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    G'Day me little wombats. Now, I hope we have all recovered from the bloody bonza party that occurred here last weekend? Good.

    Now, this week's subject is girlfriends. My mate Kev is havin' a bit of trouble and has asked the old Kanga for help, as he knows The Kanga is a worldly wise old Roo with friends in high places. Now, the question is this .... what if you have a bit of a blue with yer sheila..... what's the best way to get around the old trout?

    Over to you.....

    Remembering, of course, the "The Kanga Keep It Clean" code of practice.
    :k TheKanga



    Thankyou in advance for allowing me to join in. I feel I have much to offer on this topic.

    My lady and I enjoy a good, steady relationship, but as is bound to happen, a tiff will occur every now and then.

    Through painful trial and error, I have found a sure fire way to nip any animosity in the bud. The following is 100% guaranteed to have you back in your lady's goodbooks in no time. She may (and I say MAY) even be 'nice' to you.

    1/ Admit you are wrong. Not 'perhaps' you might be wrong. You ARE wrong. Accept it. Give jewellery.

    2/ Most importantly, not only are you wrong, but she is right. Absolutely, without doubt, correct. Accept it. Give new car.

    3/ A romantic cruise with limitless spending money is ideal. Your company may, or may not, be required.

    Now you may think this is a bit soft, but my special little lady is a force to be reckoned with. She seems to know a lot of guys who do a lot of things. I value my knees.



      G'Day Melvin

      Well, thank you in advance for such an insightful and informative response Melvin (:H )

      I take it ye've got a few quid Melvin (:H )

      So, Melvin (:H ), you value your knees? The question is, do you value your street cred Melvin (:H )
      :k TheKanga




        G'day Kanga,

        You're sure you don wanna put some subtitles with your message. Remember when they ran Crocodile Dundee at the Septic's they had to put subtitles, grin ...

        Anyway, regarding making up with ya sheila, here's another great ripp-off website -

        Romance-Your-Wife - Amazing Resources for Romancing Your Wife


        The New ERA's Perspectives: How to Get Rid of a Woman

        for women - How to get rid of your husband -

        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



          Tap a' tha marnin' ta ya Paddy

          G'Day Paddy, I'm bloody sorry mate, but ye've got the wrong end of the stick.... it's me mate's sheila that's causin' the bloody drama........
          :k TheKanga



            The most important words to say when you have this problem:

            I was wrong
            I'm sorry
            Will you pleaseee forgive me?

            That's it........ just be sure to be sincere.

            :h Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10




              Tell Kev - a good grovel usually works wonders. Then, I agree with Melvin, he should consider tasteful but expensive jewelry (silver with amber, handcrafted one-off pieces only, please). If that still hasn't worked perhaps he should think of a cute new name for her. "The Old Trout" just doesn't cut it.

              I've never had a blue with my bloke. Had a ripper of a barney with his mother though. And there's no fixing that one, I can tell you.




                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                  I think Melvin is on to something.
                  Gabby :flower:



                    For me, a sincere apology if one is in order... and you have to look her in the eyes, you know -- back and forth from one eye to the other and kind of tilt your head a little. Just a little. Then reach down and pick up her hand with both of yours and act like it is the first time you ever had the privelege of holding it. Finish it off with, "Baby, I really am sorry... and I love you more than anything." But only if you really mean it. We can tell if you dont. Jewelry is a no-no for me. Not when you are apologizing. I want sincerity. Jewerly would immediately make me suspicious. If you use jewelry to apologize with, it will not mean much on special anniversaries or occasions. Oh... and finish it off by pulling her close for a tight hug. If she has a problem with all that, then she is well, not gonna say it.

                    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....



                      Oh... and I'm assuming the blues are from an argument! If its just plain not explainable, then I have other suggestions.
                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....



                        Thanks Allie. Time for subtitle No 1.

                        To have a blue = To have a disagreement. It's okay love, you weren't to know.

                        Okay, valid responses but do you think Kev "should admit he is wrong" if he was just temporarily adrift and confused? And thought
                        he was doin' the right thing? Even though that "right thing" seemed a bit of a strange thing to do?

                        C'mon, you creatures of imagination.... is that the best yer can do? Sorry's, flowers and jewellery are just not cuttin' it. Poor Kev.

                        Kev has been workin' on one suggestion though and has gone through a sleepless night to come up with 'congenial concubine' as opposed to 'old trout'. Kev hopes that this embraces the relevant recommendation and advice given.
                        :k TheKanga



                          Kev's lucky. One word out and he would have come up with Congenital Concupiscence. Not good. Still think he needs to grovel.





                            Possible breach of "The Kanga Keep It Clean" code of conduct.

                            The appropriate authorities will be in contact. Do not attempt to leave the country or call yourself by another name. (Yeah, like Melvin....we're bloody on to him)
                            :k TheKanga



                              Kate, love

                              when you have a quiet moment, could you discreetly let The Kanga know all about the drugs you were talkin' about? Might come in handy for Kev.... well... you know... if it all goes bloody pear shaped with his sheila................
                              :k TheKanga

