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    Hello, i have been attempting the mwo program for six weeks, campral, zoloft and all supplements, I have really been trying not very successfully to quit completely. I dont mess up every day but do quite often... reason for writing .... I feel like sometimes it is just a mind set and it seems just when I think i am there some helpful soul asks about drinking or insists on aa or this time advised my husband to stage an intervention and tell my kids that i drink,, isnt an intervention for someone who does not know they have a problem? and why is it necessasary to humiliate someone with a problem, pity party i know but i feell defeated and betrayed any input would be appreciated


    Sounds like you are on your way. What about topa, exercize and the cds. Tell your husband to back off just a bit and give you a chance, but you have to be willing to try. This program and its aspects are not a magic bullet-you have to really dig in and try as well.

    I have seen it happen.

    Good luck!



      Hi Wanna, :welcome:
      I could understand your feeling betrayed if someone is talking to your Husband & not to you... as it sounds like , is the case. Like you said YOU ARE HERE & TRYING... it's not like you can change years of a habitual lifestyle overnight... and it's a VERY PERSONAL JOURNEY.
      I know years ago, my sister talked my parents into putting me into a re-hab center (21 day in patient), which I grudgingly agreed to. I'd never been arrested(yet...many yets at that point).

      What I'm trying to say is... it was a waste a money for my parents! I wasn't ready. I was trying to appease everyone else, I didn't want to be there, & didn't believe I needed to be...I didn't take it serious, & it wasn't for for me. Simple as that.

      But please do NOT FEEL DEFEATED!!! Like I said it is a very personal journey... no one can do it for you. And no one can make you do it! You have to be ready & determined. When you are, you will feel it. Have faith! You CAN DO THIS!!

      I'm glad you're here, hope this helps. I hope I don't sound too preachy... I just know this program has given me my life back. Good luck to you feel free to personal mssg me if you like.

      Welcome Aboard!!:welcome: :l Judie
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



        My input, unfortunately is quite negative. I learned from posting on these boards in cyberspace that anyone can interpret anything that you have to say in any way that they chose. There is no face to face interaction or accountability. I never cried so much in my life as I did over the feedback that I got on this board. Then when I decided to stay away for awhile it was like I had disappeared off the face of the earth. No one, except for one person who emailed me personally, knew that I was gone. This after so many offers of good will and "how much we care." I feel so let down by this whole experience. Yes, I'm continuing with the topa and supps. I think that RJ is onto something but if these boards are to work they have to be for everyone. Right now they are not. I think if you look honestly, alot of people have left.
        I guess what hurt the most was that I could just "poof" disappear forever into cyberspace. This is NOT a substitute for people caring about people, hence, ALOT of backsliding that I am reading about. Perhaps RJ might want to consider having a counselor monitor some of this discussion. Just a thought. I still check in a read posts, but no longer feel that I want to share, nor will I do so again. I just wanted to post this
        insight into what is going on.



          You have not been forgotten.
          Still praying for you and your son.
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10




            Like has been said by so many others , you are in the right place!:welcome:

            I am taking topamax now at 125 mg and had a couple "slips", but am overall better than I was at the end of May when I first came aboard! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

            Welcome aboard again, and listen with an open mind to what everyone says, take what you want and leave what you don't........that is what someone once told me, good advice!:l :h

            Much love, you are on your way!!

            Mary Anne



              Em, I'm sorry you havent had a good experience. I think you have to remember that we all who come here are seeking out help together. We may be here for our weakness's and not exactly our strengths. And we may be wrapped up with our own problems and not seen how we could have reached out to you more. All I can say is I'm sorry. And maybe if you are still interested in reading here....could you try again?
              I do think people come and go cuz their journey takes them else where for some reason or anther. Maybe you will reconsider.
              Gabby :flower:



                Hi Wanna!

                Hi WannaQuit!

                I know how you feel. The determination has to come from inside of you. Maybe all of the well-meaning, but misinformed people in your life need to join Al-Anon so that they can have a place to take THEIR anxieties and leave you be so that you can deal with YOUR PROBLEM. I know that when people bug me, it just makes it harder for me.

                I want to encourage you to listen to your own heart for guidance and not just over-react to their well-meaning, but ill-timed help. Come on here and vent, but please keep coming.

                I hope you will get the help and support that you need here to follow YOUR OWN PATH to better health and freedom from alcohol.


                Em, I am sorry that you continue to be bitter. I hope that you find peace and comfort.

                AF as of August 5th, 2012



                  Thank you all for your kindness, I have ordered the cds and am start an exercise progam tomorrow. I understand that drinking hurts more than just me. and my husband also needs someone to talk to, I am more than ready to quit and know I must, And hearing someone else say this is a very personal journey. and i realize I probably did overreact, Tomorrow is a new day and I will try my hardest to stay on the path



                    I love the Misery, oops Missouri! You're funny, Wanna!
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012



                      Hey Wanna, I bet you're doing much better than before give yourself some credit. Just keep working on yourself. Sounds like you have people that care about you, but they need to let you have time to heal they need to understand it's not going to happen overnight. We all want a quick fix and this problem needs time.




                        I agree with you and the advice that has been given here. I've been doing great! Last night I thought I needed to blow off some steam, so not paying attention to how many beers I had, I got out of hand. Said some mean things, but today, I don't need the run down of every hour last night. Of every behavior and physical movement(moving around doing things in the house)...

                        I picked myself up and I'm back on track. But trying to humiliate me (my hubby) by saying every little thing that I said or did, only makes me stronger but with alot of hatred in my heart. I feel like maybe some of the things I said were in response to the crap that he said last night (I really am not clear on that part)...But humiliation has never made us better people.




                          Hi Wanna, hope you're feeling better. Hang in there, this is a good place to be!

                          I have to agree with Brandy, "humiliation" is no way to go about trying to heal... Just gotta be like a duck & let that water run right off of your back sometimes...

                          Grateful Em, Sorry to hear you're feeling badly.... I did PM you. Just never heard back from you. Best of luck to you.
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                            Hey Wanna!

                            Hang in there! The good thing is that there are so many supportive people on these boards. The bad thing is you don't always know who you're dealing with. People will project there own fears onto your situation and say things that aren't appropriate to your situation. Ignore them!! And stick with your friends. There are lots of good people in your corner and I agree that humiliation isn't helpful.
                            Keep up your good attitude!

