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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time

    Much happier today! 3 Weeks AF Half way there!

    Good morning (or afternoon / evening) everyone! Well I am at the half way point of my 6 week detox. Never gone this long since I started drinking many many years ago (with the exception of my pregnancies of course). :happy:

    Yes it's amazing how those tough days of grieving hit you like a truck. I know it is the natural process and MUCH BETTER HANDLED SOBER!

    New Mottos to add to the others when the cravings start:
    1) Believe that the craving will fade. I just have to wait it out.
    2) Fight off the first drink because the 2nd, 3rd, 4th will be even harder to fight off than the first.

    And the old standby no regrets as I hit my sober head on the pillow.

    Hippy - I totally agree about the little things. It is a very happy and content feeling laying your sober head down and drifting off to sleep. that is HUGE! You look forward to the next day that lies ahead and the possiblities rather then dreading it with self-hatred and pain.

    :welcome: Welcome Helen! Not sure if you are new but look forward to learning more about you and your journey to a better life!

    Papmom - You inspire me too! Hope you had a good graduation that you attended. Yes I feel my brother's spirit around me. And although I am sure I will have many tough days of greiving ahead I have many happy days now that I live them sober. I'm sure he is looking down from above cheering me on, giving me support and is proud of me.

    Yesterday was exhausted but fulfilled. Led day hike, big bike and worked at a very busy restaurant last night. So today is a complete day off, no committments, the kids are off and the sun is shining!!!

    Listened to my clearing CD this morning. Wasn't quite ready to get out of bed and the kids were still asleep.

    Now I'm going to take my three kids for a nice bike ride, play a little tennis and hit the bakery after for a treat!

    Shall check in later tonight! :thumbs:


      AL Detox Time

      I am so darn proud of you!!!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        AL Detox Time

        we're talking in weeks now :yay:

        You've have worked so hard for this and you should be proud of yourself.

        I'm sort of smiling all over, if that makes sense.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          AL Detox Time

          Thanks Mama Bear and JC,

          I'm smiling all over too. Yeah 3 weeks. Sounds pretty good.

          I can hear the AL Beast trying to tell me all about his idea of the "reward system".

          Well I know darn well his reward system is secretly a huge punishment in the end and I'm not falling for it. I will just wait it out and enjoy a nice meal and think about tomorrow where the possibilities are endless!


            AL Detox Time

            Morning Meech.
            I like your new motto... the craving will fade. I havent thought about it being that simple. It seems so consuming when you amongst the desire, but it really will fade. I know that after all this time but have never really put any thought to it.
            If playing tennis and a bike ride is a day off for you, I would hate to see a busy day!!!:H
            I dont know much about grief having never had to deal with it so personally as you are, however I would imagine dealing with it with alcohol would prolong it and delay the healing as I dont think you would deal with it properly - it would just be covered up, masked it with the AL. I dont know, I am no expert, it just sounds right to me.
            What you are doing is working, so keep doing it. Half way to your goal, how about making another goal now so you know what happens after..... what about another six weeks?
            Will call in again later.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              AL Detox Time

              Hi Hippy!
              I guess I'm just a simple girl! :H

              You hit the hammer on the nail. AL only masks the grieving process and definitely slows the healing. If anything it might make things go backwards or in a darker hole.

              Goals after 6 weeks. Well I definitely have had some bigger goals floating around in the back of my head. For now I just want to get through the next 3 weeks and HOPE that I feel stonger at the 6 week mark than I do now. I'm feeling very proud/strong but still in the vulnerable stage at the same time.

              Had a pretty good day. Tuckered. The AL Beast is still trying to convince me to get a 6 pack of cold beer right now. He's quite pissed at me the other night. Really thought he had me. Ha ha, I can be just as sneaky and stubborn as you Beast!

              I think if anyone else could hear or read this post who has never had a drinking problem would think I was down right crazy. :H

              Oh the fights we have with AL. Grrrrrrrrr. :bat
              No worries though, he won't win tonight. The worst cravings are over. I waited them out!


                AL Detox Time

                Hi meech - its been ten days since I slipped (oh did I slip) and feeling good but yeah the demon has been whispering in my ear. I hope in time in becomes much less frequent. Peace!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  AL Detox Time

                  hey Meech!! Congratulations on hitting the 3 week mark!! Yahoo!! I'm so proud of you and I'm right behind you both in support and in days sober.

                  I swear I need to move out to your part of the world and take classes with you!! What a job you have!! Do you ever do trail hikes for dogs and their owners? Now that I would enjoy immensely!!

                  Have a great nite-shut that beast up and lay that sober head on your pillow. I'll see you tomorrow!!


                  :l :h
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AL Detox Time

                    Mornin All

                    Into my second half of Detox. AF Day 22 today.

                    Papmom - Yes I have no problem with participants taking dogs on the trails. They say sometimes the dogs bring back the bears to the group though. Luckily I haven't seen any on my hikes or runs. I hoot and hollar and that seems to keep the cougars and bears away. I never take for granted where I live. I am very lucky and I am so happy I can enjoy everyday sober here instead of every other day because of the hangovers.

                    MISSING OUT ON LIFE
                    That was the worst - A beautiful day, kids are at school and I could be enjoying it to the fullest. BUT instead I'd be in bed hungover, miserable, hating myself and missing out. I really hated a whole day wasted from my life because of 3 hours of buzz the night before.

                    I just realized although I am not doing a 30day AF like some other great threads - mine is 6 weeks.... I'm only 8 days away from 30. I can't believe it. My intention was a 6 week detox, but when I started, deep inside me I wasn't even sure I could last a week.

                    Waiting out the Cravings
                    .... Oh by the way a few days ago I said I was motivated to organize some closets in my home. Well I waited out that craving too. Closets are still a mess. :H:H


                      AL Detox Time

                      LOL...... Amazing what we can avoid doing if we put our mind to it!

                      You made a good point for me to be patient! I asked you what your plans were for after the six weeks and you reminded me ODAT.... That is a big problem for me. Always anticipating what comes next instead of living in the moment. Sorry about that and thanks for picking me up on it. Have always been so bloody impatient.

                      Missing out on life - I actually got pretty good at functioning with a hangover. There were a few days a year that I just couldnt move in fear of puking. But luckily they were few and far between. Since stopping though, I realise just how bad I felt on a daily basis but just learnt to live with it.

                      Bears and cougars! My goodness - what unusual health and safety issues you to have to deal with at work. I suppose it is the same if I go walking in the bush here except it is dugites or tigers (both snakes) we have to make noise to scare away. And I wont go swimming in the ocean as the thought of sharks is always in the back of my mind.

                      Well I am missing my gym workout today as I am curling up in bed with a nasty cold. So bye for now.
                      Hi Pap and Techie - hope you are both doing well. Congratulations on 10 days Techie, they all add up!
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        AL Detox Time

                        Hey Meech,
                        You're almost through another wonderful day!! Your attitude is very inspiring as well-I'm learning through you and others to take it ODAT as I too, like HC, usually want to plan everything far in the future.

                        I don't know if I could handle bears and cougars-I have trouble with the raccoons and skunks that frequent my urban backyard LOL!! But, I do love to hike with my dogs whenever I can. Maybe next week?

                        Missing out on Life: Yep, definitely did more of that the past year or so. Before that, I was pretty high functioning just like HC. Most mornings once I got my tea in me and a high fat breakfast, I was good to go although it was torture if I had to work past 5pm. Now? more energy than I ever remember having. I don't bound out of bed yet, but I'm not dragging through the day anymore. Ain't it great??

                        Hey Meech, I'm with ya on the organizing LOL!! However, since I'm on vacation next week and have NO intention of being sick in bed everyday, I guess I'll have to tackle some of those projects. Shall we do an organizing challenge???

                        HC-I'm so sorry you're sick with a nasty cold. Please take care of yourself and get tons of rest and fluids. I'm willing to bet it will take less time to get over this cold than ever before. Funny thing-I use to make the excuse to myself that alcohol staved off germs so if I kept drinking I wouldn't get sick. That worked real well :H:H
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AL Detox Time

                          Hey Meech,
                          You're almost through another wonderful day!! Your attitude is very inspiring as well-I'm learning through you and others to take it ODAT as I too, like HC, usually want to plan everything far in the future.

                          I don't know if I could handle bears and cougars-I have trouble with the raccoons and skunks that frequent my urban backyard LOL!! But, I do love to hike with my dogs whenever I can. Maybe next week?

                          Missing out on Life: Yep, definitely did more of that the past year or so. Before that, I was pretty high functioning just like HC. Most mornings once I got my tea in me and a high fat breakfast, I was good to go although it was torture if I had to work past 5pm. Now? more energy than I ever remember having. I don't bound out of bed yet, but I'm not dragging through the day anymore. Ain't it great??

                          Hey Meech, I'm with ya on the organizing LOL!! However, since I'm on vacation next week and have NO intention of being sick in bed everyday, I guess I'll have to tackle some of those projects. Shall we do an organizing challenge???

                          HC-I'm so sorry you're sick with a nasty cold. Please take care of yourself and get tons of rest and fluids. I'm willing to bet it will take less time to get over this cold than ever before. Funny thing-I use to make the excuse to myself that alcohol staved off germs so if I kept drinking I wouldn't get sick. That worked real well :H:H

                          Techie-way to go on your 10 days AF. keep up the good work!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AL Detox Time

                            Hi All,

                            No worries Hippy. It makes me happy knowing you are excited for me to continue on my AF journey after 6 weeks is up. I really will set some new goals when the time comes (or just prior to). Can't stop this healthy lifestyle after just 6 weeks! Hope your cold subsides soon.

                            Cravings were not really happening tonight. Thank goodness cause they gave me enough of a challenge on the weekend.

                            Great job Techie on the 10 Days. Yeehaw! Double digits.

                            Time for bed now. Big plans for tomorrow and tomorrow evening. So I think it won't be too tough for another AF day!!

                            Papmom - We get our share of skunks too. Never seen a bear or cougar on trails yet. I have seen the bears in town though. silly people keeping garbage out and other attractants.
                            We also have more deer in town then dogs and cats I swear. They come into town because it's safer than the bush.


                              AL Detox Time

                              Hi Meech.
                              Glad the cravings are subsiding so you can relax abit and not struggle to get thru each day/hour/minute.
                              The cold has really taken hold of me so not getting too much sleep. Also am dealing with an issue with my 14 year old son. He has got himself into alot of trouble so that is not helping me feel any better.
                              Stay strong and focused and I will check in again later.
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                AL Detox Time

                                Day 24 AF today

                                Kind of grumpy the last few days. Hmmmmm. Need to chill out. Haven't been taking my calm fortes. Better get back on them. I don't take them during the day because I get too sleepy and often have strenuous evenings with work.

                                Techie - Are you on day 12 now??

                                Hippy - I'll send loving wishes your way. My son although 6years old is having some major problems controlling his explosive emotions at school and sports. Iyiyi. I have two layed back kids and one who wears his emotions on his sleeves, head, shoes, tip of his nose,......
                                It's exhausting. Hang in there. He'll appreciate your sobriety even if he might not show it when dealing through this difficult time. :h

                                Papmom enjoy the hot weather. I wish we could have some. It's been cold today, brrrrrrr.
                                You think it would make me stay inside and do housework! Wrong. :H

                                Well yesterday was a good day. Barely thought about alcohol. Was out at a social event where there were pitchers of beer for everyone (my personal favorite AL Drink), but I found it quite easy to refuse. I guess I prepped my brain ahead of time and pictured myself drinking sprite and lime or water. Plus I headed right for the food to help squash and cravings. And it was not a problem.

                                THE PROBLEM - is at home at the end of the day and I don't have to do anything. That's when I crave sitting on the couch slugging back 6 cold ones. And that will be the environment tonight. After my group trail walk (new trail along some different mountain ridges - fun) I will be tempted.

                                So I will try to ....Hang 10 and ride the Crave Wave-it might feel like a tsunami at first, but it will always end as a ripple.

                                Plus - Good thing about being cold is I will feel like a hot bath after the hike and that usually distracts me from drinking too.

                                Thanks Papmom for that visually effective and well written motto! :thanks:

                                JC Thanks for your message. You always make me smile!

