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No More Butts...The Beginning..

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    No More Butts...The Beginning..

    RunningCourage;1399538 wrote: Hey LG,

    I've never heard of Celexa, but I gave up smoking by buying 3months worth of nicorette patches going from 21mg and tappering to 14mg and then to 7mg...

    I admit there have been two times since i originally quit (Apr 2008) where i've slipped back into smoking for a few weeks... so then i bought the lozenges. But not touched them for a couple of years now.

    Smoke free now.
    Good to hear. I quit cold turkey for 9 days a couple of years ago. It was easy but the triggers to smoke were TOO strong so I need a good period fag free before going nicotine free.

    Time to wash the clothes the curtains reprint and remove all vestiges of fags.

    I reckon three months at least.


      No More Butts...The Beginning..


      HI LibraryGirl,

      I have a lot of experience with Celexa. I was originally prescribed it 12 years ago. I went off it during pregnancy, as a side effect is weight loss and it wasn't clear if the baby would put on enough weight. I had a massive and dangerous case of PRE natal depression, and the doctor put me back on. I have been on ever since, with one or two minor deviations.

      I've also tried Zoloft, Prozac, Cymbalta, and Abilify, prescribed for depression, anxiety, and chronic pain issues to due nerve damage. Everything else had ugly side effects. I really think Celexa is a nice option, especially if weight gain is a concern.

      I hope this helps.

      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

      AF since Oct 2, 2012


        No More Butts...The Beginning..

        K9Lover;1399497 wrote:

        I know BOTH of you can do this...I will help in any way that I can. Smoking has turned out to be easier to STAY quit than drinking, but getting started quitting on smoking took a lot longer, and I had A LOT of failures. For me, getting past 7 days...every day of the week, was a huge milestone. Plus, I get a pretty little sticker every day I don't smoke. Oh, I also get a sticker each day I don't drink, oh...AND each day I give my dog her medicine. LOL Yeah I like stickers, so what. HA I'm here if you guys need me!!!
        I will need any help on offer especially when quitting the patches I think. I have a bigger block to smoking than drinking for some reason.

        The idea of quitting drinking made me a little sad but mostly happy.
        The idea of quitting smoking makes me angry, for some reason.


          No More Butts...The Beginning..

          The first time I was able to go 30 days without smoking, I was using an electronic cigarette. While that was fine for eliminating the nicotine, I felt like I was still "pretending" to smoke, and for me, it's the ACT of smoking that I'm addicted to, not the actual smoking! So after that attempt failed (because my habits hadn't really changed) I smoked for another 8 months without even trying to quit. This last quit has been similar to alcohol, I'm finally just TIRED of it. I also know that it was very upsetting to my daughter. Once I got past the first SEVEN days, it got so much easier because I had lived through every day of the week. I still get a craving at certain times, like after cleaning the entire house, I miss the "reward" cigarette...but filling my lungs with tar isn't a good reward. At 61 days, I hardly even think about it anymore, it's something I did in the past, that's all.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            No More Butts...The Beginning..

            K9Lover;1399878 wrote: The first time I was able to go 30 days without smoking, I was using an electronic cigarette. While that was fine for eliminating the nicotine, I felt like I was still "pretending" to smoke, and for me, it's the ACT of smoking that I'm addicted to, not the actual smoking! So after that attempt failed (because my habits hadn't really changed) I smoked for another 8 months without even trying to quit. This last quit has been similar to alcohol, I'm finally just TIRED of it. I also know that it was very upsetting to my daughter. Once I got past the first SEVEN days, it got so much easier because I had lived through every day of the week. I still get a craving at certain times, like after cleaning the entire house, I miss the "reward" cigarette...but filling my lungs with tar isn't a good reward. At 61 days, I hardly even think about it anymore, it's something I did in the past, that's all.
            Thanks K9, I did 9 days a few years ago but I was off work and the first day I went back to work I caved. The intensity of the craving due to the association was overwhelming.

            I HATE using patches but fear I have to try this method cos I want to stop and haven't tried them properly.
            So where is WILDFLOWERS cos we gotta get this show on the road! LOL


              No More Butts...The Beginning..

              kuya;1400407 wrote: Thanks K9, I did 9 days a few years ago but I was off work and the first day I went back to work I caved. The intensity of the craving due to the association was overwhelming.

              I HATE using patches but fear I have to try this method cos I want to stop and haven't tried them properly.
              So where is WILDFLOWERS cos we gotta get this show on the road! LOL
              I went 5 or 6 days, five yrs ago & caved. Was a major biotch & really didn't want to. Didn't have much support & more stress too. Mind is in a better place. Now granted I may still be a biotch, just not as major one all the time :H.

              I also invested $ this summer & now am financially motivated, along with the obvious health concerns.

              So here I am. I have two ciggies left. I will use gum for the remainder of the evening. I'm in PST. Tom Am; I will slap a patch on. Will read info leaflet tonight.

              So here I go. Mr Wilde even requested I not start on the wknd. What a wise man he is. As I'm sure that I will be even a bit more of a lunatic than I already am. :nutso:

              Oh & K9 I have a box of stickers left over in my art cupboard from when my girls were little. One of my bff's has grandkids. Yes, when I was young I was a sticker collector to. Luved your ideas!!!... Really smoking isn't doing much for me!!!... Much is habit & is done out of boredom & at certain times. Yanno. It's the Nicotine it's self I think that will be tough too. But, I'm going to do it!!!!.... I can, I will, I must. Need to give birth to a signature line.

              If only Oney would come back now. I'm going to think about her again real hard! :h But, I'm counting on you mainly here & may hop over to that site like everybody suggests. :thanks: For helping us, your a gem. :l


                No More Butts...The Beginning..

                I will start with my patches in the morning .......absolutely terrified WF

                Odd eh, when booze didn't scare me, not my primary addiction and didn't do it all day!

                Good luck. Catch you tomorrow


                  No More Butts...The Beginning..

                  kuya;1401302 wrote: I will start with my patches in the morning .......absolutely terrified WF

                  Odd eh, when booze didn't scare me, not my primary addiction and didn't do it all day!

                  Good luck. Catch you tomorrow
                  Reporting for duty. Day One. Showered, drinking coffee in new location. Craving ciggie. Haven't put patch on yet. Will shortly. Don't feel terrified yet! Hopefully, we will feel terrified at diff times & be able to offer encouragement & support.

                  It feels weird drinking coffee without ciggie.

                  Oh Feck, this isn't going to be easy. I've been having trouble breathing. I have a long over due physical on 11/12. I had lungs x-rayed on 2/12. I think it may be my Graves disease, as labs from two wks ago were bad, they haven't been this bad in 6 months. Shortness of breath is a symptom.

                  K9 says we just have to get thru 7 days of this shite & we will feel better Kuya. Booze did scare the shite out of me at the end & it should have several other times too, but it didn't. When I worked full time I never drank in am, but couldn't wait to get out as I often didn't feel good & needed a fix. But then I got up at 3:30 am & often not in bed until 11-12.

                  So are ciggies your primary addiction then? Plzz only answer what you are comfy with!!! I've had a few in my life. Alcohol, ciggies, maybe even sex, pot I don't thinks so, but when I was young I did like it. I also stay away from casinos. Went on vacation this summer, & it's too exciting. I think I like all the bells, whistles, lights, excitement. Not a shopper, or food addict. Tho I do occasionally have a piggie out day. Pizza ~ carbs. Since quitting drinking, text book chochie.

                  Oh Gawd, I hope we don't gain a bunch of weight, I already need to lose. OK, over that, fuck it. Lets focus on quittin the fags first. Damn it, I'm out emotocons wanted the laughy taffy ones. :-) By the way I was braggin on my girls on the fuck it thread that's right!!! Proud Mama I am :-) They could be covered in fecking warts & I'd be believe they are beautiful princesses & tell the world to. :-)

                  Craving a ciggie now, so I better go slap that patch on & get ready, out the door.

                  Kuya, lets just get thru today. I will look for tips to help us as your busier than me. Lets stay focused on day one, positive. I know when I read back on this thread that's the gist of it. I've just been busy researching a few other things.

                  We are the odd couple, as you put. :-) I rather think this is funny. We both luv to :H I had no idea we'd be partnering up.

                  WE CAN DO THIS WOMAN!!! :-) :goodjob: WE WANT TO LIVE ~ WE WANT TO BREATH

                  Oh & K9 your the funny one, esp when you & Scotty are exchanging wardrobe.:H


                    No More Butts...The Beginning..

                    Here we go...right??? RIGHT!!!

                    Day 1 is hard, be prepared. Change your routine as much as possible. I ONLY smoked at home in my backyard, so the first week I quit, I stayed away from home at lunch time. I killed my lunch hour at Walmart! I have to admit that I did gain 5lbs when I quit. I went to my doctor she mentioned it and I said "I quit drinking AND smoking, what do you want from me lady?" She laughed and said the 5 pounds were just fine! I am going to start walking in the evenings though, time to do something. My little mutt and I both need to get our waistlines under control (My dog is named Sandy...she wreaks havoc of her own. lol)

                    So we can do this together...I'm here for any support. I'm hardly an "expert", but I'll help where I can. Last night I was cleaning out my dresser drawers and ran across my eCigarette...I threw it away.

                    Hang in there, you can conquer this beast too!!!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      No More Butts...The Beginning..

                      I'm happy to report that at 2:15 PST the Patch is doing its job. No physical cravings. I'm keeping my mind & hands busy. I will go buy some cinnamon gum, tip from leaflet. I'm needing some oral fixation, I think. I don't want to eat all the Halloween Candy. :-(

                      I smoked outside in backyard & then out side of car. About 1/2 to 1pk a day. Average 3/4 of a pk. I tried that e-ciggie too ( a yr ago, I think, can't member) & it made me cough. Who'd a thought.

                      Yes, we can do this together at this grrrt place of support, encouragement & ignore the rest. It just takes time!.... One day at time & sometimes one minute too.

                      Really is comfort knowing your here K9. Knowing you've recently been through this. Thank you hun!... :l :h :thanks: so much!!!!..... :-)


                        No More Butts...The Beginning..

                        Wildflowers;1401803 wrote: I'm happy to report that at 2:15 PST the Patch is doing its job. No physical cravings. I'm keeping my mind & hands busy. I will go buy some cinnamon gum, tip from leaflet. I'm needing some oral fixation, I think. I don't want to eat all the Halloween Candy. :-(

                        I smoked outside in backyard & then out side of car. About 1/2 to 1pk a day. Average 3/4 of a pk. I tried that e-ciggie too ( a yr ago, I think, can't member) & it made me cough. Who'd a thought.

                        Yes, we can do this together at this grrrt place of support, encouragement & ignore the rest. It just takes time!.... One day at time & sometimes one minute too.

                        Really is comfort knowing your here K9. Knowing you've recently been through this. Thank you hun!... :l :h :thanks: so much!!!!..... :-)
                        Can't get my head straight on this. Wanted to drink last night for the first time since I quit. Was that a panic reaction to the thought of quitting smoking? Dunno but really struggling to even start.

                        Anyway WF ...... You go girl!


                          No More Butts...The Beginning..


                          Understandable! Your brain was telling you how much you're "giving up" and it's throwing a little tantrum! But you know what, you are in charge and only YOU can put EITHER poison in your body (alcohol or nicotine). If you didn't start today...go ahead and start's all part of the process. Can I suggest you throw away all cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays? I KNOW FOR A FACT that I would have caved by now if I'd even had one cigarette at home, but there was NO WAY I was gonna go buy a whole whatever it takes to trick your brain!

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            No More Butts...The Beginning..

                            Thanks K,

                            I need to clean my house and my car AND tell my family. I have done none of these then wonder why I am not prepared. We can be sooooo dumb sometimes eh?


                              No More Butts...The Beginning..

                              Can't get my head straight on this. Wanted to drink last night for the first time since I quit. Was that a panic reaction to the thought of quitting smoking? Dunno but really struggling to even start.
                              I can't remember how long you've been sober, but I'm thinkin about 3-4 months? Whatever you do, plzz don't jeopardize your sobriety over this quittin smoking!!! I knew during my 4 month alcohol ~ craving ~ curse, I wasn't going to risk my sobriety by quittin the fags! If your not ready Kuya, it's OK!!!... You will know when you are! You be nice to Kuya! No worries!!!... Your not a dumb woman either. !!!

                              I made it thru day one & it was difficult some times. The typical ones of course. I agree with K9, I threw away my ashtrays & no ciggies now. Except I do have this big pot outside with some butts & I thought if I kept it I might use it as aversion therapy, but I thought about lighting one up tonight, but didn't. Sigh..... It's late nighty ~ night. It was a long day one.


                                No More Butts...The Beginning..

                                Ugh..... I cannot tell you how many quit days have seen me foraging for butts. I was never that bad with alcohol..... No wait......I NEVER left any alcohol! :H:H

                                I'll get there, but well done you on today. My friend quit easily with patches but her mindset was right and it sounds like yours is too. :goodjob:

