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Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

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    Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

    Hi all,
    I thought I would write down a few points that I have found amongst my reading material, to share with you all, if it will be any help to anyone..

    Healthy people choose to accept themselves unconditionally, rather than measure or rate themselves or try to prove themselves.

    Risk Taking
    Emotionally healthy people choose to take risks and have a spirit of adventure in trying to do what they want to do, without being foolhardy.

    We are unlikely to get everything we want or to avoid everything we find painful. Healthy people do not waste time striving for the unattainable or for unrealistic perfection.

    High Frustration Tolerance
    Healthy people recognise that there are only two sorts of problems they are likely to encounter: those they can do something about and those they cannot. Once this discrimination has been made, the goal is to modify those obnoxious conditions we can change, and to accept (or lump) those we cannot change.

    Self-responsibility for disturbance
    Rather than blaming others, the world, or fate for their distress, healthy individuals accept a good deal of responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.


    It is helpful to allow humans (oneself and others) the right to be wrong. It is not appropriate to like obnoxious behaviour, but it is not necessary to damn oneself or others for acting badly.


    Healthy individuals tend to be flexible thinkers - as opposed to having rigid, bigoted, or invariant rules, which tend to reduce happiness.


    Emotionally healthy people tend to put their own interests a little above the interests of others. They sacrifice themselves to some degree for those for whom they care, but not overwhelmingly or completely.

    Social Interest

    Most people choose to live in social groups, and to do so most comfortably and happily, they would be wise to act morally, protect the rights of others, and aid in the survival of the society in which we live.

    Acceptance of Uncertainty

    We live in a fascinating world of probability and chance; absolute certainties probably do not exist. The healthy individual strives for a degree of order, but does not demand perfect certainty.

    I hope this helps.. I am going to try and integrate these points in my own life..
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

    Valid points there Katie, most people strive for that elusive happiness in their lives not realising there is so much they can do themselves toward that goal by just a small shift in thinking and behaviour.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

      Thanks posting this Katie - very wise words to be digested :h
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

        Love this Katie..thank you x
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

          KTAB;852752 wrote: Valid points there Katie, most people strive for that elusive happiness in their lives not realising there is so much they can do themselves toward that goal by just a small shift in thinking and behaviour.
          Exactly Ktab! Most people seem to think happiness is like the gold at the end of the rainbow - you can see it but almost never achieve it in its purest form.. when in fact happiness can come from within.. once you really dig deep and let go of old beliefs and open yourself up to new ones.. the power does lie within each and every one of us!
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

            Thanks for the wise post. You are becoming so thoughful and insightful on this AF journey. I am really impressed.

            Moderation in all things, tolerance, taking care of ourselves while caring for others. These are things that a successful life consists of, that we can only give ourselves, no one can buy them for us or give them to us.

            The AF journey, is a journey of the psyche, as so much of our problem is wrong thinking. Thanks for sharing.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

              KatieB;853424 wrote: Exactly Ktab! Most people seem to think happiness is like the gold at the end of the rainbow - you can see it but almost never achieve it in its purest form.. when in fact happiness can come from within.. once you really dig deep and let go of old beliefs and open yourself up to new ones.. the power does lie within each and every one of us!
              And there it is, right there!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

                Amen Katie.
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Ingredients of Happy and Healthy Living

                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


