Thanks Kate
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C'mon.... this is gettin' urgent
Me mate, Kev, is flounderin', goin' under as we speak.............he's tried grovelling, he's tried bein' cute'n'funny, he has even tried sendin' expensive gifts but couldn't .......manage that one.
His sheila's playin' funny buggers............looks like he's bein' made to suffer .......poor Kev........:k TheKanga
Dear Katesm,
Please stop cluttering my mailbox. In real life, this would be called stalking.
Now. Dear Mr Kanga,
I'm saddened to hear your friend is having no success with his lady. She must be even more ferociously feisty than my fair lady. This will take a great deal of work. I have taken on board what previous posters (is this what they're called?) have written, but with due respect to each of them, I doubt they have dealt with the type of incredible people that Kev and I so adore.
I will need to think long and carefully on this matter, for it is deserving of my full consideration, and will offer my thoughts as soon as possible.
PS. Dear Katesm,
Did I mention my little lady knows a lot of people?
Wow great topic:
I blew off some steam and in doing so, tried to keep count on the amount of beers, I drank. I've been doing great and felt like I didn't have anything to worry about!..WRONG! I blew up, said some very mean things to hubby and feel like s@@t today!
Anyway I will definetely take some of the suggestions here for my own personal situation...
Thanks, its like you guys were with me last night!
Hugs to everbody:h
Dear Melvin........
Dear Melvin,
Thank you for your obvious concern re Kev's sheila plight. However, I feel I must update you on the situation as you are obviously a bloke of the world and are full of bloody top notch advice AND if a sheila like Kate is after ya ........ya must be solid gold mate.
Now, Kev, has had a bloody hell of a fact the poor bloke's a broken packet of biscuits. You see, he has been shanghaied and well, without goin' into too much detail. Things have escalated at a rate of noughts. I've got to keep this under me hat for now, but, Mel, may I call you Mel? I trust yer to keep yer trap shut.
Thanks mate.
:upset::k TheKanga