Quote from "Daily Stress Busters"
Have compassion for yourself.
Accept yourself unconditionally.
Make a space for yourself where you can relax
Reward yourself with a bubble bath, a special beverage, a short walk without interruption or distraction, a good book or a trashy novel, a massage …
Relax using prayer, meditation, yoga, etc.
Take slow, deep breaths throughout the day.
Keep a gratitude journal and write in it every day.
Keep a journal to write your worries, your feelings and your dreams.
Get enough rest every day.
Exercise daily - take the stairs; park at the far end of the lot.
Balance your diet – reduce your intake of caffeine, sugar and prepared foods
Say "no" when asked to do something you really don't want to do.
Do first things first. Prioritize activities. Do what's most important.
Do one thing at a time. Focus on it. Do it slowly and with clarity of intent.
Avoid seeking approval from others.
Avoid shop talk outside of work.
Avoid complaining
You can change no one‟s behaviour except your own.
Let go of unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.
Give and accept support from others.
Eliminate guilt and worry about the past. You cannot change the past.
Remember happy times.
Simplify your life. Eliminate the trivial.
Make peace and move on.
Choose an appropriate level of emotional involvement.
Quote from "Developing Awareness"
Self awareness means being present and consciously clear about who you are, what you want, and what you are doing. It is empowering to be actively aware and in control of your physical, mental and emotional states. If you are not, you get caught up in your own internal dramas with your unconscious thoughts and beliefs determining your feelings and actions.
When we are not fully present and aware, we go through life on auto-pilot living by habit and reacting unconsciously. With self awareness, we live consciously in the present moment with intention, focus and purpose.
Quote from "You are not alone"
The big question in my workshops is, “How do I get over this fear?” We get over our fear in the same way we get control of an over grown vine - by cutting it back bit by bit. It requires time commitment and self-reflection. You will need to:
1) Analyze & understand the origins of your fear
2) Look at the emotion objectively so you can intellectualize it
3) Develop a plan to counteract it
4) Implement that plan
6) Enlist a support system
Boy, does that sound familiar, or what?
