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my predictable addict mindset......

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    my predictable addict mindset......

    ok as most of you know i'm now on day 7 af and have been taking antabuse for 5 days. everythings going great, i'm happy that i'm sober, i'm enjoying my evenings more. i'm enjoying cuddling up to my hubby in bed and chatting/ reading every evening, when usually i either don't make it to bed as i pass out on the couch or, i cant remember going to bed with him at all.

    i am going away in my caravan again in a few weeks and i want it to be a sober holiday. problem is, like everything else, i see the caravan as somewhere we get roaring drunk. i know that antabuse should be out of your system 14 days before you take a drink so, i found myself this morning, browsing my calendar for the date fourteen days before my holidays so i could stop taking the antabuse SO I COULD DRINK THROUGH THE HOLIDAY! stupid, stupid, stupid. i have a one track mind honestly! i have done so well and i'm enjoying sobriety so why can't i change my mindset? why as soon as i think caravan do i think i must have alcohol? why cant i imagine going there without it. why can i not think onstead of the countryside with my hubby and kids, the barbecue, board and sports games, books, lovely scenery? laughing and joking in the fresh air?

    i don't want to stop the antabuse and i'm gonna try not to. as ukblonde said to me a few weeks ago, there'll always be an event or an excuse to drink. nothing is a good reason to poison myself!

    damb addict mindset. one track mind!
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    my predictable addict mindset......

    Girly whirly
    Very much understand your predicament. Holiday time is for relaxation and enjoyment, reward yourself for all your hard work. Unfortunately the way our addicted minds translate reward is with alcohol. This trip is an opportunity to begin unlearning dysfunctional behaviour. Think of it as an chance to show your children that mom knows how to enjoy herself without drinking. Time spent with your kids when you are sober is so much more rewarding for both parent and child.

    Hang in there, and look forward to all the actives you listed, they are so good for you!
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin


      my predictable addict mindset......

      great for thinking in advance... dont try not to stop the antabuse... just DONT stop the antabuse... positive thinking and all that. go for it... just try it... you may love a sober holiday
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        my predictable addict mindset......

        Great reply Sheri! I need to keep that in mind too. I still at times glamorize AL and need to stop it immediately. Life does go on without AL. Amazing how time passes without it and ALL IS GOOD.

        GirlyW. keep up the antabuse. You're doing great.



          my predictable addict mindset......

          Hello G W.

          I just want to encourage you to 'Go for It.'

          I think I was at about 14 days in when my husband and I had our 1st camping Trip minus Alcohol.
          I was terrified, I did not have the antibuse time constraint issue that you face but I knew that once we left there was no shops and I was stuck there, stranded with no AL.

          It turned out that apart from the 1st night when I looked for the 'habitual' glass it wasn't as hard as I expected and all those things that you are enjoying now, like cuddling and chatting when you go to bed made it a camping trip I will fondly remember for all the right reasons.

          take a chance,
          Bet on yourself.
          Happy to be back


            my predictable addict mindset......

            Girly, the best holiday I ever had by a long chalk was last March, walking in the balmy air in the evenings, dipping in and out of the sea after dinner, wandering the shops, going to bed at 10pm unapologetically because I wasn't pissed just tired out and ready to read my book. I'm 53 and it was my first sober holiday in the best part of 40 years.
            Take that Antabuse the morning you are going when the urge to drink isn't there anyway and then -decision made! Have a brilliant time, it really is great and you'll be amazed at the different things you can do and that you see (and remember!) when away and sober
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              my predictable addict mindset......

              Hi Girly!
              Congratulations on day 7, that is great! I understand about browsing through the calendar trying to plan when you can drink. I am on day 40 and I still find myself thinking "If I quit Antabuse today, then I can drink on..." But I will NOT, as I hope you don't. Please keep taking it, it does get easier and the thoughts come less and less. Above all, please don't drink while on Antabuse, that would be really bad!
              Take care and keep up the good work.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

