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My Next Challenge

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    My Next Challenge

    That looks like the 12th of december


      My Next Challenge

      Annnnyhow, lemme tell ya what I know about stopping smoking, it works different for everyone so do whatever works for you.
      I stopped twice in my life, first time was hard, 2nd time was easy, 3rd time is impossible (thats this time)

      When I stop, I stop, I don't go out buying patches and tablets and other stuff that continues putting nicotine in my body, has anyone ever seen a heroin addict with heroin patches? no didn't think so.
      So cold turkey.
      Start in the morning, never half way through a day.
      Nicotine needs 24 hours to leave the system, so the cravings don't really begin till the 2nd day.
      The 3rd day is the worst, if you get past this you are laughing.
      Cravings come.. and they go, some are worse than others but always remember they do go even if it does seem like the same flaming craving since you quit, it does go.
      Remember when your cravings come, say to yourself "A cigarette will never ever take the cravings away"
      I eat more when I quit, usually snicker bars, wine gums, chewing gum last time I quit I became addicted to gum!
      When you get a craving, drink water, cold and then breath in really deep.
      You will find yourself eating more, this is ok if you are not a weight watcher like me who needs a few stone, if you are a weight watcher then I can't help you, RC said something in the newbie section, I will have a look at that later, hadn't a chance yet.
      You will feel great, you will smell everything, you will taste everything and your scenes improve immensely, and you sleep really well, these are the things I am looking forward to.
      What helps me is watching other people smoke and realize how stupid it is.
      Any more tips, any more tips... erm no, except enjoy it, its really nice especially after day 3 inbetween cravings, don't always be thinking about it.
      We all gave up AL, this is similar, let the cravings come, they will go.

      Oh and spend the money on something nice for yourself, kids, mother in law... I plan a weekend in Nice in July.

      Oh and self help books and sites don't work for me, I tried it once and it made me forever conscience of the fact that I was quitting and it didn't help.

      So all the best!


        My Next Challenge

        Great post and fab tips..gonna get this printed up..
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          My Next Challenge

          quitnet club choice

          Doggygirl;854247 wrote: You GO Girls! I found to be a helpful resource when I quit. In fact, it was the group support there in one of the "Clubs" that not only helped me get off the smokes, but prompted me to look for a similar support site when I decided to tackle the AL problem. (which led me here!)

          Strength and hope to you! You can do it!

          Hi DG, How did you choose a club?


