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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time

    Hi Everyone,

    I wasn't going to post or especially do a "new thread" on this. BUT I thought if I do a new thread on my first day of my 6 week detox journey it will make me much more accountable.

    My Abstinence CD's and the last of the supps (Kudzu) arrived yesterday. I am not doing any medication so am REALLY
    hoping the supplements and CD's will be effective enough for me.:fingers:

    Yesterday I didn't drink so today is 1st day of Detox Plan & 2nd Day AF. I am hoping to go the full 6 weeks and see if my mind's behaviour has transformed.

    I will take it ODAT mostly as thinking right now 6 weeks = 42 days = 1,008 get the picture. YIKES! I'm going to work on the next 24hours for now.

    I took my first pile of vitamins and listened to the "clearing CD". I think I fell asleep and then woke up when he counted down and said open your eyes. "OR maybe I was in deep subconciousness"????? Definitely relaxed.

    So I shall report on my progress on this thread. I am hoping it will be one more thing I do in my detox plan to have AF success.

    I hope everyone is staying strong and AF.
    Meech :l

    AL Detox Time

    Am thinking of you. This is my 1st time AF! So far im on day 5 and still dont know whos body im existing in if you know what i mean!


      AL Detox Time

      Hey there Pink Angel,

      Awesome job on 5 days! Wow. :goodjob:

      I hear you there. You are existing in a sober much much better body. You deserve it. Keep strong.



        AL Detox Time

        Using this as my AF journal

        This post and thread, I guess is mostly for myself. It's my AF Diary so to speak. So I can post how I am doing, feeling, struggling and succeeding with by committment to go AF for 6 weeks.

        So here I am, Day 4AF feeling strong. Wow wish this could keep going but I know I have some tough tough days ahead. Saturday and Sunday night I will need some serious strength.

        CD's - I am finding it very hard to fit in the time for the CD's but know how IMPORTANT this part is for me. With 3 young kids and 2 partime jobs it's trying to fit it in and not feel guilty about taking time away from family.

        Tonight I work so AF today will be no problem.

        Saturday night hubby away and I'm with the kids so I need to focus on an AF fun movie PJ party night. I feel like I haven't had a solid evening of quality time with the kids. So that will be it.

        Saturday & Sunday busy in the mornings with work. Early morning trail runs, hikes and bikes. So will keep busy.

        Sunday Night - Will REALLY WANT TO KICK BACK AND DRINK. This will be a very tricky night as "it's Mother's Day and I deserve AL crap". :durn:
        IDEA - I should invite a couple and their kids to come and share the afternoon and Mother's Day dinner. They are NON-Drinkers so it's easy to not be tempted around them. Will call today and try to set something up.

        Goal for Monday and beyond - Start getting up 1 hour early (trust me should be not a problem as I usually sleep in until the last second before I have to get kids up for school etc...). Then I can start my day with 1 hour of hypnotic listening....AND I don't actually even have to get out of bed!

        Okay now stick with the plan until Monday then work on next week's plan for sobriety!

        As for AL BEAST :lalala: I'm not listening!


          AL Detox Time

          Wow Meech, what a great thread.....nice work.

          I will follow this with interest.
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            AL Detox Time

            Brilliant plan, Meech.
            Great idea about Mothers Day.
            Glad we had ours back in March.
            Take care, Meech
            J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              AL Detox Time

              Thanks guys. I LOVE and REALLY NEED THE SUPPORT.

              MWO friends are Awesome!!!!


                AL Detox Time

                What a great idea Meech..
                I wish you the best in your detox.. and we are here for you for any issues you may have!
                all the best,
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  AL Detox Time

                  Feeling stong going into day 5AF

                  Thanks Katie and Sheri for the support and inspiration.

                  I listened to the Hypnotic CD's yesterday before work. and the sleep one after work when I crawled in bed and placed my "sober" head on the pillow.

                  Going out for a long trail run this morning. Then listen to 1 hour of clearing CD when I get home. then it's time with the kids.

                  I will make sure my fridge is FULLY STOCKED with refreshing AF drinks to get my through the tricky hours that will be waiting at the end of the day. When my kids ask for a sip of what I'm drinking...I can actually give them one! hee hee.

                  Sun is shining I think it's going to be a wonderful day spent outside with those closest to me. I'll check in later..... :rays:

                  Hope everyone stays strong through the weekend!


                    AL Detox Time

                    Frustrated can't listen to CD's

                    Didn't realize how friggin IMPOSSIBLE it is to fit in 1 hour of hypnotic cd listening with 3 young kids jumping, shouting, playing, fighting....argggghhhhhh!

                    "Find yourself in a quiet place where you can't be disturbed." Well it sure isn't in my home!!!! :egad::durn:

                    Frustrated as I need to get in 1 hour of hypnotic, 1 hour subliminal before bedtime.

                    I will be having a fun night (movie and pj' party) with them and have an early morning.

                    I just don't see the CD's happening. Angry right now had to vent.

                    Well maybe I can shut down the PJ party early get them in bed and maybe have at least 1 hour instead of 2 on the hypnotic CD before I go to sleep.

                    At least I'm not drinking!!!!!!


                      AL Detox Time

                      Okay I blew off some steam. Had a great quality night with the kids. Will work on listening to the CD's tomorrow.

                      Now I will rest my sober head on the pillow. Good night.


                        AL Detox Time

                        Hi Meech.
                        Good on you for making a plan and sticking to it. It isnt easy but I find making it public makes you a bit more accountable. We are all behind you and are here for you.

                        I too was having trouble fitting in the CD's so I started putting them on when I went to bed. I have head phones so as not to disturb my husband. I usually get to the stairs and then "wake up" when he counts backwards. I do think they work whether we are awake or asleep as they work on the SUB conscious which we arent aware of. I find I get a really restful sleep when I listen to them.

                        Anyway, good luck with your 6 week goal.

                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          AL Detox Time

                          I am really proud of you Meechie Girl!!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            AL Detox Time

                            Hi Meech.
                            Thinking of you and sending lots of cyber support!
                            Keep it up.
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              AL Detox Time

                              Okay I have tried to post twice now and it's booted me out. Argggghhh.

                              Cravings were extreme about an hour ago.
                              I know in my heart that after going AF for 6 days if I even try to sip on one beer it will be 6beers GUARANTEED. AND my 6 week Detox and this journal will be a loss.

                              So I dug down deep, fought hard, read some other threads, had a big glass of chocolate milk and I think I won the battle today. :b&d:


                              Must fight off the first drink. That's the only one.

                              I want to lay my sober head down on the pillow tonight.

                              I want to wake up fresh with no regrets, no hangover.

                              I don't need alcohol. I will enjoy a refreshing af drink just as much.

                              I want to wake up to AF7 day tomorrow.

                              Thanks for all the support everyone. Last posts Hippy Chick and Mama Bear - thanks so much. closing in on Week One. :l

