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New with a lot of questions

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    New with a lot of questions

    I'am new, have ordered today the CD's and the six weeks stater kit.
    Till I get them, I'd like to clear a few questions:
    1. I've tried Campral, not without success, but at a time where I wasn't convinced I really wanted to stop drinking. So I didn't. Would it be better to start "this new adventure" with Topiramate ? Have you any experience ?
    2. If English is not my mother-tongue, though I'm quite confortable with it, will it be a problem with the CD's of auto-hypnosis?
    Anyway, I'm glad to meet you. Thanks in advance for answering my silly questions.

    Tchiao, tchiao.

    New with a lot of questions

    Hi and welcome Janus

    Campral is one of the many things I've tried and like you still drank. I think that was because I wasn't ready to give up. Since then I've tried rehab and all sorts of little things. Managed a few days on Topa but didn't like the sides.

    Right now I'm running on over 5 weeks AF without any meds assistance at all apart from a small amount of L-Glut. I found I simply had to want to stop more than I wanted to continue drinking - then I changed my priorities and life around so I could start to deal with living again. I do have a counsellor who is supporting me on a daily basis too through this (voluntarily on top of our usual weekly session).

    Some folk swear by Topa, Baclofen etc but I guess I've found my way was through my own head. So try things if they work fantastic, if they don't try something else but don't give up trying.


      New with a lot of questions

      Hallo Janus - welcome - here is good! I have only tried topa which has worked really well for me. I have been AF (Alcohol Free) since Mid Jan, due to Topa, but as UKB said, you have to find your own way. As far as the Hypno tapes not being in your own language - if you are comfortable with English, I cannot see it being a problem for you. I personally didn't use them but have heard from others that they are very good.

      Lots of help here and if you have more questions, ask away - there is usually someone here who has the answer for you. Again, welcome to the site.

      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        New with a lot of questions

        Hi Janus, I just wanted to welcome you. All the best, you can do it.
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          New with a lot of questions

          Welcome Janus,
          Hey, there's no such thing as a silly question.
          I think you should be fine with the cd's.
          Can't answer your first question. Maybe campral will work this time round as you have more motivation. Don't know about the Topa. So there,... I wasn't all that much help after all!!


            New with a lot of questions

            Welcome Janus, you have come to a great place to get support to become AF. Sorry I can't answer the questions on the med's, I've only been using the L-Glut.
            AF since April 19, 2010
            NF since Nov 10, 2000

            "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
            -Lady Nancy Astor


              New with a lot of questions

              Thank you all folks for your encouraging messages. I'm waiting for the CDs and all the stuff to start correctly and with conviction the programm. Till then. Have a nice week-end. Janus.


                New with a lot of questions

                The best way to stop drinking is to have a reason and motivation from within. Drugs can have side effects and I would only take them if everything else fails. It can be a long, slow process to finally stop drinking, but with desire comes results.


                  New with a lot of questions

                  janus. keep at it. its worth it. i am on campral. now i was 2 weeks sober before i started on it and i dont know if it works, i think your mind has to be in the right place. im keeping with it as im throwing everything i can at this problem. it gives me a bit of tummy trouble but it is worth it to stay off the booze. good luck
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    New with a lot of questions

                    Hi Janus and Welcome!
                    I was on Campral about two months ago, but recently switched to Antabuse. I found that the Campral worked with cravings, but I was also able to still drink on it. Personally I needed something that could take away my option to drink, which is why I finally tried the Antabuse, after having the prescription for a whole year. I guess I'm just the type that needs to be scared into not drinking
                    Anyways, I am glad you are here, you've found a great place for support and encouragement. I look forward to getting to know you and seeing you progress through your journey!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

