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Day 20! Even went out last night.

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    Day 20! Even went out last night.

    I just had to post this in hopes that it might inspire some other young people on this site like me.

    Today is my 20th day sober, and my 3rd weekend I didn't drink.

    Last night I actually went out and played some pool and then went to a club to see a show, I had a blast. I was very tempted to drink but was determined to stay sober. Everyone was very supportive of my choice not to drink except one drunk buddy who kept trying to force AL in front of me. I still ended up staying out till 4 in the morning and spent a whopping 11 dollars.

    My only complaint is that drunk people can be very annoying lol kinda makes me wanna apologize to everyone I was ever around when I was drinking.

    anyways I owe a lot of thanks to everyone on this site and in the chat

    Day 20! Even went out last night.

    Hi Busted thats great well done. It gets easier to handle as more days pass and being sober is the norm. And it feels fantastic.
    Boy I hear you on the drunk friends, what an eye opener that can be. I too cringed when I recalled how I behaved but that is in the past now. That is not the real me nor will it ever be again PG.
    The person you have to truly thank for this is yourself, for unless we are 100% committed to getting and staying sober it wont happen.
    Well done again, keep racking those days up.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Day 20! Even went out last night.

      Hi BC,
      Well done, you should be rightly proud of yourself.
      I'm cringing myself when I think about my drunken habits at least the one's I can remember. Not clever and certainly never funny.
      You're not only inspiring the younger folk here but a good few of the oldies.
      Well done again,BC. Long may you live your life AF.
      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Day 20! Even went out last night.

        Hello, great job it so cheap to go out and not drink


          Day 20! Even went out last night.

          Hey Busted, congatulations. You have made a major step forward, not only with the 20 days, but getting out and staying sober. You should really be proud of yourself. Keep up the great work.
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Day 20! Even went out last night.

            well done busted, an inspiration for me as a newbie!:goodjob:
            The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



              Day 20! Even went out last night.

              You're an icon to me!

              I have 19 days and went out to dinner last night too. Let's hold hands and pray!


                Day 20! Even went out last night.

                oh well done guys, i found the first test was sooooo hard. just watch out for the sneaky thoughts, i had to catch myself after i went to pub the first A/F time, i was thinking i had it licked, i didnt and i am sure you dont, YET!
                big props, fantastic!!!
                AF since 10/26/2009

                It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                  Day 20! Even went out last night.

                  Hi Busted!
                  I am on day 20 also! Congratulations on being able to go out and stay AF! Woohoo...lets keep racking up those AF days!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

