Thank you to all of you for your responses.
I guess sometimes I read all the horrible stories of childhood abuse and reasons why and I just don't have that memory to recall.
I had a wonderful childhood. I have a wonderful adult life.
And yet, here I am. Still an alcoholic.
No. I am not looking for the "why." I know the why doesn't matter.
But sometimes, I feel so badly because I was given such an idyllic life, childhood, teenagerhood, adulthood, and yet I am still here.
I just kind of wanted to throw out there to those who are in my shoes, it is okay that we are what we are.
We did not ask for it, nor was it handed to us.
I can't ask a psychiatrist to find a way to help me based on my history or past. I have to find the answer within myself.
I am okay with that. I do not mind that I am an alcoholic, I just know I wasn't "made" one by circumstance and family.
It is what it is.
I hope this rambling makes sense. We are what we are.