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Four days AF Hangover??

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    Four days AF Hangover??

    Hi, everyone. I'm new here but already I'm so encouraged by the people on this board. You guys are awesome!

    Question: I've been AF for four days now and today I feel like I have a slight hangover...a little headache and bleh feeling, you know what I mean.

    Could this be my body flushing out the crap? How long will this go on? fyi, I was not a daily drinker. I drank two-three times a week, usually about 3/4 bottle of wine. But it was enough to leave me feeling lousy on a regular basis, and to make me worry about my poor liver.

    I'm also hoping to mod after 30 days... Thanks in advance for your replies!

    Four days AF Hangover??

    Hi Crowgirl and Welcome!!
    Don't worry about still feeling "blah" after 4 days. Everyone is different, but I know I was still feeling less than 100% even after 4 weeks. Just be patient and let your body try to recover, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, try to exercise, and eat good foods! You WILL start to feel better, and soon. Just think how long you (and I) have been abusing our bodies by pouring poison into it, we can't expect it to bounce back over night (or after lots of nights, even).
    It's so good to have you here, stick around....I look forward to getting to know you!!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Four days AF Hangover??

      Hi Crowgirl -
      For me, Day 4 was always the hardest. Usually in the past when trying to quit, I broke down on the evening of Day 4. This time I got through it by doing the minute-by-minute approach - taking deep breaths, not letting the cravings build on themselves. It seems like the more I focus on the cravings, the worse they get.
      I also use L-Glutamine - 2000mg whenever I think of it (2-3 times a day). I mix it with different flavors of Crystal Light (depending on where you are in the world, you may not have that - it is just a powdered calorie free drink that comes in all different flavors). It's my little treat to myself instead of AL.


        Four days AF Hangover??

        Thanks to you both. SweetHereAfter, it's funny you mention day four. It has been my stumbling block many, many times. I guess because I had the routine of drinking 2 or 3 times a on day four my body "thinks" it's due.

        9 pm is my witching hour. I'll be sure to eat dinner tonight. I'm taking 3,000 mg of L-Glut already. It seems to be helping.


          Four days AF Hangover??

          Hi Cowgirl,
          Yes, you're right. It's your body slowly adjusting itself. I felt pretty blech for a while, but hang in there. K9 seems to have the right approach. If you can, try not to think about the desire to drink... try to focus on breathing, which you seem to be doing. The more we focus on how hard it is to stop, our mind believes what it is saying to itself and so it will be hard to stop. See if you can divert your thoughts when you start thinking about having a drink.
          May you succeed in your efforts!

