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    Congrats on 6 days tictak!!!:goodjob:

    I went on a bad binge this weekend (boyfriend and I broke up on Friday.....excuses, excuses) and went thru 2 liters of vodka Saturday afternoon thru Sunday. I woke up yesterday morning (Monday) feeling very dizzy, shaky and felt sick to my stomach. I had to call in sick to work. I eventually gave in and had a couple of drinks mid day to feel better. I drank alot of water and slept alot and feel somewhat decent today.

    I've had those WD symptoms before after a heavy binge. This is a terrible desease and I hate myself right now. But anyways, you're very lucky to miss the withdrawals. They suck!! :hitme:




      Hi jewels,the most ive ever drunk in a whole day is probably 2.5 bottles cos i just fall asleep... wine that is.I put this thread up because ive heard of ppl on the sane consumption as me having withdrawal symtoms




        Some do get withdrawls on perhaps 2 bottles a day, but 1 then I wouldn't expect them. That's not to say you won't miss your drinking, feel agitated and restless etc. Full withdrawls are life threatening but you generally get some warning and a lot of people detox without any problems.

        There is a 3rd danger - that the drinker uses fear of withdrawals as an excuse to keep drinking or taper. A bit of common sense generally works best but I'm not surprised you aren't feeling anything.



          I would not complain either ticktak!
          Don't worry.. the human body is very resilient and good at getting rid of toxins (AL) from the body.. Maybe you drank alot of water or took vitamins when drinking?
          At least now you have stopped and are able to give your body chance to right itself.. even if no withdrawl sx, your body (and mind) will still thank you for stopping!
          Katie xx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"




            tictak - I was just about a bottle of wine a day drinker. I had a few false starts, very like you, but then managed 30 days AF which was fantastic. I didn't have any major withdrawals except a very sweet tooth! Like Johnny H says - you've done it before - do some more

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:




              i think that is exactly my problem...i start to get over anxious about WD's...then i drink cause i think i have too. how sick. i will drink even when i dont want to, just because of the sick al games my mind plays...then i wake up in the morning and drink again if i dont have to work, just to stop this is messed guys are awesome, you know all the mind games that al brings and the games cant continue if the cheaters are brought out into the light. thanks!
              i am currently back up to 1/4 pint vodka plus 2 beers or sometimes more per night....i dont get hangovers mostly, i have ativan for wd's but still i am scared...yet some part of me enjoys my nightly trip to oblivious...even tho i have the best intentions, once i get 1/2 of the 1/4 pint down its all over and i can no longer stop or slow down much..except to pass out. i spend most of my drinking time here, just searching and searching, looking for an answer that in reality exists only within.....
              at one point not long ago i got down to 2 beers per night, and would buy that every day after work....apparently was not enough. darn it all. next thing i know i am buying the 1/4 pints of vodka then adding some beer...i cannot buy in volume as i will drink it and my kids would freak if they see me drink anything at all....frustrated and not sure how to get control......sorry for the somewhat tipsy rant....xxoo Lion

