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My AF Journey Journal

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    My AF Journey Journal

    Hi Papmom - Thought of you today and wondered how your foot is doing - did you buy new walking shoes recently? Also curious about how the dogs and cats get along. Did you bring kittens home to dogs or puppies home to cats?

    I'm sipping my diet tonic and lemon and watching the scale go slightly down instead of up.

    Hope you have a good evening.



      My AF Journey Journal

      Hi Papmom

      First of all GREAT JOB getting out there and walking. Especially with the sore foot. Ice is your best friend. not sure if you can get some topical ibiprophen cream (spelling) at the pharmacy that might help if it is inflammed. The foot area is more effective for the creams as there is not much meat on the feet so in can get into the area better (not as superficial as other body parts). Plus putting that all before your walk may take the edge off the pain.

      Take it from me I have iced, creamed just about every part of this body of mine and it really helps to keep you exercising!

      Have a great Day 11 AF. I'll check in later

      Meech :l


        My AF Journey Journal

        thanks everyone for checking in these past couple of days!! Wow- I am more blessed than I ever imagined!! I'll come back tonite and do a real journal entry. Lots to talk about!! Enjoy the rest of the day!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          My AF Journey Journal

          Can't wait to hear all the talk!!!


            My AF Journey Journal

            Hi Papmom. Just read your post in the nest. Hope you are doing better now. Sounds like you were severely tested with cravings, but you held fast and didnt give in. Well done.
            Today is my hard day - Friday. Dont know what it is about them but they always give me a hard time, even now. But with the strength we get from this site and each other we can get thru. Like Meech say No Regrets!
            Take care and I wil catch up with your posts later on.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              My AF Journey Journal

              Day 11,12 and 13

              Hi Meech and HC-Just wanted to let you know how much it means to me that you guys are following my posts and supporting me along this journey.
              I'm feeling very good tonite. I stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond on the way hometo look at some satin sheets but I just couldn't pay the $80 the queen size was priced at. I'll have to look elsewhere. By the time I got home (I stuck my tongue out at at the liquor store that I passed LOL!! Very mature!!) I was starving and it was 7:30 but I quickly got the harnesses on the pups and put my sneaks on and off we went for a nice 30 min walk at the local community college up the street. They do a beautiful job with the grounds-lots of flower beds and shrubs. In fact, I noticed and admired 2 new beds right at the entrance to the dirt track that all the neighbors of the college use. It really classed up the area!! My foot felt fine all day and throughout the whole walk. I was walking normally, not on the outside of my foot and I was psyched!! Got home, turned the dogs out into the yard and relaxed with water and the paper for about a half hour. Got up and the foot was a tad sore so I put some ice on it for about 20 min. Now I can't put any weight on it and it's been over an hour!! Definitely tendinitis. Meech, I was in sports medicine for 20 yrs as my first career and I have never heard of ibuprofen cream!! What a great idea, especially for those of us who can't take the pills anymore due to GI problems. Of course, when I stopped at the market after looking at sheets do you think I remembered to look for it? Nope!! Tommorrow.

              If the following is a repeat for anyone, I apologize. I lifted it from my post in the Newbies Nest earlier today:
              It's been a rough couple of days for me. It seems like I've found a new trigger: cold, rainy weather!! Huh!! Along with feeling really blue, work has been crazy and I've been on overdrive trying to get my assignment done. The beast tried whispering in my ear on Tues as I drove to and from my hair appt: "You deserve a treat for working so hard. I can quiet your mind. I can give you that wonderful mellow feeling. Wouldn't that feel good? Numb, yum." I told him to BUGGER OFF!! I got my haircut, went straight home and crawled into comfy pjs and bed with all the pups around me. I watched "The Biggest Loser" then started in on "Seven Weeks to Sobriety". Had a fitful sleep but at least it was a sober one.
              All day yesterday I was just so blue. My voice started going, I felt sooooo fatigued by the time I got to my evening job. I had no patience for any of the students I was dealing with. I had to stop on my way home and pick up my prescription sunglasses before they closed. Walked around Sears for a bit dreaming about new refrigerators, then finally headed home. The Beast started yakking again. I was sick of water, juice, had no real food in the house but it was too late to eat a good dinner anyway. I almost caved. Just a small bottle I thought. But I flashed back to how horrible the night would be sleeping (or not sleeping actually) and how much work I had to do today and I drove past the store. I found some waffles and jam, made some tea and crawled into bed without the TV on and started reading the book again. I am shocked at how clear the connection between Alcoholism and biochemistry/genetics is. All of a sudden I know why my drinking has been out of control for so long!! I'm not a weak person!! It's not a matter of self control!! I am allergic to the Beast!! Truly!! Of course I do have to exercise self control to stay away for now but I truly believe by the end of the book I won't even have to think twice AND my blues will be better controlled once i get in the habit of following the nutritional plan. I'm willing to bet most of the supps I'm taking now are in that plan (haven't got that far yet) so I've got a good head start.
              Today is sunny and beautiful so it figures my mood is better too. Got another free nite ahead-plan is shop for satin sheets (getting real fed up with breathing dog hair ) and do some quick food shopping. If I get home in time, off for a walk with the pups.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                My AF Journey Journal

                Hi Papmom.
                Just a quicky as I have just got in from work and am off out again in a few minutes.
                Nearly two weeks... woo hoo.. well done.
                Hope your foot gets better soon. I often think about all the times when i should have broken an ankle or worse when I feel down with high heels on! Those damn shoes.... always making me fall down!
                You made me laugh thinking of you poking your tongue out at the bottlo on your way past.
                Well better go.
                Catchya tomorrow
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  My AF Journey Journal


                  WELL DONE! You are doing fantastic...I just hope that bloody leg clears up so you can have some peace!! Get some yummy food today and stuff yer face xxxx
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    My AF Journey Journal

                    Hey Papmom, just read your post in Meech's journal. You sound good. I asked for virgin cocktails the other day and the guys looked at me as if I were strange. He didnt know what I was talking about. Anyway enjoy your pedicure/manicure and your evening with your sister.
                    Will PM you with my big night out story!
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      My AF Journey Journal

                      Have a great AF weekend PapMom Two weeks today!

                      Hi Pappy!

                      Hope the foot is feeling better. Did you get some ibiprofen (argghh spelling) cream yet?

                      Good job on hitting the 2 week mark today. Stay strong on the weekend.

                      Keep sticking that tongue out, middle finger whatever works! I love it.
                      I'm going to flip my liquor store the bird and say "You're beneath me" this weekend.
                      If it wasn't such a small town where most people know me I might even MOON the place on a drive by. :H

                      I work tonight so that will keep AL away. Trail run tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night might be a tough one. May have to repeat the "no regrets" many times over.

                      Enjoy your pampering time and your sister. Money better spent on your toes then destroying your liver!


                        My AF Journey Journal

                        Day 14

                        Wonderful pedicure tonite!! Unfortunately Sis thought I was talking about tomorrow nite so she couldn't make it. No virgin strawberry daiquiries for me!! I did splurge and get the total spa pedicure rather than the regular one. Only cost me 3 boxes of wine and will last 4X as long LOL!!

                        My foot, now ankle is really sore. I don't have a clue what I could have done this time but it's definitely a different pain and location than what was bothering me before. Lots of ice and rest on tap for tomorrow as I sit at the real estate office and answer phones all day. I still haven't picked up the ibu cream yet Meech but I'm going shopping big time tomorrow after work and will pick it up then. In the meantime I will try the enteric aspirin I have in hopes it will bring down the swelling.

                        Thought very very briefly about stopping at the liquor store on my way home from the pedicure-you know, friday nite, gorgeous out, great way to top off a wonderfully stress free day at work and a heavenly pedicure, sit out on the deck, read the paper. You know.
                        Did the :lalala: thing as I passed the store and reminded myself that I didn't need to be anymore relaxed and that water would taste just as great on the deck thank you. And it did!! :tempted:

                        Now it's late, I haven't eaten any supper (I think the 20 yogurt covered pretzels I ate on the way home will have to suffice!!) and I'm getting very sleepy. I think I'll turn in and read for a while and be very happy I'll be waking up sober and healthy in the morning.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          My AF Journey Journal

                          :moon: (Just for Meech!)

                          You guys do make me laugh....

                          Glad your pedicure was nice. I looooovvveeee pampering myself with spa treatments and try to do so whenever possible. If you feel good about yourself, I think we feel stronger and able to resist any temptation that may attack us at any time.

                          I work at a real estate office too. Been there for three years now (which is long for me as I like variety). I do the sales admin and reception when they need me.

                          I'm glad you and Meech started these journals as I enjoy checking in with you both, and it helps me stay on track too.

                          Well I had better get started on my day (have been to the gym already so that is out of the way). We have a rather full weekend with playing Mum's taxi service to soccer and football, quiz nights etc. I can hear my husband huffing and puffing as he cleans the kids bathroom (think he might need Meech to get him fit) and am feeling guilt that I am sat on the puter "doing nothing" ..... so take care, stay strong and I will catch up again tomorrow as wont have time this afternoon.
                          HC xxx
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            My AF Journey Journal

                            Happy Sober Saturday Papmom

                            Good job on the resisting last night. I haven't mooned the liquor store yet and with all these tourists in this weekend I'd better keep the fanny in the pants. :H

                            Sorry the foot is so sore. Now that it's getting worse and even swollen can you get to the Doc? Or physio?

                            As for exercise.... do you have a bike? I know sometimes when I have been layed up with lower body injuries that keep me from running or walking I can still bike. Sounds like you are may have to stay completely off it for a few days, but maybe next week?

                            What about swimming? Once it settles down that is. I'm so happy you are making such a good effort to get the exercise in. It's so frustrating when an injury gets in the way. Makes me crazy! :nutso:

                            I know walking works best as you are getting exercise for you and your furkids! I will send healing wishes your way! :l

                            Keep plugging those ears! lalalalalalala
                            Meech :l:h


                              My AF Journey Journal

                              Day 15

                              Uneventful day at work today but very productive errand running afterwards!! I got home early enough to take the pups for a walk but my ankle is still sore so i didn't. My main focus is to have this injury gone by thursday's agility class. I can't find the Ibu cream so far but will keep looking. Haven't been to the drugstores yet.

                              The beast was whispering tonite on the way home. Luckily the radio blocked him out and all the unloading that waited at the other end was my salvation. I've finished eating (not a great dinner but better than a bagel. Gotta remember to get the greens in tho!!) and now its the furkids' turn. Then some reading, ice on the ankle and finally lights out.

                              Big day tomorrow: Graduation ceremony in the morning and then the big party. I have my plan all set to go so I'm feeling pretty confident. It's too bad it's going to be a little too cool to spend the day in the pool although I'm sure the kids will. Not real psyched about getting into a bathing suit right now anyway. I'm one of the exceptions to quitting drinking-I've gained weight!!

                              I do think sometimes how sad it is that I can never have a cold beer or glass of wine again but then I ask myself: Did I ever think it was sad I could never have another cigarette? Nope, I was glad to be rid of the smelly things. Different level of addiction tho. I just can't take the chance anymore that one glass will lead to a full fledged binge. And one glass is never what I want. I don't even really enjoy that first glass. I'm always thinking about the second, then the third and so on. The consequences that night and/or the next day are just not worth the short time of feeling mellow or artificially happy or whatever it is I seek when I drink.

                              Waking up day after day not hung over or horribly tired has been really nice. It gives me peace tonite to know that I will wake up the same way tomorrow morning (even if my sleep is fitful).
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                My AF Journey Journal

                                Have a great sleep and a great day tomorrow. Your attitude is awesome and a little contagious too. Thanks for the support tonight when the going got tough. I really needed it.
                                I'll talk to you tomorrow and see how your day went!

