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    Why is t that i dont any withdrawal symptoms when ive not had a drink for 6 days even though ive been drinking at leat 4 bottles of wine a week since i was 20 and about 7 bottles for the last 5 years?


    thank your lucky stars!!!

    I was drinking five bottles of wine a day at one point in my life and I did not do too bad this weekend. Withdrawals do exist. I found this out the hard way. They are clever and disguise themselves. I had not drank for three days and attended an NA meeting. I almost crashed my car, had problems parking and went in one hour earlier than the intended meeting. Then I had to speak, it was not compulsory, but it was expected. I went out after that meeting and gave into what I now know were withdrawal symptoms. High anxiety, erratic behaviour, obsession to drink alcohol, blame, I was blaming everyone for me..... I would not question whether or not you have withdrawals, you are 20 and you are relatively young. If you continue on this path, trust me, withdrawals will come and it is then that you truly realize the extent of your addiction. Also trust me they are overwhelming and the compulsion to drink very strong. If you can beat it, do it now, for your sake.... You recognize a problem, now deal with it, better now than later. Much love and kind regards.



      Wow!! You are very lucky at this point. Stick with it because I guarantee that if you keep drinking, at some point when you quit you will get withdrawals.

      I suffer shakes, tremors, sweats, visual anomalies and have had two seizures.

      I am glad you have made it 6 days!! Great news. :goodjob:

      AF April 9, 2016



        I wish i was 20 and could stop this thing before it started but im afraid im nearly 42



          sorry my mistake

          Sorry my mistake, I re-read your thread and then realized you had been drinking since 20, and you could be considerably older now. If that is the case, ok, don't worry about it. You can do it......



            You are one year younger than me. I am 43, female and totally messed up with alcohol. It is ever so weird, no one knows the extent of it, only me. For when I am together, I am together, when I am not, I just lock myself away. How mad is this?? 6 days is amazing, I only manage three days, with prozac and then I just convince myself it is ok to drink the bottle of chilled wine. It has to date never worked out as planned. I hope I can manage 6 days... very soon.... Have had to go and get a job, as Idle hands lead to busy consumption of alco:Hhol. My prayers are with you. You made me laugh, a little... so that is good....



              That's great Tic Tac. Wouldn't be complaining. That's like asking for it

              I also only had light withdrawel symptoms the first couple of days but manageable. I think it depends on a lot of things including that it's different from person to person, their history, etc.

              Some ppl get severe withdrawel symptoms and have to be treated as it can be life threatening.

              Anycase. Keep going.!! Well done for having the first 6 days pocketed!!
              AF since 15th March 2010

              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.



                Hi again. After rereading your post, I realized that you are consuming nowhere the quantity that I do when I drink.

                It would be awesome if you could stop it now.

                My increase did not occur until my late 40s. I got up to a fifth a day or more of vodka.

                J4T, you can do it!!

                AF April 9, 2016



                  Thanks for all your replies but i thinki misled you a little ,i did 6 days about a week ago then i drank,then i did 2 days,then i drank ,ect



                    tztztztztz..... lol. Ok, the rest of my post still applies. Let me then add, you 've done 6 days so you can do it again, and more!!
                    AF since 15th March 2010

                    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.



                      what a fraud

                      ha ha this is so much a joke. You not only tried to tell us you were 20 although if we re-read we would find you 42!!! Then you told us that you did 6 days clean!!! I think 6 days is marvellous whatever you may think, next time try for 7...........



                        1 bottle of wine a day isn't generally enough to expect withdrawals from. 2-3 every day then possibly yes.



                          I am here to tell anyone al withdrawl can Kill almost killed me...please if you can't taper down little by little which takes a lot of discipline!!! Please get to a doctor and get librium this drug has been around for a very long time it's for al withdrawl..and have somebody watch over you.. a seizure can come on when your not even expecting it..This no game if you get sedatives and still are shaking very badly.. I can't urge you enough how important it is to go to your nearest ER room admittedly!!!Trucker123



                            tictak;853966 wrote: Why is t that i dont any withdrawal symptoms when ive not had a drink for 6 days even though ive been drinking at leat 4 bottles of wine a week since i was 20 and about 7 bottles for the last 5 years?
                            Hi Tiktak, hope your well. Its so nice to see you here. were about the same consumption and stopping wise so it would be good to help eachother out on our journey. Ive been worried about withdrawals too though Im only on day 2.

                            I reckon be pleased that your not suffering and help it along/support the detox with lots of water, nice food etc, though if your doing that already, plus the supps maybe thats why your doing ok. Also, a bottle every day maynot be enough.

                            well done on the 6 days too. Go girl xx




                              Thank you for posting your message.

                              While most people do not suffer serious withdrawals, enough do, and they can be deadly, that going to a doctor and getting librium is a very good idea.

                              I have had two seizures, myself, and know how bad it can be. Another dangerous thing is that withdrawals can cause very high blood pressure and lead to stroke or heart attack.

                              So, if you are feeling weak, shaky, etc, get to a doctor.

                              AF April 9, 2016

