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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time

    Papmom, You're 30 days is coming up quick! :l:h

    Techie - although I haven't seen a journal yet. You are just 12 days away too. It won't be long. I'm keeping track!!!! :h :l


      AL Detox Time

      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        AL Detox Time

        Thanks Hippy Chick! I can hear your cheers from across the ocean! :thanks::l


          AL Detox Time

          Hey Meech, Hope you were able to KO the beast last nite and that you are still reveling in your accomplishment!! I'll check in later to see what your update is.

          :l Pam
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AL Detox Time

            Still KOing the beast. And my closets! It's amazing how much space I have now!


              AL Detox Time

              So now you can go shopping to fill up those closets again?
              You are still sounding strong. I caught up on your news on PM3 (hehehe) thread. And I posted there too about my abseiling day so I wont repeat myself as I know you read her thread each day. I will just say that I am still on top of the world after doing it.
              My husband is away this weekend for a golfing weekend with the boys. So his weekend is going to be completely different to mine....... Although it wasnt too long ago that when he went away it gave me an excuse to get as much drinking in as possible as I was a big lone drinker. I would have to make sure I either got rid of the bottles or replaced the ones that were in the fridge so it didnt look like I had been drinking the whole time he was away... Which was usually the case. My drinking was dangerous when on my own, especially if the kids were at sleepovers and I was completely on my own. I have vivid memories of one time waking up from being passed out on the back lawn to throw up, then go back into a black out and this was in the middle of the day! Even as drunk as I was I kept thinking the neighbours must be horrified if they peeked over the fence to see a very drunk woman with bottles all around and vomit everywhere. Not one of my best days! I have to keep remembering days like that - it reminds me of why I chose not to drink now!
              I've done it again - I've hijacked your thread too. I did it with Papmoms. Maybe I need to start a journal myself so I can talk as long as I want to. I see you have had over 1600 viewings on your thread. I think the problem is I havent been here as regularly as I like to lately and just want to talk to make up for it. Because NO-ONE else understands. Except people here!
              So I am going to go. It's late anyway and I have a very upset daughter - she lost her necklace with half a heart on it - I have the other half of the heart on my necklace. One of those mother and daughter things.
              So I will pop in again tomorrow. Take care and have a good night/day.
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                AL Detox Time

                Hippy, I sure hope your daughter finds her necklace. Sentimental I am sure. Please hijack my thread whenever you like. It's good to get caught up on your life. I'll go hop over to papmom's and see what that great day was you had!

                Oh yes those awful memories of the drunken past. Two years ago our final hockey wind-up I got wasted and puked everywhere in the bathroom (except the toilet) when I got home. And my husband had to clean it all up. I was hungover for days.

                So I said I wouldn't repeat the past, so at this year's hockey final wind-up I got plastered again. My friend tried to piggy back me home as I couldn't walk with out falling. I didn't puke so that was better for my husband. BUT I woke up with twigs in my hair. Where the hell did I fall???

                Next year's hockey banquet I see myself sipping on AF drinks having some pizza and great conversation with the team and putting my sober head on my pillow when I go to sleep. I'll omit the twigs, the puke and the mountain high pile of embarassment.

                Going for a swim in the lake this morning with a friend. It's incredibly calm today and the lake looks like a sheet of glass. Beautiful. Could be a little warmer though, brrrrrr. Thank goodness for full length wetsuits.

                Work tonight at restaurant so no worries about cravings tonight.
                Tomorrow morning I'll sleep in a wee bit then going for a BIG training session. So lots of hydration and carb loading today!

                Have a great sober Friday everyone! :h


                  AL Detox Time

                  Hurray for Techie on 3 weeks

                  So Techie,

                  How does it feel? Pretty fantastic? You are doing so great, very proud of you.

                  Has it gone by fast, slow, rough spots, pretty smooth? Whatever you are doing keep up the great work. Tell me what's made you so strong and focussed.

                  Have a great SOBER weekend as you enter your 4th week of AF. Congrats!


                    AL Detox Time

                    hey Meech, how was that swim? you are so lucky to live that close to a beautiful lake. Is it Lake Louise? that's the only lake I know of in those parts. I can't remember the name of the lake that is at the bottom of my Aunt's mountain but it was big. Have a great time tomorrow with your training session.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AL Detox Time

                      Hmmmm. this is frustrating I did a post here earlier today but it's not here now.

                      I did respond to you Papmom. Yes my swim was EXTREMELY COLD. Was numb getting out. I am really looking forward to summer showing up sometime soon???
                      Good bike and run after the swim to warm me up.

                      A black bear ran right past my friend and I just as we were about to enter the water this morning. The lake is about 900 meters from my front door and right in town. So a little surprised/startled. It kept on running into the natural corridor and back to the mountain.

                      No this lake is not Lake Louise. Lake Louise is north of us and incredibly beautiful but I wouldn't swim in it in the middle of a heat wave. Glacier fed and FREEZING in the middle of summer. Our lake is quite warm in the summer months (except summer seams to be hiding right now, grrrrrr).

                      Well Tonight was a close call. Beast almost convinced me that it would be good to get a 6 pack of beers...just have 3 or 4 (yeah right!!!) while I cook supper. I can sleep in tomorrow before my pole walk worries.

                      Well then I thought, it's been so long without booze I'm sure if I caved (which would be 6 beers) I would feel 10 times worse than when I had a good tolerance going. And suffering through a 90 minute hike and come home to sleep all day would SUCK.
                      It was tough but I put my tangerine-lime fizzy drink in a wine glass and started slicing, dicing and chopping my way through the craving. It worked. I gotta admit it was a close call.

                      Finished supper and now I'm going to cuddle with my hubby, watch a rental movie and have some peppermint tea. I will LOVE my hike tomorrow instead of HATING IT and REGRETTING WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN.

                      Nightie night!


                        AL Detox Time

                        Hi Meech. Well done on slaying the beast yet again. So much better to exercise with no hangover... hate that wine seeping thru the pores.... yuk!
                        A black bear OMG! Was it big? I suppose even a small one can do a bit of damage if he wanted to. Sounds like you live in the most beautiful place. The way you describe it, I have a lovely picture in my head. You say you are waiting for summer to come - we are waiting for winter to arrive. Although the temps are much cooler, we still are having lovely sunny days with no clouds or wind. We desperately need the rain to fill the damns so a bit/lot of rain would be very helpful. Winter seems to be arriving later and later each year.
                        My daughter didnt end up finding her necklace. She is really sad about it. Mum and Dad went down to the soccer pitch in the morning but couldnt find it. Maybe next time I tell her not to wear jewellery to training she might listen! Tough lesson though as she paid a hundred dollars out of her pocket money to buy us those (she was 9 at the time). She is such a loving, caring sweet girl.
                        Hope your hike went well. Will catch up again tomorrow. A public holiday tomorrow so I can spend a bit more time on MWO as I have been running out of time lately.
                        Take care.
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          AL Detox Time

                          Hey Meech, :goodjob: on riding the Crave Wave and KO ing the Beast!! I must admit on the ride home, H and T, I almost gave in too. No plans for today and I've been go go going lately I really wanted that numbing feeling to wash over me. BUT, I, like you, knew the hangover would be 10 times worse even tho we would be able to drink the same amount as before, and I really didn't want to spend the day in bed ( as i sit here typing IN BED at 8:30 am :H ) sick as a dog. Plus, I was ONE day away from my 30 day milestone!! Did I really want to throw that away? My doc's word kept echoing in my head: "you MUST find another way to relax". So I did. It just isn't worth it Meech. It just isn't worth it. We can NEVER drink like normal people -aint' gonna happen no matter how much we miss it. It's great that Roberta Jewell found out she could moderate. Is she still moderating now after 4 years? There's been no updates to her story so who knows? But if we think about buying a six pack or a bottle of wine and know without a doubt we will be drinking the whole thing, then we can't moderate. Our task is to find something else to take it's place for us. For you it seems like it might be cooking. For me, right now, it's coming to MWO and connecting or just reading plus the exercise. I think it's always going to be a struggle for us but as time goes by it should get easier and easier to turn off the Beast and just say NO.

                          HC-I'm so sorry about your daughter's necklace. Another tough lesson for such a young kid.

                          A black bear Meech? Remind me to tell you my story about Banff National Park someday!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AL Detox Time

                            Morning Meech. You must be having a really busy weekend. Hope you are finding some time for yourself. We have a public holiday today so I am going to have some me time because I have been so busy lately. I have yet another bloody cold sore, the third in as many weeks, so something must be going on internally. Might be time for a trip to a naturopath or iridologist to see exactly what it is that keeps allowing this very annoying virus to makes it's home on my lips. If man can fly to the moon, why cant they find a cure for the bloody things?
                            Maybe a bit of exercise will relieve this frustration......
                            Will pop in again later. Take care.
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              AL Detox Time

                              Hello Papmister and Hippymister!

                              Busy day today. I decided I didn't get enough exercise yesterday so I rode my bike to the trail site (25km) then hiked with my group for 1 1/2 hours. Beautiful warm sunny day today. Although now the clouds have moved in for a shower tonight.

                              The kids wanted to go swimming so we did that this afternoon. As we (hubby and kids) were driving home i got a sudden serious attack of Beer cravings. I kept quiet wondering if my hubby was going to stop at the liquor store (as he sometimes does at "cocktail hour" on Sundays) but he drove home. Then he went out for groceries and he knew I REALLY wanted a beer. So he asked if he needed to stop somewhere else for me (and we all know what that someplace else is).

                              I said NO before I could even think about it. Then he left. A few minutes later, I picked up the phone to call his cell to actually tell him to get me beer. Just as I was going to dial the phone rang and it was one of my daughter's friends calling to chat with her. By the time she got off the phone the BIG CRAVING subsided. WOW talk about small blessings. It's like a higher being said Nope not tonight honey!

                              So now I am still craving beer. Cleaned up dishes after supper. Getting in pj's, making some peppermint tea and I'm going to ride the cravings now. They aren't as bad as the early ones so I know I can make it through tonight.

                              I know I've been strong the past 4 1/2 weeks but I'm scared that one of these time the Beast is going to win. I'm so sick of fighting off these urges. No worries tonight though. It ain't gonna happen.

                              I wish the Beast would get lost! :teeter::lalala:


                                AL Detox Time

                                IMPORTANT TO NOTE

                                A confession - I have been terrible about listening to my CD's lately (all last week). gotten lazy. Time to get back at that. Because since I have slacked in that area I have noticed my cravings are getting worse.

                                I seem to be able to block the cravings better when I was more diligent about the cd's. Something to be said there. Hypnosis CD's may not work for everyone, but I think they have an effect on me.

