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Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

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    Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

    I saw mention of this book in another thread so I went to Amazon to read some reviews. It sounds pretty profound. I haven't made it past day 7 AF and then go for another 2 or 3 days with alcohol.
    So, for those who have read it, do you recommend it? I suppose I could do it and ignore the part that says you can continue to drink during the period you are reading and could also forgo the farewell drink.
    Anyhow, is it worth purchasing? A lot of reviewers had gone one year plus without a drink seemingly just from reading the book - no topamax or drugs, etc.

    Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

    I got it from the library and I'm glad I didn't buy it. This guy LOVES the sound of his own voice and LOVES talking about himself. There's alot of rubbish in this book and you're often left thinking "and the point of that is....?"

    However, anything is worth looking at in this battle and there are some valid points but you have to trawl through a lot of crap to get to them.

    On the other hand, my best friend has been AF for 2 years and puts it all down to this book.

    What works for some won't work for others. This may work for you.

    Good Luck


      Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

      This is one of the many things I've tried and I would say not to waste your money or time. There is nothing in that book that isn't covered by AA or MYO. It simply tells you that AL is a poison that we've been conned into drinking and become reliant on. Which is true but nothing new.

      Funniest thing is how he eschews AA but read between the lines and a lot of what he says is the sort of thing an AA'er might tell you.


        Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

        I've posted alot about this book here in the past because I really think it's worth it. Before reading the book, I honestly thought quitting drinking was equal to depriving myself of something that is pleasurable , stress reducing, conversation enhancing, etc.

        It really never occurred to me before reading it that AL is nothing to "give up" it's something to free yourself from. I always thought of it primarily as a reward (a reward that was killing me, but none the less a total reward)

        Even if you don't quit drinking after reading it, Isn't it worth the price of a martini and an evening's time otherwise spent "out of it" to see if you gain even a little bit of insight?


          Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

          Some good thoughts...thanks.


            Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

            Hi 4MH,
            I own this book. I read it during one of my previous attempts to quit drinking. He makes some good solid points, but I guess I just wasn't ready at the time. It can't hurt to read it, but maybe try to locate it at the library instead of spending your money on it. It's not long, you can probably read it within a couple of days, and determine if its for you. I tried anything and everything in the past, so I certainly don't knock any information that is available. At the very least, it will make you look at alcohol differently!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

              Think I should qualify why I didn't think it was worth it - because I already knew AL was a real con and that you can live without it (that bit I got from AA). What the book didn't do was show me HOW to deal with life without AL, which is why I couldn't stop it even though I knew it was a poison, that drinking AL isn't the 'norm' etc. So may be useful for some but not for others.


                Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                Okay, Uk...sow HOW do you deal with life without AL? When it is part of your daily life. I guess, it wasn't yours...but it became mine. "it is Monday...I'm bored...; it is Tuesday...I'm happy; it is Wednesday...we're half-way there...etc." Then I look at my kids and know that I had that AF joy in my life for 15 plus years. so I could have it again. Anyhow, how do you regain that.

                I feel so annoying asking. But I feel like a kid. So I'm asking.


                  Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                  I wasn't a 24/7 drinker but for the last 3 years my binges might last up to 4 days followed by 4 or 5 days off or perhaps only 1 or 2. Last year I drank solid for 6 weeks didn't go anywhere, do anything but lie in bed at home and was rather ill as a result. On the days when I 'lived' without drinking I didn't live I was either moody and stroppy via withdrawal or living off the fantasy of my next drink. Anything difficult or odd came up I'd be thinking for hours, even days towards that blasting session I would 'allow' myself or I'd avoid the thing and by drinking or beat myself up until I'd drink anyway. Result was I didn't deal with stuff I just put it to oneside until I drank. Then I might try sorting it out (you know ring that person up and give em an earful, write that tearful email, ring the insurance company to sort out their mistake etc etc). Yes I would drink like yourself on any excuse happy day, sad day, good news, bad news, angry, elated in fact any day that ended in DAY. I wasn't a steady drinker because I simply would consume what a days worth of AL in one go then be completely under the influence for the next 20 hours or more.

                  So no I didn't drink all the time but it was a massive part of my life - controlled a heck of a lot of it though and I do get cravings every day.

                  Here's another thought - if I wasn't so dependent on AL to live then how come I never stopped when it was wrecking my life, a lot of terrible things happened to me as consequences of my drinking over a period of around 10-15 years. I still couldn't stop and cope with life. Yes I had days sobering up where I'd end up crying and shaking in the shower with fear and have to lift another drink - for me that meant another cancelled day.

                  I think I'm rambling now!

                  Off to my counselling session very soon. First 3 of those I drank immediately afterwards once I'd gotten home (counsellors won't see you drunk) and I would look forward to it as a 'reward'. Crazy.


                    Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                    Hi 4my health,
                    It is a big change to live without the booze and like anything else it takes time. At first I wondered how I could fill my time so made a list of things I like to do. NOthing earthshaking or exciting, but it made me realize how much of my time was spent in drinking, recovering, and planning the next time.

                    I spend more time taking care of myself, exercising, reading, talking on the phone (remembering my conversations) gardening, computer time, bills, cleaning, and just having my house in order. I take care of business and it is a wonderful way to be. Plus, the anxiety and depression are so much less when AF. I laugh alot more, real laughter, and appreicate sunrises and sunsets. See, I told you nothing exciting, but it is real life. I made a gratitude list and add to it daily. I am on a great eating plan and love to cook. I am getting enjoyment out of life, living honestly and actually like myself. I am able to love the people in my life more because I am not in crisis mode.

                    Hope this helps. Really analyze your AF time and you will realize that being AF is a present you give yourself.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                      I'm with Spam and UK...the book is rubbish. The author not only repeats himself endlessly, plus many of the things he states are false. When I know something is false, I can't believe anything else the guy is trying to say, so I couldn't take anything he said to heart. Rent it from the library if you must, but don't purchase it.


                        Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                        4myH - I sucessfully used Allen Carr's method to quit smoking many years ago and therefore was only to happy to put my faith in him again to quit AL. I have studied a lot on the power of the mind and it all made complete sense to me as I totally believe if we change the way we look at things the things we look at change. But I accept we are all different and many methods work so its important to find the one that clicks for you.

                        On your Q "how do you deal with life without AL", I think you need to turn it around and ask yourself "how do I deal with life WITH AL?". For me the answer was "very badly". I highly recommend reading the following post which perfectly describes how we lose ourselves and our lives in the bottle.


                        Yes in the 1st few weeks of quitting it felt like someone stole my security blanket but as the time went on I realized that blanket had actually been smothering me and rendering me incapable of dealing with my life effectively. Now I have more confidence, I can think clearly and I make better decisions. Im not saying its easy but it sure as hell is worth it.....
                        I really wish you all the best and hope all our comments are a help to you. :l
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                          I think Alan Carr talks some sense, especially in the first few chapters, but the whole reason it would work depends on you believing everything he says, so that you don't feel deprived, and I didn't believe it unfortunately. Like someone else said, he makes some sweeping statements that he doesn't back up, e.g. there are no withdrawl symptoms from alcohol. I also think he goes back on some of what he says makes it the Easyway, at the end. However, if you went to his counselling centres they might be able to address these issues.

                          While I think picturing alcohol as poison, or a bottle of meths, is a helpful analogy, I couldn't go along with his idea that everyone who ever takes a drink is on the same slippery slope. OK young people hate their first taste of alcohol and it becomes an acquired taste - this is his proof that alcohol is not meant for human consumption and is merely an evil ploy. However, many kids hate vegetables and seafood when they are young, but acquire the taste as they get older. Does this mean they weren't meant for human consumption? Chocolate and ice-cream must be good for you, then, as kids naturally gravitate towards it. He scoffs at the idea of expensive wine being any better than cheap ( and I agree that I wouldn't spend $150 bottle) but generations of winemakers might take exception that there is no difference between their fine wine and a cheap boxed variey from the supermarket.

                          So while I accept that for me it is poison, because I'm not in control of it, I don't accept that it is poison for everyone. I still sometimes feel deprived through my own nostalgia. Deciding that the pros of not drinking outweigh the cons, removing the habit of drinking and getting busy with life are the things I find most helpful. But although he talks about not using willpower, I am certain you need a fair dose of determination and stickability to continue to live AF.


                            Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                            I too read Allen Carr and had many mixed feelings. I cannot promote or demote it. Basically, he deals with you on a cognitive therapy approach, which I really like, but thought some of his analogies were cheezy. I will never view drinking a nice glass of wine like drinking comet. Sorry!

                            But basically, if you can change your thoughts and beliefs about alcohol, your actions will follow. This is quite true to a point. I liken it to slavery.... remember when all the slaves were set free? But the owners of them never told them. Why should they? They still had slaves! My point is, these slaves continued to work under grueling situations because they never knew they were free. Did they FEEL free? No. Were they? Yes.

                            We have to choose to walk out of the prisons we place ourselves in, and believe that we are truly free. That is cognitive thinking, and it takes daily practice! The door to alcohol-prison is wide open... we have to take that step of faith out, and then BELIEVE that we are truly free. Our actions will always follow what we believe in our heart.

                            This has really helped me.
                            Love to all! Allie
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                              Hi UK,

                              Well, I guess it just comes down to control really. I wasn't a 24/7...just a 5/7. I'd start about 5 and drink a bottle or 2 until bed time. I still get the habitual cravings, not physical. So I'll just have to get used to this new (old) life...the way it used to be.

