;837849 wrote: I would just ask her too be honest with her answer but would not engage in any hostile remarks (if something is said that you don't like)... That way, your own intergrity will shine through and your relationship will be intact. Good-luck fennel

                    Don't hostility. I want to keep all lines of communication open! Thanks for the advice.


                      Advice concerning a family matter...

             I go. Wish me luck, people.
                      Good luck!!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Advice concerning a family matter...

                        Good luck Fennel. I hope it all works out OK for everyone, but especially for N.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Advice concerning a family matter...

                          Thanks...I just sent a brief, light email. I told her that I was interested in hearing the long, complicated reason that N couldn't stay...I said that I hoped we hadn't done anything wrong. I then joked about my neighbors and signed off in a very nice way.


                            Advice concerning a family matter...

                            Oh, and to be clear, I have an excellent relationship with Mrs. Fennel's sister. I love her dearly. I know she'll let me know what's up, since I'm persisting. I do suspect if it is a "gay" thing, it's bro-in-law, and she's deferring to him. And actually, there are things I very much like about him, too.


                              Advice concerning a family matter...

                              Hi Fennel,

                              Could it be the sleeping arrangements? Whilst you see "N" on his territory, he may not be aware that you are sharing a bed with Mrs F.

                              At your house, it would be obvious. That could mean his parents have to explain about sex and relationships etc etc. And they may not be ready for that yet.

                              Good luck and well done on keeping such a level head.


