I did take the antabuse and stayed sober for 2 weeks. Those weeks were really nice. But I had some problems with what to do in the weekends as I have been drinking every weekend the last ten years.
My drinking has increased a lot the last few weeks. My girlfriend of seven years and I am not together anymore and I feel weird because of this. I am weak.
I am really really drunk right now and I feel very good. Not so much tomorrow morning I guess.
I'm up to 15 small bottles of 5% beer every day, and more in the weekends, and I drink spirits too on top of that.
My body hurts, I'm hung over at work and allways on the brink of throwing up. I'm getting fat, havent been to the gym in several weeks, I look tired, I feel tired.
I met a girl today and took her out for drinks. A french guy much taller than me started talking to us. A nice dude. When we went back he went the same way as he lived that direction too. Guess what, she went home with him. Its not a loss for me because that proves that she is the most dirty wh0re ever, but it was a loss for my ego.
Anyway, its nice to get all these thoughts out. Some replyes would be greatly appreciated.
My goal now is to take an antabuse on monday. Ideally on sunday but thats too good to hope for.
I WILL TAKE AN ANTABUSE ON MONDAY! I had such a good week last time I took antabuse. It was like a cloud was lifted from my view, and I just plain felt good and energated. I didn't have to sleep on the couch for hours after work even.
Ok enough for now. Thanks for reading and I wish you all the best!
