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Addicted TV show

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    Addicted TV show

    Has anyone seen the new "Addicted" tv show? It's one of those that ends with an intervention on an alcoholic or drug addict. I saw one last night where a diabetic was living in squander, drinking gallons of vodka and then throwing up and having the shakes.

    For some reason, the show started upsetting me and I had to turn it off. I'm not sure why...sometimes when I see stuff like that I start telling myself I wasn't THAT bad....and then I get irritated with some of the jargon and cliches... like the family saying they love the person but not the disease.

    Not to start a debate, but I firmly believe there can be no change without radical love and acceptance (of self and others). And that means accepting that person, gallon of vodka in hand. Loving the person, and yes, accepting the disease along with them.

    It would never work for someone to tell me, stop drinking wine or I can't be a part of your life anymore. And only through developing self-love have I been able to start changing. (now on day 13 of 30).

    The show is an example of why I bristle at traditional recovery programs. I know many of you have been helped by AA and the like... so I don't mean to offend. I just thank the goddess there are alternatives like MWO. You people are great. If you've read this far, thanks for listening to my rant. :thanks:

    Addicted TV show

    Crowgirl, I used to watch shows like "Addicted" and "Intervention" to affirm to myself that I wasn't too bad, phew! It almost became an excuse to keep doing what I was doing because I never was arrested, in the hospital, lost a job and was functioning OK during the day.

    I've realized though that on these shows they spotlight the extreme cases that make for great TV, and it doesn't give me a pass to continue on my path.

    As far as the jargon and how addicts are coerced to go into treatment.... I just don't know what I feel about that. Everyone is different. From watching alot of these shows, it seems as though the people that are really pressured into treatment don't seem to make it in the end. The ones that seem to make it are at least open to accept help. In the end it's up to the addict.


      Addicted TV show

      I can't watch those shows. There is so much "blocking out" of the cuss words, it's too distracting for me. Also, I think it's not good for me to watch them, because it makes me feel that I'm not that bad, so I'm not really an alcoholic. I got the same way whenever I sat in an AA meeting and listened to the other's drunkalogues.


        Addicted TV show

        I've seen the program. I have mixed feelings about someone profitting from exposing the suffering of others, but at least our country is finally acknowledging what is happening, and the stories are heart-wrenching. As far as which route to follow, we must all find our own path. It doesn't have to suit everyone, just help us heal ourselves.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Addicted TV show

          I watch these shows, but I spend a lot of time fast forwarding. They have a specific format where they follow that shows the person addicted, then reminisce back in time to where they were the "best baby and child...blah blah" then a segment that shows them at their worst. Then fast forward to the intervention where everyone reads a letter. I swear I can watch these one hour shows in about 15 minutes. I just want to see if they actually go to treatment, and more importantly, if they stay and continue seeking help. Maybe I'm hard hearted but I don't bother listening to the tearful letters read by family members, bottom line for me is to see if the person actually gets help. I have seen some really eye opening episodes though, like the one lady that drank gallons of listerine. Whether you choose to watch these shows or not, it's important not to compare ourselves to others and just focus on our own recovery, day by day.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Addicted TV show

            I agree that when I have watched them I feel like "I'm not that bad and so I'm really okay".

            However many of these people where successful and totally in control. So it makes me think, maybe in a few years I'll get worse and worse and then perhaps be in the same state. These people didn't become hard core overnight. They "were" like many of us at one point and kept going.......

            I agree with K9, I could skip through all the letters. Once you've seen one show it's all the same in the intervention room (mostly anyway). I want to see what recovery the went to and if they remained clean. That's what gives me hope. I hate to see them return to the addiction.

