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anxiety attacks

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    anxiety attacks

    Hi I am new to this but not new to alcohol!! Lately by about lunch I start to feel the anxiety attacks building, especially when I know that I am going to have to drive in traffic, go to meetings etc. I think it may be because my body is drying out and is needing alcohol.

    It is getting really bad, to the point my management has noticed the shaking a accused me of drinking in the car park (which I didn't).

    Does anyone else get symptoms like this? Please reply as I would be interested to chat.


    anxiety attacks

    Hiya Rach, I got the shaking aswell at first...It felt like my blood was boiling and steam was coming out of my ears....Its not nice...Its horrible infact but give it time and they will die down..Id say i got them on and off for about the first 2-3 weeks.....How long have you been dry?
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      anxiety attacks

      Thanks for your reply Mackral, that's the thing, I'm not..I think I'm drying out from the session the night before. I hope to be able to get down to 2-4 drinks every few days, its 6:10pm and I haven' had a drink yet, so here's hoping.



        anxiety attacks


        im having the same problem. i need a drink every 2 hours to make it stop.... im not a alcoholic, its from drinking to much 4 the past week.. i need to get over.. can you help??


          anxiety attacks

          [QUOTE=Unregistered. i need a drink every 2 hours to make it stop.... im not a alcoholicQUOTE]

          Are you sure?



            anxiety attacks

            Hi Ding

            Thanks for being so honest.

            How did your doc react when you told him. It seems to me that smokers get patches, herion addicts get methodone and alchys get......nothing but that look that says "how can you do that?"



              anxiety attacks

              I was definitely mistaking my anxiety for genuine anxiety when it was really alcohol withdrawal from the night before and my shrink gave me Klonopin (which is like Valium because he didn't know I was drinking). I'm still hooked on it but tapering off of it because I never should have taken it in the first place. I'm getting pretty close to being off it completely and I don't need a drink every two hours, I only drink at night and I am on Topa.

              Unregistered, if you need a drink every two hours you need to seriously think about whether you have a drinking problem or not. When people go into a detox facility they are given valium for about 4 to 5 days to get the booze out of their system and keep them relaxed. It sounds like you may need that, at least from over here. Good Luck to all!
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                anxiety attacks

                Hi All

                Thanks for your responses, I went cold turkey on Tuesday, trying to cope at work with the sweats, tremors, the feeling of bugs crawling all over my skin and my eyes pulsating. Not pleasant. I ended up going to the doctor and was honest saying that I drank about 5 wines and 6 bourbons a night for at least the past year. He said I was in stage 2 of DT's and was worried about me halucinating and going into seisures. He put me on aromax (valium), just 5mg dose when I need it and I can still function i.e drive a car, he has given me a week off work. I am also taking a natural anti stress formula that you can get from the chemist which is packed with vit B's, valerian etc.

                Yesterday I also went and saw as Psycologist and had hypnotherapy, I am now day 4 without a drink and coping pretty well. Previously it has been 13 years since I have gone this long without a drink!

                Yesteday afternoon was really warm and I thought "God it would be great to sit outside with a cold beer", but I got up and took the dog for a walk, this didn't quite do it so I got my ass into the car and did an hour at the gym. When I got home the andorphines had kicked in and I felt great.

                Maybe some of this can help those who are dealing with the first couple of days. I hope I can write next week with some more good news.

                Take care and be kind to yourselves.



                  anxiety attacks

                  happycamper68 wrote: I was definitely mistaking my anxiety for genuine anxiety when it was really alcohol withdrawal from the night before and my shrink gave me Klonopin (which is like Valium because he didn't know I was drinking). I'm still hooked on it but tapering off of it because I never should have taken it in the first place. I'm getting pretty close to being off it completely and I don't need a drink every two hours, I only drink at night and I am on Topa.

                  Unregistered, if you need a drink every two hours you need to seriously think about whether you have a drinking problem or not. When people go into a detox facility they are given valium for about 4 to 5 days to get the booze out of their system and keep them relaxed. It sounds like you may need that, at least from over here. Good Luck to all!
                  hpy camper hi.......what does topa do


                    anxiety attacks

                    Rach wrote: Hi I am new to this but not new to alcohol!! Lately by about lunch I start to feel the anxiety attacks building, especially when I know that I am going to have to drive in traffic, go to meetings etc. I think it may be because my body is drying out and is needing alcohol.

                    It is getting really bad, to the point my management has noticed the shaking a accused me of drinking in the car park (which I didn't).

                    Does anyone else get symptoms like this? Please reply as I would be interested to chat.

                    hi rach.....been nagging my hubby 2 stop but i didnt realise till i read your notes he would have these side affects,,,,,,thanks for this, he been drinking a long time i dont know now what to do as he obviously cant go cold turkey and he would rather die than go to docs,:thanks:


                      anxiety attacks


                      It's been 10 months since I had a drink, and I'm still occasionallly plagued by anxiety and panic attacks. These are pretty bad, causing me to have to leave a meeting and things. Heart races out of control, my guts churn, and fear and dread overpowering. It seems as if passing out would be a great relief, but I'm too charged with adrenaline to pass out.

                      They've lessened in intensity over the last several months, so thats good. I refuse to take any valium or other benzo, because of a very bad problem with those. I avoid them as I would alcohol now.

                      One thing I've been experimenting with the last few weeks, is a combination of things.

                      Before heading to work, I take about 500 to 750 mg of phenibut, about 200-400 mg of l-theanine, and if I know its going to be a real bear of a stress day, I'll cut a 25 mg pill of metoprolol succinate, or Toprol XL in half, and take that. It's a beta-blocker blood pressure medication, so please do not confuse it with the Topomax migraine medication endorsed by the MWO program. The 25mg Toprol XL dose is the smallest pill size prescribed, and cutting in half yields 12.5 mg dose. Very small, so it does not "zone" me out, and I can still function. It is very common, and my parents take it with good results for age related BP. I am hoping that it will be available OTC in the future, since it seems relatively safe when taken at a very low dose.

                      This combination so far, has kept me cool as an ice cube. Admittedly, my goal is to get completely "weaned" off of any chemical helpers, but I'm still recovering from my years of self-pickling, and the nerve system damage was probably more extensive than I thought. I can only hope my drive and will to stay sober continues on for the duration.

                      Good luck to you. Be well.



                        anxiety attacks


                        Thanks for keeping us posted. Its good to see that you weent to your doc and your coping with this. It helps all of us to hear stories like this. I myself have anxiety from wd, it finally goes away after I've been alky free for about 5 days. I had a lot to drink this sunday and am going thru mild anxiety now, I take xanax when needed but am trying to take it as little as possible. I'm also on anti depressants the supps and started back on topa, which I don't like, but at this point I'm got to get off the alcohol, if I don't I'll drink myself to death and really really don't want to do that....Keep posting with your progress or even if you fall.
                        Which some of us do from time to time, so don't be ashamed of that either if it happens, just keep trying....

