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day 4 AF. The demon calls...

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    day 4 AF. The demon calls...

    hi everyone

    here i am, 12:40 pm day 4.

    as many of my MWO friends warned, the demon in the back of my head says i deserve a drink tonight. the sun is shining, i'm not at work tomorrow, it's almost the weekend..... excuse excuse excuse.....

    i would love to wake up tomorrow with a clear head, but i feel at some point, i'll shut my laptop, persuade the hubby to have a BBQ for tea (another excuse to drink) and that will be all my hard work undone.

    tough love please peeps xx:nutso:

    thanks gw x
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    day 4 AF. The demon calls...

    C'mon Girly,
    Gotta stay strong! If you give in to it today, you will feel like you did before, like hell. If you stay strong, you will wake up tommorow feeling stronger and healthier. I promise you that being sober is soooo worth the fight. Dont let the devil win - he can be beat! Go into chat, talk to us - it will help the time go by and soon it will be tommorow, another day stronger. Please dont give up - we need you AF.


      day 4 AF. The demon calls...

      girly wirly;841071 wrote: hi everyone

      here i am, 12:40 pm day 4.
      as many of my MWO friends warned, the demon in the back of my head says i deserve a drink tonight. the sun is shining, i'm not at work tomorrow, it's almost the weekend..... excuse excuse excuse.....
      i would love to wake up tomorrow with a clear head, but i feel at some point, i'll shut my laptop, persuade the hubby to have a BBQ for tea (another excuse to drink) and that will be all my hard work undone.
      tough love please peeps xx:nutso:
      thanks gw x
      Hi Girly - Stirly here (I almost feel like I'm writing a post to myself)!!
      Just wanted to say congrats on making it this far and that days 3 and 4 are really the hardest. It helps if you can change your thinking a little bit about AL. First and foremost, I am an alcoholic and AL is poison to me. I can't stop at one drink and when I drink I do so til I pass out. So when I are think after a hard day's work that I "deserve" a drink or that I am going to "treat myself" to a drink, I have to stop and rethink the whole thing. Do I deserve a glass of poison? Would I "treat myself" to a drink of poison? No, I wouldn't. So I have to remind myself of the fact that AL is poison to me.
      There have been a few comments made in older posts that will help us stop and think for a few minutes before reaching for the bottle. One of them is mine - "It takes less energy to get through the witching hour than it does to get through a whole day with a hangover." So, if you're like me and can't stop at one drink, then you know before you take that first drink, that tomorrow you're going to feel like crap. Period.
      I read a post a couple of days ago that I liked and it went something like this..."AL is not something you deprive yourself of. It's something you free yourself from." That's the main reason most of us are here. We can't moderate. We can only abstain and find our freedom to live again without the shackles of AL.
      Anyway, just wanted to add my two bits here and hope that you give yourself time to pause and think before you have that first drink and tell AL to take a hike. Let him go pick on somebody else!!
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        day 4 AF. The demon calls...

        The two most dangerous words in an alcos vocabulary are f*** it.
        Girly Wirly you deserve your life back, to feel good about yourself, not full of regrets and contempt for your behavour tomorrow. DONT DO IT.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          day 4 AF. The demon calls...

          KTAB;841089 wrote: The two most dangerous words in an alcos vocabulary are f*** it.
          Girly Wirly you deserve your life back, to feel good about yourself, not full of regrets and contempt for your behavour tomorrow. DONT DO IT.
          K- when you hit the nail on the head... you really give it a good one...great post...
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            day 4 AF. The demon calls...

            Girly, read the tool box. Make sure you drink tons of water to stay very hydrated and keep your blood sugar level even (eat well). Convince your husband to go for a walk instead of a bbq. Ask for his help in keeping you AF. When you beat situations like this, it is another brick in the wall. This is your life and you were the one that recognized you needed to change it. Now stick to it, right??? You don't DESERVE a drink. You DESERVE better.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              day 4 AF. The demon calls...

              Once the idea of a drink comes into our heads, we're already planning to drink. This is the hard part, but the reward is SO great when we fight it and win. The regrets are also great when we don't. Read all the great advice above over and over, and imagine each of those people standing their with you, giving you strength.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                rubywillow;841137 wrote: Once the idea of a drink comes into our heads, we're already planning to drink. This is the hard part, but the reward is SO great when we fight it and win. The regrets are also great when we don't. Read all the great advice above over and over, and imagine each of those people standing their with you, giving you strength.

                Ruby is right...don't give in. Do whatever it is you need to do to not have that drink tonight. Stay on the computer, have one of us call you (I know there are some folks in your area), get on chat, read a book, go for a walk with your husband...but don't give in. Even talk about it. The other night, I really felt like having a beer. So, to banish the demon, I said aloud to Mrs. Fennel, "I really want a beer." She said "I know...but if you don't, think how well you'll sleep tonight...and you'll feel so much better in the morning if you don't." I had a mineral water instead.

                You can
                do this, girly wirly. You can have another 24 hours. :l


                  day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                  Rightio girly wirly,
                  Wise ,wise words you've already received. Having a drink tonight is not a reward its a punishment. If you have a drink tonight, tomorrow you will feel like utter crap, hungover with a mouth like the bottom of a bird cage and very very guilty.

                  Come tea time (it's what we call dinner oop north) do not shut the lap top, pop on here for a bit of a read round, find a local take out that will deliver and order all your favourite things. That's what I would call reward.

                  J x
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                    girly. you have great advice here. dont poison yourself. you are doing so well. i would ditch the bbq idea. that is a sure trigger for me. dont think ive ever had a bbq without lots of wine so for now im avoiding the temptation. you will feel so good tomorrow if you leave the demon in the back of you head, or kick it out altogether. there will always be an excuse (like we need one). do anything to get over the craving. fight it with your life and you can get your life back. good luck
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                      While I was growing up, no matter what time of the day or night, if someone rang our doorbell, it was answered. I grew up thinking answering the door was an OBLIGATION of some sort. But I know differently. If the doorbell rings at my house and I don't feel like answering it, I just don't. They can bloody well stand there are knock their knuckles off if they like.

                      So screw the demon. He may call, but don't you believe for one second you have to answer.

                      And hey - who want's it to be Day 1 again? I'm on Day 4 again today. I know I don't want to start over!!


                        day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                        wise words coconut xx:thanks:
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                          Hey girly, another day 4'er here....hope you are doing ok and that it worked out good for you.
                          AF since April 19, 2010
                          NF since Nov 10, 2000

                          "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                          -Lady Nancy Astor


                            day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                            hi girlywirly Many relapses occur as a result of the beliefs you may hold about alcohol. For instance if you believe that you “can’t cope with these feelings” and so you “need a drink otherwise you’ll lose the plot”, or if you believe that the only way you can be sociable is after a drink, then obviously these beliefs will tend to make you relapse.

                            The beliefs you have about your cravings or urges will also determine how easy it is to avoid relapse. So again, if you believe that once you get a craving, it won’t go away until you have a drink, then every craving you get becomes very risky. Similarly, if you believe that you don’t have the mental strength to cope with your cravings, then of course you probably won’t. Your beliefs are self-fulfilling.

                            What you need to do now is find out what your beliefs are, and more importantly how accurate they are. This means testing out your beliefs by looking at the evidence. Most of our problems in life arise from inaccurate beliefs about ourselves and how the world works. that is why it is so important to keep coming here and sharing your thoughts,keep to your plan it will work out..

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              day 4 AF. The demon calls...

                              Girly - Mario has posted some of the wisest posts here at MWO. If you read the greetings from other members for his birthday, you will see that it is an opinion held by all here. If you have time, read back through some of his posts and you will see what I mean.
                              You have to change the way you look at alcohol and have some more faith in your own inner strength. You can do this. We all can. Members like Mario and others here who have been AF for a long time are living proof that if you really want to accomplish this, you will find the way to do it.
                              Stay close by. Read the posts, chat if you need to, post what you want to. That's what MWO is all about. The support system and getting and listening to the good advice given by those members who are successful in being AF and are proof how much more life has to offer us when we don't allow ourselves to be trapped inside a bottle. AL is just a harmless liquid inside a bottle. We let it harm us when we open the bottle and take a drink. Plain and simple. The decision is always yours and yours alone... AL or no AL...
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

