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I'm new here

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    I'm new here

    Hi all. Like I said, I'm new here. Kinda desperate. I'm sick of feeling sick and trying once again not to drink. Going to meeting just isn't for me, so I'm trying this.

    I'm new here


    Welcome! We have all been in your shoes. The first post. Will anyone respond. Trust me it gets easier with time. Tell us more about you and your story. There is always someone here who can relate exactly.

    This program will work if you work the program.:welcome:



      I'm new here

      Welcome Mama, would love to hear more about you. This is a good place you have found.....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I'm new here

        Ok. I've been drinking since I was 13, I am now 42, on my second marriage to a non drinker. I have been drink a 6 pack or more a day. Recently I tried only drinking on weekends. But now my weekends seem to start on thursday and I feel like crap monday morning. Today I stayed home from work and don't feel like doing anything. I drink to feel better but then feel 10 times worse. I suffer with seasonal depression which is in full swing right now. So I drink to feel better and end up feeling much worse. I don't know why I can't understand that it is the alcohol causing my problems. So I'm hoping to find someone to talk to. I know my husband is disappointed with me so I drink. I hate that I've gained weight so I drink. I can sooo relate to what people here are saying. I really wish someone would try harder to stop me from drinking and at the same time, I know I'm the only one who can do that. It's this time of day that's the killer for me.


          I'm new here

          Sounds verrrrry similar to my story. Married to a nondrinker, weekends go too long, feel like crap on Monday and more depressed so drink more. Download the book and read it and then I would suggest going on the supplements at first. If anything it makes you feel healthier. And keep coming around here. This group has saved me from drinking my life away because I don't feel so alone and isolated working at home when I can come on here. Stick around. Please.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            I'm new here

            Thanks, Lush. Right now I could easily get a beer before Dr Phil comes on. I'm also a vegetarian which concerns me right now, so yeah, I should look into the supplements. My treadmill is 2 feet away from me but I can't seem to get there.....


              I'm new here

              Just wanted to say :welcome: Mama!
              Glad you are here, and best of luck to you! You sound like you will do great.


                I'm new here

                Well done for posting - that is a huge step, not to be overlooked. Welcome and good luck.


                  I'm new here

                  Hiya Mamabin, Excellent name btw...Its a tough road but lots of people here are doing it and doing it well...Your not on your own....I come on here when i feel like i need a drink and it helps me so much..Good luck and i hope to see you around the boards...Mack:l
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    I'm new here


                    Hi Mamabin.

                    Welcome Aboard:

                    A good train with great passengers.

                    A journey that is shared with dignity, respect and empathy.

                    Glad you're here.


