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    Well, of courses that's your decision. I would have thought Macks was more in line ... but ... whatever ... you pick your best man and I'll pick mine.



      Good girl, Kate.

      You'll save yourself a lot of pain. Now, have you studied the form of a certain ... um ... supporter/follower/rotator/enthusiast/whirligig?

      Just looking out for you.

      Your best friend,



        Well now ... I was just wondering now that.. that hunk of a man Melvin is available... would any of you mind if I put my hand up..

        I've heard.... he is just all man...

        Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down




          In the olden days they used to call blokes like him a "gay blade". And that's GOOD!!! I'd go for it. No need to be tooo gentle.


          I'd say go for it. What have you got to lose?


          Re your PM: Um ... are you serious?:shocked: Your mother has never liked me. Especially after the portaloo fiasco.



            I haven't checked this thread since last night (in Dallas), and it seems things are advancing nicely. I am overjoyed that our friend mr. cummings has made his debut on these boards. Unfortunately, the thread has passed the interchange of cummings, but I still wanted to give you my favorite, maybe as a celebratory contribution to the coming happy event:

            somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
            any experience, your eyes have their silence:
            in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
            or which i cannot touch because they are too near

            your slightest look easily will unclose me
            though i have closed myself as fingers,
            you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
            (touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose

            or if your wish be to close me,i and my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,
            as when the heart of this flower imagines
            the snow carefully everywhere descending;

            nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
            the power of your intense fragility:whose texture
            compels me with the color of its countries,
            rendering death and forever with each breathing

            (i do not know what it is about you that closes
            and opens;only something in me understands
            the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
            nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands



              Kate, Mate....

              Don't be hasty. Look, love, you deserve the best....but, sadly, for you, I am taken. Now, I would say in my capacity of Melvin's new best friend ever, I would say, for sure, that he is almost on par with the old Kanga. Almost, mind.

              Now, this brings us on to what to do.

              Well, I would say that go with yer heart love. I mean, once Tawn is up to her ears in nappies and bloody makin' me me lamb dinners... she won't have time for her old mate Kate. You will be left, adrift. So, at the risk of being bold...... I would say take Melvin and bloody be grateful.

              Wattle, love, you will have to back off as will Others who have tried to crack on to the members of the bridal party. In fact, maybe you and Fanny can get together?

              Now, Kate, we could always toss up in the air a double wedding.....I'll have to speak to the old....sorry me lovely missus about that one. Think about it......matchin' outfits.....I mean me and Mel could have white suits with black ties or vice versa or one of each! The list could go on, love.

              Oh, by the way...........Tawn said YES!
              :k TheKanga



                Oh, almost forgot ...................

                Em Nhu+... (by Song Viet-Dam Giang)

                Em nhu+ mo^.t so+.i to+ tro+`i,
                Lung linh trong na('ng, nhe. nha`ng buo^ng ro+i.
                Nie^`m vui mang dde^'n cho ddo+`i ,
                DDo'n cha`o nha^n the^' nu. cu+o+`i he' mo^i...

                To+ tro+`i em ra('c ho^`n to^i,
                Tu+` Xua^n sang Ha., Thu ro^`i qua DDo^ng.
                To+ tro+`i tro'i buo^.c tim to^i,
                Giam ca^`m no^~i nho+' kho^n nguo^i dde^m nga`y.
                So+.i to+ o'ng chuo^'t ti`nh say,
                Quye^.n trong na('ng a^'m, mu+o+.t ma` nhu+ nhung.

                Thu+o+ng em dda~ tu+. bao gio+`?
                To^i na`o hay bie^'t, lo`ng sao ho?i lo`ng?
                Ti?nh say mo^.t co~i to+ vu+o+ng,
                No^~i nie^`m a^'p u? tu+o+ng tu+ da^ng tra`o...

                Bao gio+` to^i ddu+o+.c ga(.p em ?
                Bao gio+` to^i ddu+o+.c ga(.p ngu+o+`i to^i thu+o+ng ?
                Bao gio+` cuo^'i ngo.n to+ tro+`i,
                To^i leo le^n na('m ddu+o+.c ngu+o+`i to^i mo+ ?

                Em nhu+ mo^.t so+.i to+ tro+`i...
                :k TheKanga



                  Em Nhu+

                  WOW! Again, I'm astounded.

                  I particularly like the bit which translates to

                  " In heaven's skein you snare my soul
                  Through all the seasons with its powers."

                  It's been one hell of a metamorphosis, I must say ...





                    Love, have you thought about what I've been sayin'
                    :k TheKanga



                      That was special.
                      :k TheKanga




                        Please think carefully. Melvin is a Vegan. He wears plastic sandals, with socks. Do you really want to live like that?

                        Go for Fan.




                          Dear Ms Katesm,

                          May I suggest? Thankyou in advance!

                          Go for Fan! Go for Fan! Go for Fan!

                          Dear Mr Fan,

                          I feeeel your pain. Please accept my apologies. Thankyou in advance!






                            Dear Kanga,

                            Thank you so much for expounding me as your very best friend ever. The feeling is mutual. I see in you what no...............................ahem.....anyway. My friend, I am in a bit of a fix.

                            You see, may I explain? Thank you in advance. The botheration is your friend Kate. She is under the perception that I may have a, ahem, romantic interest in her. She is, no doubt, a remarkable little lady, but, alas, I don't know how to tell her that I have eyes for another. Another, who is bold and beautiful in his, I mean their own way.

                            Please dear, dear Kanga, please tell me what should transact. Thanking you in advance.

                            Oh, and as Kate is a dear friend of yours, please let her know that I will be out of town for a spell.......thinking.

                            Ever Yours




                              This is fascinating.

                              Quite a saga.

                              Much intrigue and undercurrents.

                              Will there be answers in the end? Or at the end?

                              Thanks in advance.




                                Before we go any further ..... I do believe Melvin is hitting on you. If you harbour any curiosities in that direction, sort it out now please, because once we are married, this will be a situation up with which I will not put.


