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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time


    Training sober. Well let's just say I have been so much more committed. No cancelled workouts or training done at half effort. hope it pays off!


      AL Detox Time

      Hi Meech.
      Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Will read your posts hopefully tonight if I get time. You know how crazy birthdays go and as my daughter is turning 11 and knows exactly what she wants...... it is up to me to make her dream turn into reality. I dont mind as she is the shining light in my life.
      Take care and stay strong. I will call in again when I can
      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        AL Detox Time

        Hipster - How exciting for your daughter. Those were fun ages. I love planning the birthday parties. It means so much to the kids. And they really remember.

        Well I listened to my clearing CD this morning. Could have got some housework done but there was no one in my house so I seized the moment (okay how do you spell seized?? I think that's right).

        I am really hoping to listen to the Hypnotic tonight at bedtime. Must get caught up as I have really slacked off in the CD part of my recovery and I think it is effecting the level of cravings I have been having and my ability "not to block them out".

        Bought some more Milk Thistle and L-glute today. not sure if after 38 days if I need the Milk Thistle anymore but figured another bottle couldn't hurt. the L-glute I'll continue until the cravings subside and I gain more confidence in my sobriety. still have a bunch of Kudzu left but maybe I should order more before I run out as it takes a while to get here being out of country.

        Great group hike today. The clouds broke up and the sun came out. It was warm, fresh and we had a great 90 minute hike. Went along a canyon with rushing water below, into a mossy green forest, and out onto a cliff area where there were incredible hoo doo formations. Pretty cool. It's nice because here the sun doesn't go down until 10:00pm so there's lots of evening outdoor stuff to do.

        Anyway, going to go eat, have a soak and listen to the hypnotic CD if it's not too late by then. Good night everyone! So glad the AL Beast is not bothering me tonight.


          AL Detox Time

          Hi Meech.
          Your hike sounded lovely. What on earth is a hoo doo? The sun going down at 10pm? OMG Doesnt the sun fades the curtains? Sorry... West Aussie humour...... We are in a permenant debate about day light savings and the against people always find some stupid excuse not to have it. Curtains fading, cows being milked early, kids not sleeping.....
          Glad the cravings are being kept at bay. Take it easy and will catch you again tomorrow.
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            AL Detox Time

            Hi Hipster - We are up here pretty high. So winter is pretty dark (sunset 5pm dawn 8:30am) at it's worst. And the evenings at the end of this month will still be light just before 11:00pm. Even if we didn't do daylight savings it would still be light pretty late.

            And YES THE KIDS DON'T SLEEP. They just can't settle down when the sun is shining and it's 8pm at night. Can't wait for summer holidays in a couple of weeks. So the routine can slack a bit. So hard to get them out of bed in the morning.

            Have a great weekend. How did the birthday party go? Or is it this weekend? Look forward to hearing the details of the special day.

            I had a BRUTAL sleep last night. My mind was absolutely racing from 2-6am. Trying to solve problems, making to do list in my head. Could not stop the brain. Argggggh.. I have one of those sleep deprived headaches. Still better than a hangover! Bed early tonight it's a big weekend of racing. Two of my three kids do the kid's triathlon tomorrow then mine on Sunday.

            Well off to make some granola bars and plan the next two days worth of pre-race meals and some housework of course.

            Papmom- one more day of work (Sat) and you can relax and work on your budget. Hope you are doing okay today. Look forward to hearing from yousoon.


              AL Detox Time

              Hope you get a better nite's sleep tonite!! Do you think it was pre race jitters?

              If I have any room in my budget, I have GOT to start putting away for a trip to BC-I have to do a hike with you!! You are in God's country, that's for sure!!

              Sleep tight tonite-no racing mind-save that for Sunday!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AL Detox Time

                Good luck tomorrow Meech!! I'll be thinking of you! I'm sure you'll be wiped after the race so I promise to be patient and wait for the results on Monday!!

                :yougo::yougo: GO MEECH!!! :yougo::yougo:
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AL Detox Time

                  Hi Meech.
                  Where do you live in Canada?
                  I sometimes have those sleeps where I need to work something out but now I keep a pen and pad of paper next to the bed so I can write it down and forget about it. I also find if I get up to watch TV I can guarantee I am asleep within a few minutes (only if I put something realllllly boring on).
                  The party went well and today we went and saw Mamma Mia which was great. I think my daughter enjoyed herself.
                  Sounds like you are teaching your kids the healthy way of life - triathlons for kids?? I wonder if they have them for rather unfit and slightly overweight 46 year olds!! The only triathlon I would have been good at was running - to the fridge for a glass of cold wine, scullling - the wine, then the discus - throwing the bottle in the bin!
                  Think I need to increase my output of energy at the moment as I have just eaten a huge piece of chocolate mud cake and it is sitting rather heavily in my stomach. :eeew:
                  Time to catch up on the nest. I hope your race went well.
                  Catchya tomorrow.
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    AL Detox Time

                    Had a gret weekend

                    Hi all,

                    The kids did great and had a lot of fun in their triathlon. My 9 year old daughter had to do a little more distance this year and did really well (150m swim/5km bike/2km run). She was nervous but worked it out and is proud of herself. My 6 year old son did great too. He is very competitive so gave it 200% coming across the finish line. Very cool to see over 300 kids. The smallest were even on training wheels for the bike portion - too cute.

                    Well I'm stiff today but had a personal best time. Amazing what your body can do when it's not being poisoned by AL on a regular basis. I had a slow swim (not much of a swimmer...I perfer the water slide and tarzan rope to swimming laps -lol). Really good bike I was able to pass a lot of those swimmers that were faster than me in the lake. My distances were Olympic (1500m swim/40km bike/10km run).

                    The weather was beautiful. Conditions perfect. I am even more motivated to get training for the next triathlon in 5 weeks! This next one is SUPER HILLY bike and run so the hill training now begins.

                    I can't wait for the kids to be done school. I think it's going to be a fantastic summer. Kids are a little older and if I'm not hungover every other day I am going to be "super fun Mom". Not sleepy Mom.

                    TODAY's PLAN
                    Rest & Relax, minimal housework.
                    Tonight - Going to skip swimming with group tonight because I'm too tired from race day plus I am going to take this day off training to cheer on my son at his baseball game tonight (haven't made to many games this year).
                    Go to bed early. We will be at ball game during the craving hours!

                    Really tuckered from a very active weekend.

                    Thanks for all the good wishes for my race. It was really fun. :thanks:


                      AL Detox Time

                      Hippy Chick - I live in BC surrounded by mountains and lakes. Western Canada. Love it!


                        AL Detox Time

                        Good for you! You must be so proud of yourself!! You have been given a gift of incredible physical strength and stamina and I'm so glad you've chosen to honor that gift from now on. I am still in awe at how much you did and you completed the whole thing!!!!

                        Congrats to your kids too!! Wow. When I was a kid there was barely marathons, never mind triathalons!!

                        Yes, I think you guys are going to have a great summer!

                        Rest up today and enjoy the baseball game. I so miss that! My nephews stopped playing right before they went into high school. I was so disappointed but my sister was heartbroken!! Thank god they stayed with Hockey but now there is only one and he has only 2 more years. The oldest one will play club hockey in college next year but it's nothing like the competition he's used to. Oh well.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AL Detox Time

                          Came off my racing high from yesterday and feeling weak

                          Thanks Papmom, for the congrats.

                          I'm not going to drink today. BUT I really feel like I'm getting weaker not stronger lately.

                          The AL Beast is really working on the "reward yourself scheme". And I find myself struggling with the fact that I could just give in one night. Just get drunk, reward yourself with that warm glow. Then back to AF stretch again.

                          I think it was Sheri who said something in another post about how important it is not to romantasize about drinking. Which I find myself doing. Just one night and then go AF. I'm even willing to give up a day to be hungover just to have that buzz.

                          This is driving me nuts. It's like the longer I go without feeling a hangover the more I forget how awful that next day is. I'm even willing to take that chance? Damn what's wrong with me. :huh:

                          I just had a big supper and the big cravings are subsiding. I still haven't given enough time for the CD's lately. Must smarten up! Get back on track. Thunder and lightening so no baseball game for my son tonight. but I will get through today.

                          Man I hate the AL Beast. I just wish I didn't like to drink so much. :no:

                          Johnnyh's thread helped tonight and how he fought through terrible cravings. And some other threads.

                          Hope tomorrow I have a better, stronger, more focussed mindset. Frustrating one day I am so strong and determined and the next day I feel hopelessly frail.



                            AL Detox Time

                            Meech, I know exactly what you are talking about. I was nearly 4 months without booze and just wanted that buzz, 'no one need know' 'one night' etc etc caused chaos in my life. I have never regretted anything more, cos our brains are different, my cravings as such had gone away - back to day 1. Still fighting the cravings now since beginning of May - this is a hard journey - doesn't work breaking it up!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              AL Detox Time

                              Remember your lovely phrase of 'laying your sober head down to sleep' because it's after midnight here and each night I think of that.
                              J x
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                AL Detox Time

                                Thanks JC and Mollyka,

                                Tonight I will have a sober head on the pillow. May tomorrow be less tough. Don't want too many of these days in a row.


