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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time

    Hello there.

    Just reading back over your posts reminded me of the first time I went to the doctors and told him (not my usual doctor) that I had a problem with AL. His solution - and exact words - were " well, use will power and here is a script for anti-depressants, valium and sleeping pills "..... OMG what an idiot. If I could "use will power" what the hell would I need him for?
    I am actually feeling relief at knowing I only have to wait one more day before I can get some help. Feel like I am going out of my mind at the moment.

    You mentioned on Papmoms thread about me finding hobbies or activities to do. You are right, I need to find something to do but the hard part is I dont know what I want to do. I think when I get some medication and can think clearer something might come to mind that I want to do. And I may get the energy to actually do it. It's like a vicious circle, I need to get out and do something to help me feel better, but because I feel so bad, I dont want to get out there...... I have even droppped off going on the treadmill three or four times a week - something I have been doing for years. Am still going to the gym three times a week though. That is my only sanity at the moment.

    I think it is your turn at the doctors today. So let us know how you went. Seems to be a lot of us at the stage where we need medical intervention. It's all part of the healing I suppose.

    Take care and look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      AL Detox Time

      hey Meech, big ((((( ))))) for you today. Draw on the strength of your convictions and me and HC to help you speak honestly with your doc and to be assertive to get what you need.

      funny the subject of hobbies etc comes up. When I posted to SR on their forum, I mentioned that I felt there was a hole that I don't know how to fill up. One of the few people to respond to me mentioned that I have to get out of the house. the hole won't be filled by sitting around thinking of it. So, being on vacation this week and with the hot hot weather keeping me from being outside a lot, it is the perfect time to explore some fun things I can do at night that are free. No idea what will appeal to me but I'll let you both know how it works out. Meech, you are so busy with your 2 jobs and your family but what about "you" time outside the house? Same for you HC. Let's all see what we can come up with that is fun, has nothing to do with house or home and gets us out meeting new people!!
      :l :l
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AL Detox Time

        Came clean with the Doc

        Okay just made a big post and lost it. grrrrrrrr

        Phew, I still can't believe I did it. I was first talking about my back and almost finished and I thought I CAN'T walk out of this office without coming clean. :no:

        So I told her I have a problem with alcohol. She seemed totally surprised at first. Then let me know that 1 in every 3 people have problems with alcohol regardless of anything. Then she said that people that are very competitive with sports is 1 in 2. She is convinced it is very much in my brain and genes (chemistry and heredity) and the physical takes over after the first drink.

        She has prescribed me Naltrxone. So I will read up on that.

        doc din't think topo would be good for me (tingleness in limbs fingers, depression, loosing weight and concentration/spacey type side effects).

        Papmom - yes will talk about hobbies soon. Not working too much through the summer now so have lots of free time. hope you find some great evening activites.

        Hippy - Hope you get some good direction from Doc tomorrow and can get motivated about life, about living and get involved with some enjoyable rec and leisure activities that you discover.

        Ahhh so much to say but have to leave for my son's appointment. Check in later.


          AL Detox Time

          Yea Meech!! I'm so proud of you!! Do you feel relief? How interesting that athletes are 50% more prone to probs with AL. Huh. I'm so glad your doc was learned enough to know the different meds and which one would be good for you. Yes, do read up on it-don't forget the meds thread. I bet there is tons of info there for you.

          I'm also glad she confirmed that you are NOT weak or hypocritical. It's the bloody genes and brain chem.

          Looking forward to hearing about your new journey.

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AL Detox Time

            Well done Meech - bet you feel better for coming clean with Doc?! I love knowing that if I have a prob or a crisis like I had when I came home from hols I can go to him and not have to either hide anything (which always seems silly with a doc cos then they only know half the story) or have to start explaining. Yes Hips, seems the docs are busy with us all at the moment - maybe it's the next stage of our sobriety?

            Would love to hear some ideas for hobbies etc. like you Hippy, nothing really appeals to me and I don't want to do something just for the sake of doing it - oh and good luck with your doc tomorrow - let us know?!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              AL Detox Time

              I was going to say exactly what Molly said. Fantastic news, Meech.
              I love reading both yours and pmom's threads. You're both taking advice,giving advice and give a whole load of inspiration to a lot of people here.
              I'm knitting like a crazy person at the moment as my cousin's wife is having twins in September/October.
              J x
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                AL Detox Time

                Back from my son's immunization. My 4 year old is so funny. He watched the nurse stick the needles in his arms, said wow. Then said he did not need a bandaide or a sticker and would like to return to the waiting room to play with the toys. Well that was easy.

                Thanks Molly and Papmom. Yeah I still can't believe I confronted my demons so to speak. I really hope the naltrexone helps.

                The doctor also suggested private appointment with a alcohol addiction counsellor who is very good in town. It may really help sort out things. That would be great but I realized I know the lady (not close friends but friendly I guess you could say). So it's a bit awkard. I may have to think about that one for a bit. Only AL counsellor in town too.

                My Doctor did mention in our talk that "reward & escape" seem to be big triggers for me. I knew they were but didn't think they stood out so much. Made me think a bit more. She said the reward is huge with athletes. What do all sporting events end with....usually drinking and a heightened approval of binge drinking.

                Okay enough on my Doc. appointment. I have a new energy and might have to start a new journey within this thread.

                - My favorite thing to do is hiking. And I am blessed where I live because there are many.
                - Triathlons
                - Quilting actually. I am very relaxed and calm and there's something extremely rewarding because it can be a wonderful useful gift to yourself, a loved one or a family keepsake you can pass down to children, newphews, neices etc.... I am not a quilter but the quilting shop in town has group sessions which are dirt cheap, you use their $10,000 sewing machines and they tell me what to do step by step. Plus it gets me out of the house in the evening with a group and the last thing they do is drink.
                - Painting/Pottery/Arts. Again, I find great peace and total relaxation when I'm painting. And I'm not a painter and do not know the first thing about it. There's a group where experienced painters help out the newbies. Also there are some great art classes probably at any college or program in most towns/cities.
                - If you like cooking there's always great ethnic cooking courses that is fun. And what is more fun than food?

                I'll jot down more hobbies as they come to mind!


                  AL Detox Time

                  I crossed posted with you JC. thanks for the kind words.

                  Knitting great hobby. It is actually the new craze here. They even have kids classes at the quilting shop for knitting and sewing.


                    AL Detox Time

                    I used to love knitting - I knitted aran and fair-isle sweaters and everything but no one past the age of 2 would wear any of them!! Hubs keeps reminding me that he has one in his cupboard - but he never wears it!!
                    It sounds a bit old ladyish but I wouldn't mind playing bridge, my Mum and Dad used to play and taught me the basics and I love cards. And yes I agree with JC, I also love the 2 threads, full of sense but fun as well!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      AL Detox Time

                      Hey Meech,
                      You are very lucky that your doc knows there is an AL counselor in town. I think you should give her a try. If you really feel awkward then don't continue. In a city as big as mine, I have no idea where to find one. I've looked on the web and nothing has come up. I know they are out there. When I see my doc in Sept I may ask if she knows of one, especially a homeopathic or natural wellness one. I think integrating mind, body and soul/spirit might be key for me.

                      Your hobby suggestions are great!! I've always wanted to learn how to quilt-not that I know beans about sewing but it's just something I've wanted to do. There HAS to be an inexpensive class nearby. Thanks for throwing that out there!!!

                      JC-thank you so much for the kind words!! We have a knitting/crocheting group at work and I know I should be doing my crocheting in the evening as there are about 3 babies being born this fall and I would live to have something to give the moms. Maybe I look around for knitting classes!!

                      Molls-I would wear one of your sweaters-I love them!! I really should live on the coast of Maine or Ireland . As far as bridge goes, my parents played it too-there was a huge bridge club in town responsible for most of us kids NOT ending up in jail (How did mom/dad find out? Oh, the bridge club):H. However, the evening games(and probably the afternoon as well I suspect) were drink fests!! Be careful!!

                      Sorry to hijack the thread Meech. I'm so happy you sound so good and please keep talking about your visit if you want. It's cathartic and not at ALL boring. I've already learned so much!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AL Detox Time

                        Well I have been reading more and more on this Nal drug I'm about to take starting tomorrow. There is evidence if you don't take it every day but rather just on the days when you are craving really badly and think you are going to cave it is apparently 90% more effective. so taking it when you are absteining really doesn't help but taking it on those days where who are very vulnerable and think you may succumb is the key. Hmmmmm I'll keep reading on that.

                        Good news on my Rotting Meat Crisis - I posted on Papmom's thread that I came home from holidays to an almost entire 1/4 beef rotten in the freezer because it accidently got unplugged. Insurance doesn't take the deductable due to the circumstances so I get reinbursed the full amount. My premiums only go up $177.00 over 3 years and then return back to the old rates. So it's worth it as we just got the meat in $700.00 worth. Let me tell you there's nothing quite like the smell of rotten meat on a really hot steamy day. Eau d'carcus!


                          AL Detox Time

                          Have you read up about baclofen at all?
                          It seems to be very helpful for the committed quitter who keeps relapsing. You might get a copy of Dr Olivier Ameisen's book "The end of my addiction". It is quit an interesting read and fits with you and your doctor's assessment of genes plus opportunity.
                          Good Luck


                            AL Detox Time

                            Morning Meech and all others! I think I might feel uncomfortable going to a counsellor I sort of know, however if she's the only one you may have to? I would love to go to one but like Paps I don't know where to start finding one, I suppose my doc would know - maybe on my next visit. the Nal sounds like a good plan, specially if you don't have to take it all the time.
                            Happy day
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              AL Detox Time

                              Oh and yes Paps my Mum and Dad knew all sorts thro the bridge club - couldn't get away with anything!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                AL Detox Time

                                Hey Meech-wow!! Your insurance will reimburse 100% because someone unplugged the freezer and it wasn't a power outage? Cool! I want that insurance co. LOL!!

                                good luck with the Nal-sounds like your doc knows what she's talking about and tailored the treatment to fit you. Please let us know how it works. Unfortunately my cravings are psycho, not physical and related to my low opinion of myself and boredom. Is there an App for that? The book Sunnyvale refers to sounds interesting. Might look that up in the Library when I go on Friday.

                                Can't sleep but must go back and try.
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

