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AL Detox Time

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    AL Detox Time

    Oh yeah - After school today I am dropping my daughter off at a sleepover and the Mom wants me to stay for a bit to visit and have a beer on her on the deck. If I have one I know I will probably be stopping off at the beer store for 6 more. I CAN'T DRINK TONIGHT. For obvious reasons but also I have an early morning run.

    SO.... I will say my stomach is been bothering me a bit so I can avoid any beer drinking pressure. Just have to NOT take that first AL drink.


      AL Detox Time

      Good plan Meech!! How did you do? Did you resist? I wish people wouldn't use AL as the excuse to get together and chat. All she had to say was can you stay and chat a bit? I used to think Deck = AL but it really doesn't. It = gorgeous day/nite/relax.
      Off my soapbox now. Hope it went well.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AL Detox Time

        I slipped and fell hard


        I did not lay my sober head down on the pillow last night AND I have regrets today. I drank and i drank. Once I started I thought well you're not AF anymore so you might as well get sh&*#faced. And I did.

        I had to get up very early and do a 2 hour hike with my very eager group. I thought I was going to pass out.

        I am so sorry Papmom, JC, Hippy, Mollyka, Doggy, Techie, EVERYONE.

        I am very committed right now to a sober life. I know I am very hungover and pretty much useless. Beautiful day wasted.

        Well I do know I am capable of doing AF for a long stretch and I feel more confident than I have ever felt in my life about leading a sober life. I don't feel to angry at myself because I have done so well.

        I feel terrible about disappointing everyone here who had faith in me.:huh: I'm sorry I let you down.

        AF1 today. Back on the sober bus for a long ride.


          AL Detox Time

          Meech, welcome back to the sober bus. I can really relate to what you said about drinking, then getting a "what the F - might as well get shit faced..." attitude. There was no moderate middle ground for me either. A day of suffering on a long walk was probably a brutal blessing in disguise, eh?

          You did not disapoint me. Yourself maybe, but not me. Do this for you and don't worry about disappointing anybody else.


          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AL Detox Time

            Thanks Doggygirl,

            Boy did I learn a nasty lesson. Already knew the outcome but did it anyway.

            After a serious nap I managed to go for a bike ride and play a little tennis with my middle son. It was not my most energetic moment but I wasn't going to be a deadbeat Mommy when he really wanted my attention.

            I made the wrong decision last night, I wasn't going to make another one with my son no matter how hungover I was. He is worth it. Now I am cuddling with my kids before their bedtime with a big glass of ice water. I could have drank the water well dry today!

            Day 1 AF today. Many many more to follow. I am actually feeling very focussed and blessed that this site and the great people here have helped me stay sober for so long. I had a slip but I'm fighting back even stronger this time!


              AL Detox Time

              Amen DG!! I feel the same Meech! I'm not disappointed but I could feel your physical and mental pain with each word. I could feel how hungover you were and how gigantic an effort it must have been to lead that walk and then go for a bike ride and play tennis with your son. At least now you know what the outcome will always be when you take that first drink and you know you don't ever want to wake up feeling that way again. You had to prove to yourself that it just isn't worth it and I think you did.
              Tomorrow is a new day-put your plan on paper, write down your triggers so you recognise them when they try to ambush you and keep that sick horrid feeling frontmost in your mind from now on. Don't ever forget it.
              Get a good nite's sleep and we'll see you in the morning my friend.
              :l :h
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AL Detox Time

                My journey continues

                Thanks Papmom that made me feel better. Thanks for the private message too.

                I slept HARD last night. 10 hours solid. After being AF for awhile that poison really hurt me yesterday. My husband couldn't believe I got my sorry ass out of bed and did the hike. I can't either. I still feel a little sluggish today but feeling quite happy as I have now put that day behind me and looking forward to many (hopefully the rest of my life) AF days.

                Went for a 40km bike ride this morning. Swim with the group tonight. I am really putting some healthy things in my body this week to replenish after the "fall of Saturday night".

                Well if anything I should be pretty determined to go AF while I am on my trip back home with family. I have already looked up some poolside drinks. May try it this week.
                Lime, Lemon, oranges (half the juice from each and then thinly slice the other half for the pitcher). Put in pitcher with with fruit juice and slices, equal amounts of white grape juice and club soda (or soda water). Put a bunch of crushed iced in a fancy martini glass and pour. Hopefully it tastes good! That may be my drink the whole week I'm there.

                Today's Plan:
                1. Housework
                2. Supper in Crockpot
                3. Swimming Group
                4. Eat, get kids to bed, CD's, sleep

                I had the last tango with the Beast Saturday night. It's over Beast!


                  AL Detox Time

                  Meech the important is you didn't let this slip derail you. You're getting right back up and taking positive steps to prevent that from happening again. Build that prevention plan and stick with it. We will always be by your side. Hang in there kiddo. Train hard and work on your swim. Thinking of you, and wishing you well in all of life's races...techie
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    AL Detox Time

                    I like your plan Meech. I also like the sound of that citrus drink! May have to give that a whirl here too.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AL Detox Time

                      Thanks Techie. yes I won't let it derail me. I am proud of all those AF days I did. Now I have to continue onward.

                      Techie I love the bike. Looks like the one I ride except mine is red/white/black. Weighs about 18 pounds. Built for speed but look out for gravel!!

                      I've run out of time today but will pick up those drink ingredients tomorrow and see how it tastes! Need to add some variety to my AF drink menu. Keep my taste buds happy and distracted from AL.

                      Have a great sober Monday everyone! Check in tomorrow


                        AL Detox Time

                        Meech;892196 wrote: Thanks Techie. yes I won't let it derail me. I am proud of all those AF days I did. Now I have to continue onward.

                        Techie I love the bike. Looks like the one I ride except mine is red/white/black. Weighs about 18 pounds. Built for speed but look out for gravel!!

                        I've run out of time today but will pick up those drink ingredients tomorrow and see how it tastes! Need to add some variety to my AF drink menu. Keep my taste buds happy and distracted from AL.

                        Have a great sober Monday everyone! Check in tomorrow
                        Thanks meech the bike is new for me. it's a bianchi d2 chrono (2008) left my cannondale bigotry behind. I'm loving this one though!
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          AL Detox Time

                          Great plan Meech. You must be so releived that the pressure is off for the family reunion. I know you were really anxious about that trip.
                          Your citrus drink sounds divine!! I've got to try it!!
                          See you tomorrow!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AL Detox Time

                            Papmom, Yes I was very nervous about the trip home and how I have been really fighting the beast lately. Well the memories of how I felt Sunday will carry me through my entire trip I hope. I leave in 5 days.

                            No working out for me today. My back went into spasm. Will see the chiroprator later today. It does this about twice a year. No real reason for it. I think it's my body telling me to rest a bit. Usually hits a few weeks before a big race but luckily it waited till after my first race. So I am chilling for a day or two then hopefully back at it (pardon the punn Back at it).

                            Techie - Do you race or just enjoy road riding? I have a Jamis T1 Time Trial. I have an old Lemond too but it's got a lot of miles and many triathlons done on it. Good on the bumpy roads though.

                            Wonder how Hippy is doing on her trip. I'm sure she's doing fantastic.

                            Meech's Sober Plan for the Day:

                            1. Get van fixed (it's in the shop already)
                            2. Hang out on MWO
                            3. Listen to CD this afternoon (hopefully if my 4 year will stay occupied that long)
                            3. Get back cracked at chiropractor (get me fixed - back only hee hee)
                            4. Make my lentil salad (I love rest of the family can't stand!)
                            5. Hot bath to soak back (or cold ice depending on what the Doc says) and read.
                            6. Rest my sober head on the pillow and hope to wake up moving my back better than I did this morning.


                              AL Detox Time

                              Hi Meech I'm training again for tri's which I gave up after 9/11 when the drink got me. I'll be racing in the nautica on september 12th in malibu.
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                AL Detox Time

                                Ouch Meech. Sorry to hear about your back. I'm a Back Surgery Survivor with a love/hate relationship with the chiropractic community. Hope it works for you today!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

