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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time

    Yes drinkng the chamomile now. Will get a hot water bottle or take a bath later. Heat seems to help. :bath2:

    Hippy - I'm actually one of the last ones to see day 8 on the planet. Wayward west. It's Day 8 (May 11) and 5:55pm. Getting started on supper (dry crackers for me). Won't be day 9 for awhile yet but I know I'll be making it AF till then!

    Have a good night and we shall touch base when tomorrow eventually arrives!



      AL Detox Time

      Sorry you've got tummy turmoil ( I like that phrase ).
      You have a good evening and get plenty of rest.
      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        AL Detox Time

        Hi Meech. I hope you are feeling better by now.
        I have worked out you are 14 hours behind me as when you posted last you said it was 5.55pm Tuesday and I received that at 7.55am Wednesday! Crazy huh...
        I would absolutely LOVE to come to Canada one day. Have travelled alot but never have come to Canada.
        One day!

        Anyway hope your tummy turmoil is better and that day 9 turns into day 10!

        Talk tomorrow.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          AL Detox Time

          Starting on AF 9 today NoRegrets

          Think the storm in the stomache has moved onward ho!

          Woke up fresh, no regrets to an absolutely beautiful sunny mountain day. :rays:

          Kids are a calling. Going to bike them to school then housework, then work (which for me is exercise). Yes a few hundred loads of laundry in there too. that one could be tough as it is way too nice outside for that.


          I feel like a little kid in springtime. YIPPEEE.

          Hope you have (or had a great Wednesday).

          I'll check in later, as these sunny days always made me (see talking like it is in the past) want to slug back many cold beers at the end of the day. Really have to focus this evening during cocktail hour. MUST MAKE IT MOCKTAIL HOUR NOW.

          Connect during the witching hours......
          Meech :h


            AL Detox Time

            Day 9AF Plan

            Okay here's today's plan.....


            1) Housework (ughhhh)

            2) Bike to school and pick up kids

            3) Get supper ready for family

            4) Run - 6-7:30pm

            5) Have hubby plate me up supper so I can eat it the second I get in the door. If I have a belly full of nutritious food that is HUGE FOR KILLING THE CRAVING. This is the most important thing I must do when I get home!!!!!! must fight the urge for AL.:boxer:

            I'll check in later with hopefully a success to this plan.


              AL Detox Time

              Going to make it to Day 10AF

              Just checking into my journal.

              Made it through the night. Had a few cravings but I was so busy and got home so late it didn't allow me to really think about AL. Phew!

              I now shall lay my sober head down on the pillow once again and listen to my Clearing CD before I fall asleep.

              I hope everyone held strong and had an AF day today too.



                AL Detox Time

                Hi Meech.
                Day 10!:wd:
                Having no regrets is a good way to live. When I first got sober I loved waking up in the mornings knowing what time I went to bed, how I got to bed and that the kids were safely tucked up too. I hated waking up at three in the morning having to do a trip around the house to see if the cats were in, the kids were in (!!) the candles were all out, the lights were all off and the doors locked. What a way to live hey!
                The simple things really do become the good things.
                You are sounding focused and strong.
                Maybe we should come up with a list of mocktails so we dont get bored with them.
                Will check in again tomorrow. Take care.
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  AL Detox Time

                  No Regrets - new slogan

                  Thanks Hippy for checking in. I look forward to hearing from great people like you posting on this thread.

                  I am NOT an early morning person but knew I had wee ones; mine and a couple more (4 yrs and under) I had to take care of all day today so would not get a workout in.

                  So what got be out of bed when my hubby and 3 children didn't believe I could get up at 6am?

                  Repeating to myself "no regrets" "no regrets today".

                  So I got up had a good hard bike ride with the clear sky, beautiful mountains, had to dodge about a dozen deer along the way and it was awesome!

                  Then I cooked breakfast for the family biked my kids to school and I have the rest of the day with the wee ones!

                  No Regrets so far. There's NO WAY I'd be doing that hungover.
                  I'll check in later.


                    AL Detox Time

                    Double digits, 10 days :goodjob:

                    I have to say that Mr JC used to be a bit startled in my early AF days when a plate of eggs were pushed under his nose at 6.30am in the morning.

                    I'll be back later.

                    J x
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      AL Detox Time

                      Hee hee hee. did he have to look twice and pinch himself?

                      My kids were discussing how Mommy was actually the first one out of bed this morning like it was some kind of miracle.

                      Yeah it's so nice to have energy in the morning and know you aren't going to konk out at noon for a 3 hour nap because you boozed it up the night before.


                        AL Detox Time


                        It works even better when they've had a late night in the pub........

                        J x
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          AL Detox Time

                          Cravings have started ugggghhh

                          It's 5pm and the cravings are really hitting tonight. I don't have much for committments tomorrow so AL Beast is saying you deserve it you've been so good. But I know that I will binge if I start. Can almost taste the cold beer.

                          I have to lead a hike from 6-7:30pm....good (we have daylight here until 9:30pm) so I won't be home until after that.

                          Then I need to focus on a plan. I just knew this was going to be a tough night!!!!

                          No regrets, no regrets, sober pillow on bed tonight, no regrets....

                          I'll go take my supplements now and try to figure out some supper so I EAT the second I get home. If I'm unorganized maybe I'll pick something up that's fast (might not be the healthiest choice but better than Alcohol).

                          I do not need alcohol. It is beneath me. Just fight off the first drink. Hmmm chocolate milk worked pretty good last time. Maybe try that.

                          If I check in later that's a good sign. Let's hope I do that.


                            AL Detox Time

                            Fantastic news Meech - you are staying so strong and coming on here to report any issues.. just writing them down here shows how strong your resolve is, and how much you understand yourself.. you are doing great!
                            Katie xxx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              AL Detox Time

                              Blocked out the cravings

                              Thanks for the message KatieB and the special note JC! Helped me out tonight.

                              I had a tough go this evening but kept thinking about tomorrow morning

                              Scenario One - The CAVE
                              How ashamed and disappointed not to mention hungover I would be posting tomorrow on this thread that I failed. And wasting away a beautiful day and the 10AF I could have accomplished.

                              Scenario Two - Drop kick to AL BEAST's Ass

                              Ride out the craving (as JC put it). No regrets, Totally proud and confident in myself, filled with even more hope for an AF Future not to mention NOT BEING Hungover...fresh, full of energy to LIVE a beautiful AF11 day .

                              So...... I went with Scenario Two, Smart move. Sorry AL Beast this chick is no longer accepting your calls!

                              See you all tomorrow. I shall now rest my sober head on my pillow and listen to my CD.


                                AL Detox Time

                                Day 11AF

                                Well I was just thinking this morning..... I can't believe I am at day 11 already. Wow.

                                When I started the detox day 3, 4AF seemed so big and I was so envious of people in their day 10, 15, 30 etc....... It seemed so far far away. Such an uphill battle to make it that long.

                                Well I'm here to say that although there are some really tough days, you do move through quite quickly and wake up thinking Holy Smokes Batman I'm in double digits. It seems like just yesterday I was at day 2.

                                Have a great day. I'll post out my plan later. Cravings don't hit till late afternoon. I'm off doing errands and buying some really yummy stuff for this fancy Mocktail drink. I'll share the recipe if it turns out. A nice treat that is guilt free on a warm day! Might even get me one of those martini glasses too, which is only ALLOWED AF DRINKS IN IT!!

                                Have a good day or evening all!

