For many years I though al was my friends, kept me company, cheered me up, gave me confidence and generally made the wheel in my cage spin !
But I am now sober , for which I am extremely grateful, but I am very lonely. Because in reality over the years al has chipped away at everything I have held dear. I have lost count of the amount of friends and relationships I have lost over the years through al. (I am ashmaed to admit that when I am drunk I turn into a mean vicious tongued drunk, who takes no prisoners) people only hang around so many times to be abussed. There are some peolpe who hung around but Ih ave lost contact with most of them through shame of things I have said and done . My wish is that if by anything I ever post on this site or say to anybody in chat can save them for being where i have ended up then I will consider it a job well done.
It also makes me cross how the media glamourise al , if is nobodys frined and for us unlucky few its a bloody life sentence and thank goodness sites like this show us that we can get out on parol !
Happy holidays and on a positive note just got a text my best friend and her partner are coming over ( she is one of the few who have not bailed out but in truth she met me when I was much better) and I remain resolut that I will never turn to a bottle again no matter how lonely or upset again I get as that would just put a stamp of parol denied on my file were as being sober puts a big smiley granted on it. And who knows what another sober tomorrow will bring ! Love and light to you all .
BH x