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No More Butts...The Beginning..

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    No More Butts...The Beginning..

    Look at us kicking Uncle Nic's ASS!

    Day 12 here....3 nicotine gums per day...I should have went this route years ago....*sigh* and learn! :h
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      No More Butts...The Beginning..

      K-9 you're here now, so f**k the past!!!!! Let's move on from all of that.

      Frequent, it's outa your system! Now it's the mental crap. You can do this. Did you list reasons for quitting so you can look at it from time to time. I've quit as many or more times than I quit drinking, so it's all right there for me.

      Hi Nice! How long for you?
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        No More Butts...The Beginning..


        Will try again.......................................
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          No More Butts...The Beginning..

          Hello Peeps!

          K9 - never mind. I know you'll never give up giving up!

          FT - well done.

          J-Vo - I've never smoked. My daughter does and my son used to. Daughter is now trying the gum. The damage smoking does long term terrifies me - especially for my children. My mother could never manage to give up and tried everything.

          If giving up the ciggies is as hard as my second quit, I'm in awe of anyone who manages to get it done!
          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa


            No More Butts...The Beginning..

            K-9, come out from behind that couch and forgive yourself. You did it, and you can do it again! I've been thinking as I'm trying to get through a bout of depression, why not? Well, if I do get really down, you better believe I'm gonna pick up a smoke before I pick up a drink. OMG, both my husband and son are over here farting on the couch. Sorry! They're gross. Anyhow, are you going to start back tomorrow?

            Nice, another family issue - lung cancer. Well, both sides of family we have lost several due to lung cancer. Both my grandparents died at 67 years old. I was 23 and living with them at the time. Parents and younger sister moved to Phila and I didn't want to leave my then boyfriend, my now husband. So I moved in with them. My grandfather had been diagnosed before I moved in, about three months prior, and they gave him a the usual 6 months. Anyhow, grandfather was doing well, went through radiation and some other treatments. The following year, grandma landed in the hospital. They had to remove one of her lungs due to the cancer which they hadn't known she had until she went to the hospital. She had a heart attack after the surgery. My grandfather had been on his way to the hospital that morning to see gram, as I got a call from the hospital asking for him. I told him he just left for the hospital. Well, that was the call. He came back home and we cried together. After she died, he struggled, tumor travelled to his brain, and then he passed. It was a sad, very sad time in my life. I was afraid. I was angry. I used to call my parents and express how mad I was that they left me with their dying parents. Wow. I really loved my grandparents. They were so special. They took us everywhere when my sister and I were young. They loved us so much. And I still miss them. Wow, didn't think I'd get that deep into that story. I love you Gram and Pap. Miss you.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              No More Butts...The Beginning..

              j-vo - :l:l
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                No More Butts...The Beginning..

                :l J-vo :l Sometimes it helps to get it down in writing.... :h:h

                I won't ever quit's DAMN hard...for me its way harder than alcohol...probably because it doesn't make me stupid. I got damn tired of being an idiot when I was drunk...

                Still have the gum...will try again Sunday....
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  No More Butts...The Beginning..

                  Totally understand K9!!!
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    No More Butts...The Beginning..

                    I've been having stinkin' drinkin' thoughts lately. Thank goodness for Antabuse. I figure the ciggies are the lesser of two evils at this point! I am back on track with the alcohol to kick the sh*t out of the nicotine! :stomper:
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      No More Butts...The Beginning..

                      I suppose those will pop up at anytime, especially this time of year. I know your daughter is going away for a little while, read that somewhere. Do you think that's where your stinkin' thinkin' is coming from? Yes, I agree, that picking up a smoke is a much better idea than a drink. Like that plan, and I will do the same. What do you have planned for that time? I know if both son and hubby were gone, that would be a huge trigger for me. I'd have to plan very carefully.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        No More Butts...The Beginning..

                        Hi everyone...

                        I'm 49 days AF and grateful for it! But I've recently been allowing myself cigarettes. I'm stopping that nonsense today. Day 1 NF.

                        My gf gently yet firmly reminded me that I can't really have a good life and accomplish all I want to accomplish if Im dealing with chemo or emphysema. shes right. Cigarettes can fuck right off.

                        Best to all



                          No More Butts...The Beginning..

                          Hi Skull and welcome!

                          As you can see from this thread, I have been attempting to quit the cigs for a few years. I've made it 82 days and then somehow caved. Your GF is totally right, we don't have time for chemo!!

                          J-Vo - Yes my daughter will be at a sleepover this Saturday, then next week she is going to her dads for about 10 days. I will be all alone and that's when I think "why not??"....then I think "Here's why not: I will drink a 12 pack, decide it's ok to drive to get more and end up in jail...or I'll walk around the neighborhood in my pajamas being stupid...or I will shave the dog, or I will leave the oven on all night, or I will...etc, etc." You get the point!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            No More Butts...The Beginning..

                            Hi K9 and thanks for the kind welcome PS what kind of canines do ya have? I've got a corgi puppy. We call him the Chaos Bringer and the Sonic Death Monkey.

                            How would you guys feel about me doing a daily NF count here, like i do with AF days on the rollcall thread? And would anyone want to join me? I don't plan to count forever, but maybe 90 days or more...

                            Edit- whew just got a total cig craving. It's a good opportunity to practice dealing with cravings, and reminding myself that it'll just take 10 minutes or so to pass. I dont need to satiate it. I can let myself feel the jitters, the salivating, and know that they can be felt and that it's not a big deal, and that they'll pass.

                            Satiating our every desire is overrated. Oftentimes im finding that deprivation is oddly more satisfying-- if it means depriving myself of poison and keeping healthier because of it. It feels more adult, more Spartan. It's a new feeling of self-integrity that is most welcome.


                              No More Butts...The Beginning..

                              I'm in for the NF count. Anything to keep to going!

                              And yep, I get it K9. We want you right here, safe and comfy away from Diablo!
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                No More Butts...The Beginning..

                                OK-- yesterday I caved, so today is Day 1 tobacco-free. I started a roll call thread here for those that are interested in counting days. I for one have sort of fallen in love with counting days, it feels good to me..


